高中英语新课标(人教版)优秀课件 必修五 4.13《Unit 4 Reading》(可编辑课件)

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高中英语新课标(人教版)优秀课件 必修五 4.13《Unit 4 Reading》(可编辑课件)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语,必修,5-,Reading,Lead in,What do you want to be in the future?,What is your ideal occupation?,But whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on.,Tips,Suppose you want to work for a newspaper and you are offered a chance for a job at China Daily. Do you know what kind of jobs they have at their office and what each job involves?,Warming up,Types of jobs at China Daily,journalist editor reporter critic photographer designer foreign correspondent,Types of jobs,What it involves,reporter/ journalist,Interview people or finds out events from onlookers and writes news stories,editor,checks the writing and facts and makes changes if necessary,Types of jobs,What it involves,photographer,takes photographs of important people or events,critic,gives opinion on plays and books,designer,lay out articles and photographs,foreign correspondent,reports form abroad,reporter,Can you tell me what they are in the following pictures?,critic,editors,make sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks facts,photographer,takes photographs of important people or events,designers,lays out the article and photographs,printer,prints the newspaper,Pre-reading,1. Now if you want to be a good news reporter, what qualities do you think you need to have?,1. Higher level of education 2. Work experience 3. Good communication skills 4. Curious, active personality 5. Hard,-working 6. Enthusiasm for the job 7. _ 8. _,9. _,Prepared to work long hours,Ability to work in a team,Creative ideas,2. Every one has,unforgettable moments,in his/her life. Think about,your first day at school, being far away form home, your first day abroad, Now discuss in your group,what the first day would be like, and how you would feel if you were to work for a famous newspaper or company,.,Guess the meaning of these expressions,cover a story,have a “nose” for a story,a trick of the trade,get the fact straight,get the wrong end of the stick,how the story goes,a real “scoop”,cover a story,have a “nose” for a,story,a trick of the trade,get the fact straight,to report on an,important event,be able to tell whether,is a true story,clever ways known to,experts,to present ideas fairly,get the wrong end of,the stick,how the story goes,get a scoop,not to understand,properly,this is the story,a piece of hot news,Reading,Whats the main idea of this passage?,This passage is about Zhou Yangs first assignment at the office of China Daily. And his discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter.,Task1 Skimming,Task 2 Scanning,1. Could Zhou Yang go out on a story alone immediately? Why,(not)?,No, not until he is more experienced. Because there is a lot for him to learn and he must work in a team.,2. What mistakes must be avoided?,Being rude and talking too much about himself.,3. How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work?,Excited and eager to go out on a story.,4. What is the trick of the trade?,If the person being interviewed agrees, we sometimes use a recorders to make sure that we get all our facts straight.,5. Why was the football player angry?,Because an article was written which suggested he was guilty.,Comprehending,Li,Lihong,is one of the expert writers at the newspaper. She replies to readers questions. Today she needs to answer a letter from a high school student about how to become a reporter, but she is very busy.,So Zhou Yang has been asked to make notes for her to help her answer the questions. Can you work out Zhou Yangs notes? Use the information from the reading passage to help you.,The importance of listening,b,e able to tell if someone,is telling the truth,2. b,e accurate,3. d,o