人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1Section A1a—1c

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人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1Section A1a—1c_第1页
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Unit 11a 1cWhere did you go on vacation? went to the beach A: Where did Shitou go on vacation?B: He went to the beach.A: Did he go with his father?B: Yes, he did. stayed at homeA: Where did Kimi go on vacation?B: He stayed at home.A: Did he watch TV at home?B: No, he didnt. went to summer campA: Where did Angela go on vacation?B: She went to summer camp.A: Did she have a good time?B: . went to the mountains A: Where did Cindy go on vacation?B: She went to the mountains.A: Did she eat any good food?B: . visited museumsA: Where did Tiantian go on vacation?B: He visited museums.A: Did he buy anything?B: . A: Where did they go on vacation?B: They went to New York City.A: Did they have a good time?B: .went to New York City Make conversations about the people in the picture. 1. stayed at home _2. went to New York City _3. visited my uncle _4. went to summer camp _5. went to the mountains _6. went to the beach _7. visited museums _ bdcgaeMatch the activities with the pictures a-g.1af Listen and number the people in the picture (1-5).1. Tina 2. Xiang H ua 3. Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom 4 32 51b It was a sunny day. Kimi went to Jiangchuan on vacation with his father. First, they visited the museum and saw lots of interesting things. Then they went to the beach. Kimi had great fun playing in the water. They ate some fish and potato rice for dinner. Wow, the food was delicious! Example: East west, home is the best. Love our homeland and make it better and better! It was a sunny day. Tiantian _(go) to Chengjiang _(度假) with his father. First, they _(拜访朋友). Then they went to Yuechun Hotel. They _(have) a short rest. In the afternoon, They _(去了帽天山). Tiantian _(see) lots of fossil(化石). How interesting the fossil _(are). In the evening, Tiantian and his father _(去了海滩). Fuxian Lake was so beautiful. They _(watch) the stars at night.They both_(过得愉快) in Chengjiang.根据文章大意,翻译括号里的汉语,或用所给词的正确形式填空。wenton vacationvisited friendshadwent to Mountain Maotiansaw werewent to the beachwatchedhad a good time What have you learnt in this class? Can you share it with us?If you cant express it in English, you can speak Chinese. 1.牢记本节课所学的短语、句子和动词过去式。2.请搜集峨山的旅游景点和当地美食,写一篇关于Cindy父女到峨山游玩的小短文。 板 书 设 计 ( 图 片 )


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