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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Lesson 27A Wet Night 雨夜,What do we have to take when we go camping,Camping equipment,first aid kit,急救用品,tent,tent,帐篷,hammer,hm,锤子,sleeping bag,睡袋,blanket,blkit,毯子,folding chair,flashlight,fl,lait,手电筒,New words and expressions,tent soundly,field leap,smell heavily,wonderful stream,campfire form,creep wind,sleeping bag right,comfortable,put up,a tent,搭帐篷,peg down a tent 用木桩固,定帐篷,pull down a tent 拆帐篷,We always sleep in a tent,when we go camping.,当我们出去露营的时候,我们经常睡帐篷,.,tent,帐篷,field,n.田地,田野;领域;专业;视野,在田野里,in the field,develop unexplored fields of industries,开发未曾探索的工业领域,ones special field,某人的专业,a wide field of vision,广阔的视野,smell v.闻起来 smelled/smelt,1)(感官动词)+adj.;,2)不用于被动语态,不用于进展时态,eg.The fish smells _.,A.good B.nicely,C.well,类似的动词还有:,sound look feel,v.嗅到实意动词,eg.I can smell trouble coming.,我凭直觉感到要有麻烦了。,eg.I smelled something burnt.,我闻到有什么被烧糊了。,【短语】,smell round/smell about 东嗅西嗅,到,处打听,eg.The dogs were smelling round,perhaps they smelt the thief.,smell of 带有.气味通常指令人不,快的气味,eg.The house smells of paint.,房子有油漆的味道。,campfire n.营火,篝火,camp n.营地,a holiday camp 度假营地,an army camp 军营,a concentration camp(德国纳粹的)集中营,have a foot in both camps,脚踩两只船,v.设营,扎营,宿营,露营,go camping 野营,度假,eg.他们在山顶附近扎营。,They camped near the top of the hill.,campfire 营火,篝火,open fire,bonfire,camp bed,折叠床,行军床,creep v.慢慢地,悄悄地或偷偷地移动,尤指弯着腰走,eg.The cat crept silently(静静,地)towards the bird.,那只猫悄悄地接近那只鸟。,eg.Old age creeps on you before you,realize it.,人不知不觉变老了。,eg.The boys crept into their tent.,孩子们钻进弯着腰帐篷。,crawl v.爬,爬行,匍匐前进,crawl 使用于蛇类,无足,以腹部着地而,行或者动作缓慢之虫类,而creep 那么表示四,足动物,缓慢而行,然而,快速前进之虫,类,仍多以creep 表示。,sleeping bag 睡袋,sleeping car 卧铺车厢,sleeping pill 安眠药,eg.Let sleeping dogs lie.,(谚)不捅马蜂窝,不惹麻烦,comfortable adj.舒适的,comfort n.,(1)舒适,身心安康,抚慰不可数名词,live in comfort 过得舒适,a few words of comfort 几句抚慰的话,(2)令人抚慰的人或事可数名词,eg.Her children are a great comfort to her.,对她来讲孩子是最大的抚慰。,(3)(生活方面)使人舒适的设备,comfort station 公共厕所,comfortable adj.舒适的,uncomfortable,一把舒适的椅子 a chair,一辆舒适的车 a car,eg.Make yourself comfortable!,请别客气!,comfortably adv.舒适地 in comfortable,eg.She sat in the sofa comfortably.,soundly adv.香甜地,充分地,sleep soundly 睡的很香sleep deeply,sound adj.,(1)健全的,安康的,完好的,children of sound mind and body,身心安康的孩子,(2)正确的,合理的,sound advice 忠告,(3)充分的,彻底的,a sound sleep 酣睡,leap,vi.跳,跳跃,(jump as far as one can;jump over),eg.We leapt out of the tent.,我们跳出了帐篷。,Look before you leap.,谚 三思而后行。,leap 大多用于前方的跳跃,jump 向前方,上方,任一方的跳跃皆,可,leap n.跳跃,eg.She made beautiful leaps.,她优美地跳跃了几下。