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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Company Logo,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Lesson 5 The Facts,New words,Company Logo,editor,edt(r,),n.,编辑,extreme,kstri:m,n.,极端,statistics,sttstks,n.,统计数字,journalist,d:nlst,n.,新闻记者,president,prezdnt,n.,总统,Company Logo,palace,pls,n.,王宫;宏伟的住宅,publish,pbl,v.,出版,Fax,fks,n.,传真,impatient,mpent,adj.,不耐烦的,fire,fa(r,),v.,解雇,originally,rdnli,adv.,起初,原先,从前,Company Logo,editor,edt(r,),n.,编辑,1)vt.,编辑,edit magazine, edit newspaper,2)n.,编辑,Edition n.,编辑,Editorial adj.,编辑的,主编的,n.,社论,评论,Company Logo,extreme,kstri:m,n.,极端,go to,extreme(s,) to do,做某事走极端,to the other,从一个极端走向另一个极端,Company Logo,statistics,sttstks,n.,统计数字,Company Logo,journalist,n.,新闻记者,reporter,n.(,电视台,),记者,correspondent,n.(,电台,),记者,通讯员,journalist,d:nlst,n.,新闻记者,Company Logo,president,prezdnt,n.,总统,Company Logo,palace,pls,n.,王宫;宏伟的住宅,Company Logo,publish,pbl,v.,出版,= print (,vt,.),= go to press (vi.),The book has already been published.,= The book has already been printed.,Company Logo,Fax,fks,n.,传真,send a fax,发传真,Company Logo,impatient,mpent,adj.,不耐烦的,patience n.,耐性,patient adj.,有耐心的,patiently adv.,有耐心地,impatience n.,不耐烦,impatient adj.,不耐烦的,impatiently,adv.,不耐烦地,Company Logo,fire,fa(r,),v.,解雇,fire v.,解雇(口语),He was fired from his job.,dismiss,vt,.,解雇(正式),The manage dismissed him from his company.,Sack,vt,.,解雇,辞退,(,俚语,口语,),If you do it wrong again you will be sacked.,Company Logo,originally,rdnli,adv.,起初,原先,从前,original adj.,最初的,原始的,Company Logo,Listen,,,Read and answer questions,Company Logo,Note on the text,课文详解,Company Logo,1,、,What was the,consequence,of the editors,insistence,on facts and statistics?,Consequence n.,结果,Insistence n.,坚持,坚决主张,Company Logo,Text,2,、,Editors of newspapers and magazines often,go to extremes to,provide,their reader with unimportant,facts and statistics,.,go to extremes,走极端,provide,= supply,给,.,提供(通常与介词搭配连用),provide,sb,with,sth,= provide,sth,for,sb,Company Logo,Exercise,中国的父母们常常不遗余力,/,不顾一切地为自己的孩子提供优越的环境和良好的教育机会。,The Chinese parents often go to extremes to provide their children with outstanding environment and excellent education opportunities.,Company Logo,Text,3,、,Last year a journalist had been,instructed,by a well-known magazine to write,an article,on,the,presidents palace,in a new,African,republic,.,instruct,sb,todo,sth,= tell,sb,formally to do,sth,正式告诉某人做某事,Company Logo,Text,About,所跟名词范围广,On,学术性作品前用,A research on the African world .,On = about,侧重强调课题专一,a book on radio,African n.,非洲人,adj.,非洲的,Republic n.,共和国,共和政体,Company Logo,Text,4,、,When the article,arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then,refuse to publish,it.,refuse,vt,.,拒绝(态度严厉),Refuse to do=,do,not want to do,decline,vt,.,婉言谢绝,repudiate,vt,.,断然拒绝,Fail to do=,do,not do,Deny doing= do not admit doing,Company Logo,Text,5,、,The article,began,: Hundreds of steps,lead to,the high wall,which,surrounds,the presidents palace.,The article/letter +goes/says:,which,指代,the high wall,Company Logo,Text,6,、,The editor at once sent the journalist a fax,instructing,him to,find out,the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.,Instructing(,现在分词,),进一步补充说明,fax,的情况,he send me a letter instructing me to come back immediately.,Company Logo,Text,7,、,The journalist immediately,set out to,obtain,these,important facts, but he,took a long time to,send them.,set out to do = decide and try to do =set about doing,决定,打算,着手做,.,setouttodo=trytodo,take,sb,a long time to do,sth,某事花了某人很久的时间,It took me five days to write the article.,Company Logo,Text,8,、,Meanwhile, the editor,was,getting,impatient, for the,magazine would soon,go to press,.,He sent the journalist,two more faxes, but received no,reply.,Getting,有逐步,渐进的意思,天渐渐黑了下来。,Its getting dark.,two more faxes = another two faxes,Company Logo,Text,9,、,He sent,yet,another fax,informing,the journalist,that,if he did not reply soon he would be fired.,When,the journalist again failed to reply, the editor,reluctantly,published the article,as,it had,originally,been written.,r,eluctantly = unwilling,勉勉强强地,不情愿地,as it bad originally been written,= in its original way,Company Logo,Text,10,、,A week later, the editor,at last,received a fax from the journalist.,Company Logo,Text,11,、,Not only had,the poor man been arrested,but,he had been sent to prison as well.,Not only,位于句首,必须采用倒装形式。