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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Reading,Unit 2,Culture shock,culture shock,camp,firework,turkey,international,admit,spare,degree,fail,manage,n.,文化冲击;文化休克,n.,度假营,n.,烟火;烟花,n.,火鸡,adj.,国际的,v.(,常指勉强,),承认,adj.,空闲的;空余的,n.,程度,v.,失败;未能,(,做到,),v.,完成,(,困难的事,),;勉力完成,Words Review,idiom,everyday,uniform,whatever,pink,purple,anyway,especially,baseball,education,n.,习语;惯用语,adj.,每天的;日常的,n.,校服,pron.,任何事物;一切事物,adj.,粉红色的,adj.,紫色的,adv.,无论如何;反正,adv.,尤其;特别,n.,棒球运动,n.,有教益的经历,Words Review,Match,set off,take off,in ones spare time,to a certain degree,get used to,under the weather,在某人空闲的时间里,习惯于;适应,使,(,炸弹等,),爆炸,略有不适;不得劲,脱下,在某种程度上,What is culture shock?,Read to learn Brad Lis experience in the US.,2.To learn some differences between American and Chinese culture,3.To learn the new words and useful expressions,Objectives,:,Focus on,Words:,culture shock camp international admit spare degree manage,idiom everyday uniform whatever,pink purple anyway especially baseball education fail,Phrases:,in ones spare time set off,to a certain degree get used to,under the weather take off,Patterns:,Im here today to tell you about my experience as an exchange student in the United States last year.,They organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time so that I wouldnt miss home or feel lonely.,At Halloween,I went to a party dressed as Harry Potter.,Where are Hi and Lo?,Whats the weather like?,What does Hi mean?,Does Lo understand what Hi says?,What does Lo think about when he hears what Hi says?,They are at the bus stop.,Its rainy.,He means its raining very heavily.,No,he doesnt.,He thinks about many cats and dogs falling to the ground.,Getting ready,Look at the cartoon and answer:,rain cats and dogs,=rain very heavily,idiom,Guess what the following idioms mean.,a white elephant,full of beans,under the weather,like a dog with two tails,the salt of the earth,having a lot of energy,slightly ill/sick,a very good and honest person that you can always depend on,a thing that is useless and no longer needed,although it may have cost a lot of money,very pleased and happy,Have you ever been to a foreign country?,Have you ever felt culture shock there?,What things did you notice that are different?,A What do you know about.?,Culture is the language,customs and way of life of the people in a country.Match the pictures with the sentences.Write the correct letters in the blanks.(P 18),We drive on the left side of the road._,We set off fireworks to celebrate the Chinese New Year._,The whole family sits around the table and has turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving.,_,4.We have a big holiday on 4,th,July.It is Independence Day._,5.We must take off our shoes when we enter peoples homes._,b,a,e,d,c,Guess which country it is.,China,The US,Japan,The US,The US,Who is Brad Li?,Which country did he go to?,Why did he go there?,What did he find different about the US?Have a guess and tick()the possible answers.,a language b school c food,d weather e festivals,A junior high school student in China.,The US.,On an international exchange.,Look at the introduction,the picture and the title of the speech on page 19.Then answer the questions below.(P 18),B Before you read,Living in another country,Brad Li is a junior high school student in China.He visited the US on an international exchange last year,and now he is giving a speech about his experience.,Listen and fill in the blanks.,Meeting at 12:30 p.m.today at School Hall,Brad Li,a _ student,will give a short speech about his experience as an exchange student.He spent _ living in _.He stayed with a _ in _.His speech will cover the language problems,the _ and the _.,Everyone is welcome.,ENGLISH CLUB,junior high school,a year,the US,host family,a small town,food school,Part,Paragraph(s),Main idea,Opening,Brad introduced _,_,_,Body,Brad talked about the life and _ he experienced in the US:_,_,Closing,Brad shared his feelings about the year in the US_ and _.,1,2-6,7-8,himself,the purpose and the main idea of his speech.,the culture shock,the language,the food and the school.,exciting educational,Task 1:Read and complete the column.,Read and finish the following tasks.,演讲稿的写作一般可以分为三个部分,即:开篇,(Opening),、正文,(Body),和结语,(Closing),。,演讲稿的开篇要简洁明了,引人入胜;正文部分要内容详实,有理有据;结语部分应留有余地,让人回味。,演讲稿的写作,1.What is Brad Lis speech about?,2.What was quite strange to Brad Li when,he first arrived in the US?,3.Where did he stay in the US?,4.What did the host family do for Brad so,that he wouldnt miss home or feel lonely?,His experience as an exchange student in the US.,The language,the food and even the school.,He stayed with a host family in a small town.,They organized a lot of activities for him in his spare time.,Task 2:Read and answer the questions.,5.What problem did Brad have in the first few,weeks when he communicated with the local,people?,6.What were the big differe


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