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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,6,Module,Unit 2,The London Eye is on your right.,Around town,Paul:Excuse me.Is there,a hotel in the,neighborhood?,Nancy:,Yes,there is.Just go straight and turn left.Its,down Bridge Street on the right.Its next to a,supermarket.,Paul:,Thank you very much.,Nancy:,Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul,and Nancy in the picture.,Warming up,1.Is there a pay,phone in the,neighborhood?,Yes,there is.Go,straight down,New Street and,turn right.There,is a pay phone,on the right.,2.Where is the bank?,Go straight down New Street and turn right.,Turn left at Bridge Street.The bank is across,from the street.,Revision,Complete the conversation.,A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way _ the museum,please?,B:Yes,its near the station.You go _ this street to the end.Then _ left,go _ the bridge and the museum is _ your right.,A:Thanks a lot.,B:_.,to,along,turn,across,on,Youre welcome,Teaching aims,1.,Key vocabulary and phrases:,take,famous,painting,from,above,river,clear,bridge,past,finish,2.,Key structure:,take the boat back,get off the boat at,on your right,3.,Reading and writing skill:,能读懂对地图或地方的描述,并能清楚地用书面文字给别人指路,描述某个地方的位置。,/,t,u,/,/,skw,/,/,m,I,dl,/,/,f,e,I,m,s,/,/,p,e,I,nt,I,/,/,fr,m,fr,m,/,/,m,i,:t,/,/,b,v,/,参观,旅行,n.,tour,广场,n.,square,中间,中等的,n.&adj.,famous,著名的,adj.,from,油画,n.,middle,从,出发,prep.,painting,米,n.,metre,Words and expressions,在,之上,prep.,above,/,r,I,v,/,/,kl,I,/,/,br,I,d,/,/,re,I,lw,e,I,/,/,p,:,st,/,/,t,:,t,/,/,f,I,n,I,/,河;江,n.,river,(,天气)晴朗的,adj.,clear,桥,n.,railway,铁路,n.,church,路过;越过,prep.,bridge,教堂,n.,past,结束;完成,v.,finish,表示方位的介词,on,the box,under,the box,in,the box,-Where,s,the soccer ball?,-It,s _ the box.,-,Where,s the soccer ball?,-It,s _ the box.,near,-Where,s the soccer ball?,-,It,s _ the box.,next to,-Where,s the soccer ball?,-,It,s _ the box.,in front of,-Where,s the soccer ball?,-It,s _ the box.,behind,-Where is the soccer ball?,-It,s _ the box.,across from,-Where is the soccer ball?,-It,s _.,between,the big box,and,the small box,Tower Bridge,Presentation,Big Ben,Buckingham Palace,Do you know which city we ll talk about?,the House of Parliament,The London Eye,Can you tell us the other famous places in London?,the National,Gallery,the Tower of London,伦敦眼是世界最大的摩天轮,为了纪念千禧年(,2000,年)而建。它坐落在泰晤士河畔,伦敦市议会大厦前面。伦敦眼高,135,米,可鸟瞰周围,25,英里之内的景观,。,伦敦塔九百多年来曾先后作为王宫、兵工厂、监狱及城堡,是伦敦最著名的建筑物之一。城堡共由,22,个高塔组成,。,1.Match the places with the pictures.,National Gallery,London Eye,Tower of London,Houses of Parliament,Buckingham Palace,Buckingham Palace,e,Tower of London,c,London Eye,b,Houses of Parliament,d,National Gallery,a,2.Watch and read,Learning to learn,When you read English,there,may be new words or phrases.,Some of them may be names,which you often cant translate.,Look at words which begin with,capital letters and decide if they,are names.,Then read the passage and follow the tour on the map.,Welcome to,this short tour of London.This square is Trafalgar Square and it is,the middle of,London.Were standing opposite the National Gallery,a famous museum with lots of famous paintings.From here,well walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace.The Queen lives there.,Turn left,and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.Opposite you can see the London Eye.It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.You can see most of London on a clear day.,When you are tired,the best way to see London is by boat.,You can get the boat near Big Ben.As you go along the river,the London Eye is on your right.,Get off,the boat at Tower Bridge.Next to the bridge is the Tower of London.,Its,over 900 years old.,After visiting the Tower of London,,,take the boat back along the river to the railway station.When you get off the boat,,,go past the station and walk along the street.Turn left into Kings Street and go past a church.Youre now back at the square.And this is where well finish our tour.,National,Gallery,Buckingha,m,Palace,Houses of Parliament,London Eye,Tower of London,Retelling,1.,clear,adj.,晴朗的,清晰的,如:,Its a clear day today.,派生词,:,clearly,adv.,清晰地,如:,An actor has to enunciate clearly.,2),用作形容词,如,:,The river has clear water.,3),用作动词,意思是,“,清理干净,”,,,如,:clear the table(,收拾桌子,),。,Language points,2.,famous,著名的,be famous for,“,以,出名或著称”,France is famous for its wine.,法国以其葡萄酒出名,be famous as,“,作为,出名或著称”,He is famous as a football player.,3.,get off,下车,Get off the bus on Oak Street.,1),反义词组,:get on,上车,;,此处的,on/off,是介词,宾语要跟在后面,不能置于中间,.,2)v.+,off,构成的短语,:,take off,脱掉,起飞,;,turn off,关上,;,keep off,不让,进入,;,fall off,从,摔下来,;,have.off,休息,;,set off,出发,动身。,4.,Next to,the bridge is the Tower of London.,这是一个倒装句,主语是“,the Tower of London,”,正常语序为:,The Tower of London is,next to,the bridge,next to,在,的旁边,紧靠,The post office is next to our school.,1)next to,是介词短语,后接名词或代词,;,2),同义词,:beside prep.,在,旁边,5.Opposite is the National Gallery,a museum,with,lots of famous paintings.,a museum,是,the National Gallery,的同位语,,with,引导的介词短语修饰,museum.,6.,When,you are tired,the best way to see London is by boat.,译文:当你累了,游览伦敦最好的方式便是乘船。,7.It takes you 135 metres,above,the River Thames.,它能把你带到


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