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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,0,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,民航乘务英语听力教程,Listening Skills on Cabin Affairs,Study hints:The following words are to help you understand what you hear on the tape for section one,two and three.,continental大陆的 demonstrate示范,the departure lounge隔离大厅 garlic大蒜,contraband制止进出口的物品 dentures假牙,poached salmon清蒸鮭鱼 descend下降,disgusting令人厌恶的 baggage allowance免费行李额,vague不清楚的,模糊的 invalid无效的,scented有香味的 exceed超过,胜过,be allergic to对过敏,In this part you will hear a short statement.Tick the answer which is the closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.,1.A.I prefer a big breakfast,.,B.I prefer a light breakfast,.,C.I prefer not to have breakfast,.,D.I prefer breakfast cooked by my mother.,2.A.My daughter eats a lot,.,B.My daughter looks small,.,C.My daughter doesn,t eat much,.,D.My daughter eats nothing.,.,3.A.The weather is good,.,B.The weather is bad,C.It is foggy.,D.Its rainy today.,4.A.I like eating eggs,very much.,B.I try to avoid eating many things,.,C.Eggs are good for,my health.,D,.,I can,t eat any eggs,.,5.A.Garlic is too smell.I can,t stand on it.,B.I don,t like the smell of garlic,.,C.Standing on the garlic is terrible,.,D.Garlic is a smell,.,6.A.I can,t find my no-smoking seat,.,B.There isn t any no-smoking seat on this plane.,C.The no-smoking seats are vacant.,D.My no-smoking seat is occupie,d.,7.A.Please follow the safety instructions.,B.Please watch the safety instructions,.,C.Please revise the safety instructions,.,D.Please recite the safety instructions,.,8.A.You cant change your seat after take-off,.,B.You can change your seat right now.,C.You can change your seat after take-off.,D.You cant find your seat after take-off.,9.A.Please put on glasses,denture,and all sharp objects.,B.Please take off glasses,dentures,and all sharp objects,.,C.Please put glasses,dentures,and all sharp objects around you,.,D.Please display glasses,dentures,and all sharp objects,.,10.A.Im sure you can visit the cockpit.,B.The captain will invite you to visit the cockpit.,C.Iil show you the way to the cockpit,.,D.Im not sure if you can visit the cockpit,.,11.A.The toilets are clean.,B.The toilets are small.,C.The toilets are dirty,.,D.The toilets need repairing.,12.A.I want to buy something from your duty-free shop.,B.I cant see clearly what your duty-free goods are,.,C.I dont want to buy any of your duty-free goods.,D.Your duty-free shop is closed,.,13.A.Those children are too noisy,.,B.Those children are too sleepy.,C.Those children are too quiet,.,D.Those children are too beautiful,.,14.A.Please stand u,p.,B.Please take your seat with you,.,C.Please dont leave your seat,.,D.Please find your seat quick,ly.,15.A.Can I be a stewardess,B.Can I help you,C.Can I speak to a stewardess,D.Can I be a friend of the stewardess,16.A.We are taking off now.,B.We take off on time.,C.The plane is flying smoothly.,D.The plane is delayed.,17.A.We hope we can land.,B.We will land soon.,C.We cant land smoothly.,D.We have landed for 15 minutes.,18.A.I have been waiting for Mr.Marshall,.,B.Mr.Marshall is now waiting for me,.,C.I wish I could be Mr.Marshall.,D.Mr.Marshall was looking at me,.,19.A.My bag is too heavy to take into the cabin,.,B.My bag is not properly wrapped up,.,C.My bag is light enough to take on the plane,.,D.I have some contraband in the bag.,20.A.I want to make an appointment.,B.I hope I can get a vegetarian me,al.,C.I forget to request my special diet,.,D.I hope everybody like vegetarian meal,.,BCADB DACBD CCACB DBACB,Listen to the following passages carefully and then fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tap,e.,1.A,is a passenger who,due to failing to complete,within the designated,or due to his,.,requested prior to,will be assessed,a,of the original,.,Refunds requested after flight departure will be assessed a,of the original fare,.,2.Free baggage,includes,.Passengers holding an,are entitled to a free baggage allowance of,30kg.for business class and 20kg.for economy class.No free baggage allowance is granted to,.,will be liable to compensate for,the checked baggage due to,.The norm of compensation shall not,.If the value of the baggage is less than RMB 50 yuan per kg.,the amount of compensation shall be paid according to its,.,1.A,no-show,is a passenger who,missed the aircraft,due to failing to complete,check-in procedures,within the designated,time limit,or due to his,invalid travel documents,.,Refunds,requested prior to,flight departure,will be assessed,a,20%,of the original,fare,.,Refunds requested after flight departure will be assessed a,50%,of the original fare,.,2.Free baggage,allowance,includes,checked baggage and cabin baggage,.Passengers holding an,adult fare ticket,are entitled to a free baggage allowance of,40kg.for first class,30kg.for business class and 20kg.for economy class.No free baggage allowance is granted to,infants,.,The carrier,will be liable to compensate for,the loss of or damage to,the checked baggage due to,the carriers fault,.The no


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