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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 23 Which glasses,请在以下单词的前面或后面添字母,变出更多的单词来?,all at,ear eat,ice our,allball,call,fall,hall,tall,wall,ateat,ate,cat,fat,hat,pat,rat, sat,earhear,bear,dear,fear,near, pear,wear,tear,year,eatbeat,east,seat,heat,meat,neat,icenice,rice,mice,ourhour,four,tour,your,Words,on prep. 在之上,shelf n. 架子,搁板,on the shelf,Eg. What is on tonight?,Harry Potter 4 is on.,1 e on 加油,鼓励,2.turn on 电灯翻开,3.and so on 等等,4.be on business 出差,5.be on time 准时,6.put on 穿上衣服,桌子上的书,在左边 / 在右边,在十月一日,在新年那天,在星期六,a book on the table,on the left / on the right,on the 1,st,of October,on New Years Day,on Saturday,shelf n. 架子,搁板,shelf (shelves),on the shelf,book shelf 书架,bookcase书橱, 书架,书柜,bookmark (n.) 书签,eg. There are a lot of books on the bookshelf.,shelf life 保质期 能放在货架上的商品自然在保质期当中,Answer my question:,Which glasses does the man want,He wants the glasses on the shelf.,课文,MAN: Give me some glasses please, Jane.,WOMAN:Which glasses,These glasses,MAN: No, not those.,The ones on the shelf.,WOMAN:These,MAN: Yes, please.,WOMAN:Here you are.,MAN: Thanks.,课文讲解,1动词的双宾语,在Give me some glasses中,动词give后面有两个宾语,即直接宾语some glasses和间接宾语me。人称代词作宾语时要用人称代词的宾格。,2The ones on the shelf.,=I want the ones on the shelf.,句中的ones代表glasses。on the shelf是介词短语,作定语,修饰ones。,3These,=Do you want these,4Yes, please.,假设你不同意要,那么应说:No, thank you.,me some glasses please ,Jane,Give,glasses,Which,glasses,These,No ,not .,those,ones on the shelf .,The,These,Yes ,please.,Here you are !,Thanks,!,Some,和,Any,1. some和any既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中。,2. 而any那么常用在否认和疑问句中。,3. 在征求对方意见,并希望得到肯定的答复时,some也可用在疑问句中。,例如:Would you like something to drink,你想喝点什么吗?,some和any练习:,一、选择题:,1. I want _books to read. Do you have_,A. some; any B. any; some C. any; any D. some; some,二、填空题:,A,1Ann has_ candies.2) Bill doesnt have_ money.3) Sue will give us_ information.4) There is_ milk in the fridge.5) There isnt_ beer.6) There arent_ boys in my family.7) Bill wont give me_ help.8) Ann shouldnt smoke_ cigarettes.9) Sue must do_ homework tonight.10) My brother cant speak_ Chinese.11) My sister can speak_ Spanish.,12)would you like _ water to drink,some,any,some,some,any,any,any,any,some,any,some,some,定语,定语:是修饰限定的成份,做定语的词一般是形容词,但也可用介词短语做定语。,形容词做定语:,A red umbrella, a short man,介词短语做后置定语:,the book on the desk,在英语中,形容词修饰名词时,修饰成份放在名词前面,但由一个介词短语或句子修饰名词时,这个修饰成份应放在名词的后面。,句子成分,1. I have a young father.,2. The skirt on the desk is mine.,3. That blue house is Marys.,4. These are green apples.,5. I like the white mobile phone on the left.,Grammar: 介词短语做后置定语,常见方位介词:in、on、over、under,on:在上面,接触物体外表on the table/desk/floor/wall,over:越过,垂直上方,不接触外表,in:在里面,物体里面 in the box/office/bag,to:往,向,表示去向方向,into:进入里面,从外到里进入的过程,out of:在外,从里面出来,across:横穿在物体外表横穿,从平面穿过,through:从里面中间穿过,under:在下面,beside:在旁边,near:在附近,between:在两者之间,among 在中间两者以上,over:从斜面穿过,1)介词短语,on the table/shelf,in the room,in the street 在街道上,in the box,under the bed/book,behind the house/tree/door,介词后面一般加名词或者具有名词特性的词,介词与后面的名词共同构成“介词短语.,介词短语做后置定语,如:,a girl in the classroom,a book on the bed,the thief under the bed,the flowers in the vase,Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some,New words,desk n. 课桌,table n. 桌子,plate n. 盘子,cupboard n. 食橱,cigarette n. 香烟,television n. 电视机,floor n. 地板 on the floor,dressing table n. 梳妆台,magazine n. 杂志,bed n. 床,newspaper n. 报纸,stereo n. 立体声音响,desk n. 课桌,desktop 台式电脑,Eg. Is this your desktop,laptop 笔记本电脑,Eg. This is my laptop.,deskmate 同桌 schoolmate 校友,playmate 玩伴 roommate 室友,2.,table,n. 桌子,表格,3.,plate,n. 盘子,4.,cupboard,n. 食橱,cup 杯子,board 木板,5.,cigarette,n. 香烟,eg. Give me a cigarette please.,smoke,v. 抽烟,6,. television,n. 电视机,TV 电视 CCTV 中央电视台,watch TV 看电视,7.,floor,n. 地板,楼层,basement 地下室,8. dressing table 梳妆台,dress n. 连衣裙,v. 打扮,dressing room 试衣间/化装间,9. magazine n. 杂志,10. bed n. 床,相关链接:go to school,go to bed,go home,11.,newspaper,n. 报纸,news 新闻,Eg. morning news 早间新闻,big news 重大新闻,Beijing news 北京新闻,paper 纸,12.,stereo,n. 立体声音响,


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