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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高考英语书面表达审题技巧、解题策略及写作要求,Wangjiang No.3 Senior High School,Wang Xiaobin,高考对书面表达的要求,要求考生根据所给情景,用英语写一篇100个单词左右的短文 情景包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等;提供情景的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。,本局部总分值25分,所需时间约为30分钟。,高考书面表达评分原那么,1、先根据文章的内容和语言初步,确定档次,。,第五档.2125分,第四档.1620分,第三档.1115分,第二档.610分,第一档.15分,0分,语言地道,标准,覆盖所有内容要点,2、主要内容:,内容要点;,词汇和语法的数量和准确性;,上下文的连贯;,语言的得体性,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,3、,拼写和标点,是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。,4、词数,少于80,和,多于120,的,从总分中减去2分。,5、如,书写较差,,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。,词汇,句型 高级和语法多样化较复杂,1.覆盖了所有的,要点,2.应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,3.有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,要点全,连接词,如何算是一篇好文章?,书面表达如何写?,五个步骤,1、审题,文字信息,图画信息,题材、人称、时态、要点,2、以词及点:用一两个单词或短语写出每句 话的细节要点。,3、连词成句:用,连,词成句的方法将上述要点 的词语扩展成句子。,4 连句成文:,注意:,主语和谓语,背景适当增加时间、地点条件等,逻辑关系,开头与结尾,语篇衔接,5、检查修改,标准抄写,给阅卷人以好的第一直观印象,整体三局部,Heading,点题;一两个句子;概括性;暗示性,2.Body,中心记述局部;层次清楚,3.Ending,小结;照应主题,技 巧,1.使用较高级的词汇,3.使用恰当的连接词,词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。,运用得当的句子结构可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉。,使用恰当连接词,对写一篇有“英语味的文章很重要,能使文章上下衔接自然、紧凑。,增强书面表达效果的技巧,2.使用较丰富的句式,1.,Because the weather was good,our journey was comfortable.,2.We all,think he is a great man,.,3.,Suddenly I thought out a good idea,.,4.,The students there neednt pay for their books,.,5.,As a result,the plan was a failure,.,The plan turned out to be a failure.,Thanks to the good weather,our journey was comfortable.,一、怎样使用较高级的词汇,We all,think highly of him,.,A good idea occurred to me.,/A good idea suddenly struck me.,Books are free for the students there.,6.,When she heard he had died,she went pale with sorrow.,7.She went to Austria,in order to study music,.,8.,When he spoke,he felt more and more excited.,9.,In our school,there are twenty-six classrooms,.,10.,You can find my house easily,.,She went to Austria,for the purpose of studying music.,At the news of his death,she went pale with sorrow.,The more he spoke,the more excited he felt.,Our school is made up of twentysix classrooms.,Youll have no trouble finding my house.,丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构,利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,,能增加文章的文采。,1.感慨句 e.g.How happy I was when I,received your letter!,What a kind boy he is!,How disappointed he was!,2.强调句 e.g.It was this young boy that,helped the old granny.,I do hope you can come if,possible.,3、倒装句 e.g.,Only,in this way can you,solve this problem.,There,comes the police car,.,Hardly,had,they got to the station,when,they met the young man.,4、省略句 e.g.They read,while,walking or,riding on a bus.,Come to me,if,necessary.,5、with短语 e.g.I saw a young lady walking,slowly in the street,with,a,handbag in her hand.,6、定语从句 e.g.In my opinion,cyber cafes,should be a place,where,we can,find much useful information.,Lets come to the main teaching,building,at the back of,which,stands,the school library.,7、各种名词性从句 e.g.,Thats,what,I should do.,We should do a favour to,whoever,needs help at present.,8、各种状语从句,e.g.,Time passed quickly,before,we knew it.,The moment,we reached the farm,we,got down to harvesting.,So long as,we work harder at our lessons,well catch up sooner or later.,Do call me before hand,so that,I can meet,you at the airport.,They had to wait,because,the rain was,getting more and more heavily.,1 When he arrives,please give me an e-mail.使用V-ing形式.,2.To his surprise,the little girl knows so many things.使用名词性从句,3.Though Im weak,Ill make the effort.(使用倒装句),4.He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper.(使用强调句型),5.I passed the physics exam because of your help.(用虚拟语气,On his arriving,please give me an e-mail.,What,surprises him,is that,the little girl knows so many things.,Practice,怎样使用较丰富的句式,Weak as I am,Ill make the effort.,It was,not until he had read the news in the newspaper,that,he knew what had happened.,I,couldnt have passed,the physics exam,but for,your help.,6.She walked out of the lab and many students followed her.(使用过去分词),7.They sang and laughed as they went back to school.(使用V-ing形式),8.I wont believe what he says.使用状语从句,9.If you study hard,you will make rapid progress.用并列句,10He had no sooner come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad.(使用倒装句),No sooner had he come,back from Beijing,than,he was sent abroad.,Followed by many students,she walked out of the lab.,Singing and laughing,they went back to school.,No matter what he says,I wont believe.,Study hard,and,youll make rapid progress.,高考大纲中常用的,连接词,1.,表示递进,;,在同一话题上补充内容,另外,还有,:,what is more;besides;,also;moreover;in addition,2.,表示转折关系,但是,然而,相反,:,but;however;yet;,instead;on the other hand;,on the contrary.,3.表示因果关系,因为,因此,所以:since;as;because,(of);so;thus;therefore;as a result;,4.表示条件关系,如果,只要:if;on condition(that);,as long as,除非:unless 否那么:or else,5.表示时间关系,当 的时候:,when;while,在之后:,after,在之前:,before,直到:,until,一就:,as soon as,后来,然后:,later;,afterwards,不久:,soon,近来:,lately;,recently,自从:,since,从那时起:,from then on,6.表示特定的顺序关系,首先,最主要的:,above all,其次:,secondly,然后:,then;next,最后:,finally;in the end,7.换一种方法表述,换句话说:,in other words;,that is to say;,8.进行举例说明,例如,比方:for instance;for example;,like;such as,9.用于陈述事实,实际上:in fact;actually;,as a matter of fact,跟你说实话:to tell you the tr


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