,= The poor man had not only been arrested, but had been sent to prison as well.,Company Logo,Grammar,一、,完全倒装,表,地点,或,方位,的词或,then,放在在句首,In the room sits a professor.,Here is your letter.,倒装前提,:,主语必须是名词,Here,he comes,.,Company Logo,Grammar,二、,部分倒装,1,表,否定,的,词,/,词组,在句首,要倒装。,never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, nowhere, no sooner,scarcely adv.,几乎不,简直没有,nowhere adv.,无处,到处都无,Never have I read such stories.,我从来也没读过这样的小说。,Nowhere can he find the book he wants.,无论在哪他也找不到他要的书。,Hardly did I think it possible.,我并不认为这是可能的。,Company Logo,Grammar,2,含有,only,/not only,的状语,在句首,句子要倒装。,Only,then did he realize that he had made a mistake.,Only,when a great deal more information has been obtained will it be possible to plan a trip.,Company Logo,Grammar,3,含有,not,的副词短语位于句首,句子要倒装。,not for a second,决不,毫不,/,not in the least,绝不,一点也不,not for an instant, not until,Not in the least is he interested in English literature.,他对英国文学一点都不感兴趣。,Not for an instant did I believe he had lied.,我根本不认为他说了慌。,Company Logo,Grammar,4,含有,no,的短语位于句首,句子要倒装。,at on time, in no way , in no sense, by no means, in no case, on no account, on no condition,under no circumstances,(都表示绝不),circumstance n.,环境,详情,境况,Under no circumstances can we accept the check.,我们无论如何也不能接受这笔钱。,On no account must you leave the baby in the house.,你无论如何也不能把留在房间里。,Company Logo,Grammar,5 so/ such,位于句首,句子要倒装。,So did I.,Company Logo,Exercise,The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _, but students became more interested in the lessons.,A. saved was teachers energy,B. was teachers energy saved,C. teachers energy was saved,D. was saved teachers energy,B,Company Logo,Exercise,Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away _. (09,上海,),A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief,C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief,For a moment nothing happened. Then _ all shouting together. (09,福建,),A. voices had come B. came voices,C. voices would come D. did voices come,D,B,Company Logo,Exercise,Little _ about her about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.,(09,陕西,),A. did Rose care B. Rose did care,C. Rose does care D. does Rose care,Little _ about her about her own safety, though she was not in danger anymore.,A. did Rose care B. Rose did care,C. Rose does care D. does Rose care,A,B,Company Logo,Text,12,、,However, he had at last,been allowed to,send a fax,in which he informed the editor that he,had been arrested while,counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall,which surrounded the presidents palace.,找衔接词,拆句理解,翻译,Company Logo,Text,12,、,However,he had at last been,allowed to send,a fax,in which,he informed the editor,that,he,had been arrested,while,counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall,which,surrounded the presidents palace.,请求被允许做某事:,be allowed to do,be permitted to do,asked for permission to do,sth,Company Logo,Text,permit,v.,许可,允许,准许,permission,n.,许可,允许,in which,- which,指代,fax,while,和现在分词搭配,做时间状语,表示“正在做某事的过程中”。,-,可以用,while,引导的时间状语从句去替换。,Company Logo,While counting,= while he was counting,现在分词做定语,:,- the steps leading to the presidents palace,通向王宫的台阶。,- the road leading to the forest,通向森林的路。,fifteen-foot,做前置定语,这里的名词必须上单数形式。,Company Logo,which,引导的定语从句修饰,wall, which,指代,wall,。,- wall which surrounded,(,= wall surrounding,),-,为了避免和前面的现在分词句式结构,(leading),相同所以没有用,surrounding.,Company Logo,Translation,In the fax, he informed the editor,sth,.,在传真中,他告诉编辑,He had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall.,他在数通往,15,英尺高的,墙,的,1084,个台阶时,被捕了,The fifteen-foot wall surrounded the presidents palace.,15,英尺高的,墙,环绕着总统府,总统府围墙,在传真中,他告诉编辑,他在数通往总统府围墙的台阶时被捕,,不过他已知道确切数字,,墙高,15,英尺,台阶,1084,个。,Company Logo,Text,However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that,he had been arrested while counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall,which surrounded the presidents palace.,He,had been arrested,while,counting,the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall,Company Logo,Grammar,when,though,because,so,伴随,条件,让步,原因,时间,结果,and,if,分词做,状语,Company Logo,Homework,1.,背诵课文,L5,2.,抄写课文,1,英,1,汉,3.,单词抄写,L,5,4,英,1,汉,4.,完成配套练习册,L,5,Company Logo,Thank you!,Company Logo,


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