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First, the good news. The dive that you just watched in Olympic Diving event was the winning dive. Now, the bad news. The swimming pool was empty.,连读,朗读下列短语,注意连读,:,a block_of flats,the corner_of the street,a tin_of peas,the top_of the mountain,a piece_of cake,in_a foreign country,a glass_of water,an_instant success,a cup_of tea,such_a short time,nice clear_air,send_it by mail,an_English girl,wait_a moment,a nice_idea,a lot_of noise,a visit to_India,once_in_a while,an_apology,a waste_of time,made_up_of,not_in the least,in_America,War_and Peace,out_of date,Out_of Africa,wait_and see,Death_on the Nile,have_a rest,The Wizard_of Oz,Alice_in Wonderland,times_up,a mother_of three,Cat_on a Hot Tin Roof,对下列短文作语音分析,首先标出重音、连读和失去爆破或不完全爆破的音节,然后反复练习朗读:,When an American today says my family is coming to visit, he or she is using family to include cousins, uncles, grandparents, or any other relatives who do not live with him or her. That is, this person is using family the way it was used 150 years ago when the majority of Americans were farmers. In that earlier time, of course, three or more generations lived under one roof grandparents, their children, their childrens spouses, and their childrens children.,Yet family is a very vague word. It can mean, for example, the speakers parents, who do not live with him or her. On the other hand, it can mean uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, first and second cousins, or even in-laws. As a result, the expression immediate family has come into use. It means something between the narrowest use of family and the broadest one: usually the grandparents, their children and their childrens children.,意群停顿,句子可以按照它的意思和结构分成小段,这样的小段就叫做意群。例如下面两个句子按意群来分是这样的:,1) By the time he arrived/ he was completely exhausted.,2) When I leave Beijing/ I will leave/ with very fond memories/ of the city and its people/ and with an increased knowledge of China.,在说话和朗读时,意群的作用是:如果感到句子很长,一口气说不下来,可以在意群和意群之间有一个很短的停顿(换气)。正确的停顿应该在意群和意群之间。同一个意群内不应停顿。,意群之间的停顿不是固定的,而是灵活的。可以按照个人的需要,可停顿也可不停顿,可多停顿也可少停顿。,Animal Instincts,George is a young man. He does not have a wife,but he has a very big dog, and he has a very small car too. He likes playing tennis. Last Monday,he played tennis,for an hour,at his club, and then he ran out,and jumped into a car. His dog came after him,but it did not jump into the same car;,it jumped into the next one.,Come here,silly dog!,George shouted at it,but the dog stayed/ in the other car.,George put his key,into the lock of the car,but the key did not turn. Then he looked at the car again. It was not his! He was in the wrong car! And the dog,was in the right one! Hes sitting,and laughing at me! George said angrily. But then,he smiled/ and got into his car,with the dog.,Animal Instincts,George is a young man. He does not have a wife,/ but he has a very big dog/ and he has a very small car too. He likes playing tennis. Last Monday/ he played tennis/ for an hour/ at his club, and then he ran out/ and jumped into a car. His dog came after him,/ but it did not jump into the same car;/ it jumped into the next one.,Come here,/ silly dog!/ George shouted at it/ but the dog stayed/ in the other car.,George put his key/ into the lock of the car,/ but the key did not turn. Then he looked at the car again. It was not his! He was in the wrong car! And the dog/ was in the right one! Hes sitting/ and laughing at me! George said angrily. But then/ he smiled/ and got into his car/ with the dog.,句中上升,在一个长句子中,如果有许多重读音节,按照降调的规律,应该逐个递降。但由于重读音节很多,声音会越来越低,不论是自己还是别人,都会感到不舒服,听起来会很单调,说到最后嗓音会低不下去。,因此,我们可以在句子中间选择任何一个你认为重要的重读音节,将嗓音提高,好像又开始了一个从高到低的递降过程。我们把每一个从高到低的递降过程的语调组合叫语调群。句中某个音节上升的现象叫做句中上升。例如:,Im sorry I couldnt quite make out what you were saying.(只有一个从高到低的语调群,听起来比较单调。),Im sorry I couldnt quite make out what you were saying. (有一个句中上升,因此就有了两个从高到低的语调群。听起来比较生动。),升高的这个音节 quite 可以用来表示,.,Im sorry I couldnt quite make out what you were saying.,在生活语言中,把长句子分成几个语调群的现象是很普遍的,也就是说,句中上升是常有的现象。有时想要把句中某个字说的夸张一些,甚至可以把句中上升读得比第一个重读音节还要高。对于我们初学者,学习句中上升的主要目的是为了避免单调。,朗读下列句子,注意句中上升:,1),I sup,pose it,couldntpossibly,happen again.,2),They,managed to,catch thelast,bus into town.,3),She,must have,been onholiday for,over a week.,4),On,Easter,Sunday the,church wasmore,crowded than usual.,5),We,went for a days walk in the forest inspite of the rain.,6),Im reading a mostinteresting book by anew writer just now.,7),You have not given me a satisfactory explanation of yourstrange behavior.,8)You must be quick if you want to get yourshopping done in time.,9)My father likes totake a little nap immediately after his dinner.,10)We hope to move into ournew house before the month is out.,


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