research,4. a,sk questions,Zhou Yangs Note,get the detailed facts,The skill needed,How to deal with accusations of printing lies,a,sk questions,n,ote reactions,c,heck facts,d,o research,use research and ask witness,use a tape recorder for the interview,Stages in researching a story,How to check facts,1. to work in a team,2. How to get an accurate story,3. How to protect a story from accusations.,A reporters duties are,patient imaginative well-recognized polite technically good concise thorough creative curious careful gifted professional,A reporter needs to be _ _ but a photograph needs to be _ _. _. I think I would make a good _ _,_.,thorough, curious, careful and concise,creative, imaginative, technically good and gifted,They both need to be professional, well-organise and patient,photographer because I am creative and I enjoy being technically good at things.,1. is usually poorly educated.,2. always has a good eye for a good story.,3. needs have good observation skills as well as good communication skills.,5. is seldom a very good listener.,A good reporter :,well,nose,to,always/usually,6. hardly checks the evidence carefully before it appears in the newspaper.,7. writes with unnecessary words.,8. is one who thinks of readers benefits last.,without,first,Language Points,工作,职业,Please state your name, address, and,occupation,.,I hope that teaching will be my future,occupation,.,2),业余活动,消遣,Fishing is a peaceful,occupation,.,1. occupation,n.,3) 占领,占有,She was born in France during the German,occupation,.,知识拓展,occupant,n.,占有人, 占有者,occupational,adj.,职业的, 职业引起的,occupy,v.,占领,占有,使从事,使忙于,2. Now discuss in your group what the first day would be like, and how you would feel,if you were,to work for a famous newspaper or company.,这里if 引导虚拟条件句,表示与将来的事实相反。虚拟语气是一种特殊的谓语动词形式;用来表示一种假设、愿望、建议、命令、可能等。注意下面表格中的主句与从句时态。,相关时态,从句形式,主句形式,表现在,过去式,would/could/should /might + V 原,表过去,had+ Ved,would/could/should /might + have done,表将来,过去式should +原were to +V 原,would/could/should /might + V 原,虚拟条件句举例:,If you,had,come earlier, you,would,have met him.,If I,were,you, I,would,go there at once.,If it,were to,rain tomorrow, they,would,not go out.,3. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.,这里是倒装(Inversion), 此句的正常句序是:,Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.,注意,: 当一些否定词,如: never, little, hardly, scarcely, seldom, not, not only, no sooner 放在句首时,句子部分倒装, 即句序为:否定词助动词主语谓语,Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else,can you find,such a beautiful place. (否定词nowhere置于句首, 对句子结构进行部分倒装),I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life,had I felt,so happy.,(否定词,never,置于句首,对句子结构进行部分倒装),4. His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin,was to,strongly influence his life as a reporter.,be to +动词原形,这里表示将来的时态,有注定的意味。,He,is,never,to,see his wife again.,His continuous effort,is,to,make him a successful man.,be to +动词原形可以表示一种责任,需要,警告或命令的语气。,You,are to,be back before 10pm.,I,am,to,inform you that your wife was killed in the accident.,be to +动词原形也可以表示一种不会改变的安排或意向。,They,are,to,be married next month.,The conference,is,to,be held on March 25th.,否定形式be (not) to +动词原形表示一种可能性。,The lost child,was,not,to,be found.,He,was,not,to,come on time.,5. influence,n.,影响力;有影响力的人或事,v.,影响(某人)对起作用,The,influence,of parents is very important.,Its very clear that her painting has been,influenced,by Picasso.,I dont want to,influence,you, so I dont want to tell you my opinion.,influential,adj.,有影响力的,6. Not till you are more,experienced,.,等你积累一些经验了才行.,experienced,adj.,有经验的,熟练的,有 见识经验丰富的常与介词 in 或 at 连用,She has become quite,experienced,at / in teaching primary school students.,He is,experienced,in/at bargaining.,1),v.,经历,体验,Have you,experienced,real hunger?,Our country has,experienced,great changes.,experience,CN,经历,经历的事情,UN,经验,体验,Please tell us your,experiences,while in Africa.,That was an unpleasant,experience,.,He hadnt enough,experience,for the job.,I know form the,experience,that he will be late.,2) n.,7. Only when you have seen what he or she does,can you cover,a story by yourself. 