,Great Leap Forward 大跃进1958,leap year 闰年,a leap in the dark 有勇无谋的行为,瞎闯,heavily adv.大量地,heavy,1)adj.沉的;超出一般规模,数量,力量,的;重大的,a heavy rain 大雨,eg.It rains cats and dogs.,倾盆大雨,a heavy snow,a heavy crop 丰收,a heavy cold 重感冒,heavy traffic 交通拥挤,2)食物腻人的,难消化的,heavy food,stream,n.,溪流;川流不息的事物;潮流,【短语】,a stream of,water,一股细,流,a stream of people,人潮川流不息,a stream of history,历史的潮流,down the stream,顺流,向下游,go against the stream,逆流,反潮流,In a stream/in streams,川流不息地,on stream,在生产中(的),form n.表格,形式,填表格 fill in the froms,用动词的正确形式填空,fill in the blanks with the right forms of,verbs,v.1)形成,构成,a stream had formed in the field,田间形成了一条小溪,造句 form sentences,2)形成想法,方案,意见等,eg.I cannot form an opinion about it.,对这件事情我没有意见。,form+al formal adj.正式的,informal 非正式的,formal clothes 正式的礼服,formal adj.外表上的,formal politeness 外表上殷勤,wind v.蜿蜒 wound,wound,a winding road 蜿蜒的小路,eg.The river winds down to the sea.,小河蜿蜒流向大海。,The path winds through the woods.,这条路蜿蜒穿过树林。,wind ones way across/through,蜿蜒穿过。,eg.She wound her way through the,crowd.她绕来绕去,穿过人群。,text explain,Late in the afternoon,the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.,划线局部为时间状语,交代了时间,late in the afternoon 黄昏时分,early in the morning 一大早,late at night 深夜,in the middle of 表示“在当中、“在中间,既可以用于表示地理位置,又可以用于表示时间或在某个过程当中:,He heard someone shouting in the middle of the night.,午夜前后,他听到有人大声叫喊。,As soon as,this,was done,they,cooked a meal,over an open fire.,【构造分析】主从复合句。as soon as 引,导时间状语从句,表示前后动作的严密衔接。,as soon as 一 就 后面跟句子,the moment,just after,thisthey put up their tent in the middle of,the field,cook a meal for sb.给某人做饭,open fire=campfire,over(介词)在。之上,They were all hungry and the food smel,led,good.,【构造分析】含一般过去时的并列句,and 连,接的前后两个分句均为系表构造,smell做系动,词。,【hungry】adj.饥饿的,挨饿 go hungry,感到饥饿 feel hungry,饥饿的表情 a hungry look,【hunger】n.饥饿,死于饥饿 die of hunger,After a wonderful meal,they told stories and sang songs,by,the camp,fire.,介词by表示“在旁边、“靠近,通常指,距离非常近:beside/near,过来靠我坐。,Come and sit by me.,河边有许多树。,There are many trees by the river.,But some time,later,it began to rain.,副词 later表示“后来、“以后、“过后:,He told me he would come again later.,他告诉我他以后会再来的。,I met her again a few days later.,几天以后我又遇见了她。,The boys felt tired,so,they,p,u,t out,the fire and crept into their tent.,构造分析 so 连接并列句,so前的句子表,示原因,so后的句子表示结果。,put out the fire 扑灭火,be on fire 着火,catch fire 着火,【put 的相关短语】,put sth away 将收起,把。放回原处,eg.Put the toys away.,put,sth,back,把放回原处,Put the tools back where they belong.,请把工具放回原处.,put sth down,写下,用笔等记下;搁在,放下,The meeting is on the 22nd,put it down in your notebook.,会议要在22号举行,把日期记在你的笔记本上,put off,延期,推迟,拖延;关掉,他们决定把会议推迟


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