只有等你见习了他们的工作之后,你才能去独自进行新闻采访。,only 修饰状语位于句首,主句采用倒装。,Only,with hard work,can,you have a good performance in your study.,Only,when you reach a certain age and looking back,will,you realize you havent done your best.,注意,8. cover,v.,采访, 报道,Reporters are soon sent to,cover,the terrible attack /,cover,the local election.,v.,覆盖, 遮掩,2/3 of the earth,is covered,with water.,He laughed to,cover,his nervousness.,v.,包括, 涉及,His lecture,covered,the subject thoroughly.,He made a research that,covers,a wide field.,n.,盖子,避难所,书刊封面,I bought the book only for its,cover,.,We took,cover,/sheltered under a tree.,They escaped under the,cover,of darkness.,9. No need for a camera.,此句是省略句, 原句为:There is no need for a camera.,拓展,There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. 没有必要做某事情,There is no need to,worry about money.,There is no need to,be in such a hurry.,10. professional,adj.,职业的,专业的,从事职业的,I cant imagine he is a,professional,footballer.,I want to be a,professional,journalist.,professional,team / standards / advice,profession,n.,occupation requiring advanced education and special training,She is a lawyer by,profession,. The acting is a good,profession,at the moment.,11.,eager,adj.,full of strong desire to do sth.,Students are,eager,for new knowledge.,He is,eager,in his studies.,I am,eager,about progress. She is,eager,to please her boss.,eagerness,n.,热切,渴望,12. concentrate on (doing) sth.,concentrate,v.,1) 专心致志,全神贯注,His whole mind,was concentrated on,one thing- how to pass the exam.,I cant,concentrate on,my studies with all that noise going on.,2) 聚集, 集中,The troops,concentrated,near the station.,The crowds,concentrated,in the centre of the city.,13.,Not only,am I,interested in photography,but,I took,a,course,at university.,Not onlybut also 引导的,并列句, 如not only位于句首,not only,所在句倒装,。,Not only will I go, but also I will take my parents there.,14. course,n.,课程; 过程; 一道菜,An event that changed the,course,of,history. 改变历史进程的事件,a four-course,dinner,有四道菜的正餐,15. So its,actually,of special interest to me. 所以它对我有一种特别的吸引力。,actually,adv.,事实上,实际上,竟然,actual,adj.,实在的,真实的,What were his,actual,words?,The,actual,cost was much higher than we had expected.,16. acquire,v. gain or get by ones effort,获得,acquisition,n.,获得,习得,获得物,I managed to,acquire,two tickets for the concert.,The company,has acquired,a new office building in Guangzhou.,The,acquisition,of a second language is different from learning it. 语言的习得不等同于语言的学习,He is a valuable,acquisition,to the firm.他是公司不可多得(宝贵的)人才,注意:不要把 acquire(获得, 学到)和,inquire (询问, 问明, 查究)混淆,17. have a nose for 有探究和发现事物的能力,He,has a sharp nose for,others trouble.,Experienced teachers often,have a sharp noses,for students problems.,have an eye for 很能鉴赏(判断);对感兴趣,He,has an eye for,beauty, so he,has an eye for,color and style in clothes too.,18. What mistakes should I,avoid,?,avoid,v.,逃避,避免,回避 后面接名词,动名词作宾语, 不能接不定式,avoidable,adj.,可避免的,avoidance,n.,逃避, 回避,Fortunately, we are able to,avoid,the accident.,She kept,avoiding,meeting my eyes. 她一直避免与我保持目光接触。,19. Meanwhile,you have to prepare the next question,depending on,what the person says.,adv.,(meantime, at the same time, in the time between two events)期间, 同时,She is due to arrive on Friday.,Meanwhile, what should we do?,她预定星期五到达,这期间,我们做什么好呢?,20. accusedof 控告; 控诉,to,accuse,sb,of,murder/theft.,控告某人谋杀/盗窃,21. so as to 以便 The test questions are kept secret,so as to,prevent cheating. 试题必须保密,以防作弊。,1. Practicing reading aloud the dialogue with your partner. Pay attention to the intonation and stress.,2. Read a newspaper and try to discover something to do with our topic about it.,Assignment,


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