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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,王飞燕,2021 年10月16日,博物馆情景英语,English in Museum,CONTENTS,How to Enjoy a Trip to a Museum,Expressions and sentences,Dialogues in museum,7 tips to make museum visit fun,How to Enjoy a Trip to a Museum,怎样享受博物馆之旅?,Step1.To wear comfortable shoes.Youll be standing most of the time,so happy feet are essential.,Step2.To arrive well-fed吃饱的 and with plenty of time.Nothing will ruin your day faster than waiting in line at the caf and then dashing(猛冲)to see an exhibit 展品 in minutes几分钟内 while the loudspeaker reminds you the museum is closing.,Step3.To pick up a map as soon as you enter the museum and take a few moments to acquaint 熟悉yourself with the exhibitand layout布局.Ask if the museum offers a free tour,or consider renting a self-guided audio tour自导耳机.,Step4.To visit the gift shop and take a quick survey纵览 of the postcards and posters to ensure that you dont miss the museums most popular attractions.Circle them on your map.,How to Enjoy a Trip to a Museum,Step5.To jot down what you most want to see,and then figure out general route 总体路线that makes sense合理的.,Step6.To wander闲逛 the exhibits and read the text that accompanies the collections藏品 or pieces作品 that capture吸引 your attention.Dont feel like you have to see every single thing.,Step7.To allow for at least one break to rest your feet and keep your perspective 看法fresh.,Step8.To visit the gift shop again and allow yourself to actually shop.Not only can you find some great gifts,you can find out more about the exhibits you just saw.,Expressions 常见表达,T,E,X,T,T,E,X,T,Exhibition and Museum 展览会博物馆,are now free to everyone.现免费向公众开放。,will again be open to the public.再次向公众开放。,Forthcoming exhibitions 即将展出,Ticket office 售票处,Admission charge 4 门票 4镑,Unemployed,disabled,students and children free 失业者,残疾人,学生和儿童免费。,Exhibition opening times:开馆时间:,Open 10:30am-6:00pm every day throughout the year 全年每天10:3:00am-6:00pm 开放。,Open 7 days a week 每周7天开放,With access all day 全天开放,Extended opening hours during August,八月延长开放时间。,Expressions 常见表达,T,E,X,T,Do not touch the exhibits/objects勿触摸展品/物品,Flash photograph is not permitted 不准用闪光灯拍照。,No noise and photos in the museum!博物馆内严禁喧哗和拍照,Photography and video are not permitted inside the building 楼内不许拍照录像。,Consulting the official,Sentences 常见句型,咨询工作人员,Is the museum open today,What are the visiting hours,Two adult tickets,please.,Where is the entrance/exit,May I use a flash,Is picture taking allowed here,Does the building have coffee shop,You can use the coin lockers,please.,Where can I buy an admission ticket,Do I have to leave my bag in the cloakroom.,Do I need to check my bag,Please keep your bag here.,博物馆今天开放吗?,什么时间可以参观?,请给我两张成人票,入口/出口在哪儿?,我可以用闪光灯吗?,这里可以拍照吗?,馆内有咖啡店吗?,您可以使用投币存包柜,我要在哪里买门票?,我要把提包放在存放处吗?,我的包要存放吗?,请把包存在这里。,Consulting commentary,information,Sentences 常见句型,咨询讲解信息,What time does the next tour start,In about half an hour.,What time do you start the guided tour,Do you have free brochures,May I use a cassette guide,Do you have a recorded guide in English,Do you have a English edition of this book,下次的讲解参观团几点开场?,大约30分钟以后,馆内导游几点开场?,你们有免费的简介手册吗?,我可以使用导游录音带吗?,你们有英文的导游录音带吗?,这本书有英文版吗?,Consulting exhibition information,Sentences 常见句型,咨询展览信息,I want this months program list/catalogs.,How long will this exhibition last,Where is the impressionist exhibition,Could I buy souvenirs from this exhibition,Where can I buy some postcard of the exhibition,Is there a gift shop in the museum,Have there been any sculpture exhibition recently,Ive got you free tickets to Picassos exhibition for today.,Excuse me.What kind of exhibition do you have for today,Are there any special exhibitions,What a fine procession of exhibits!,How big is the collection of this museum,我想索取本月的节目简介/目录。,这次展览将持续到什么时候?,印象派的展览在哪里?,我可以买到这次展览的相关纪念品吗?,我在哪里可以买到这个展览会的明信片?,博物馆里有礼品商店吗?,请问近期内会有雕刻展览吗?,我帮你弄到了今天毕加索展览的免费门票,打搅了请问今天有什么展览?,有任何特别展览吗?,多么精巧的展品啊!,这家博物馆的馆藏多大?,Dialogues 常见对话,A:Good morning/afternoon!Sir,how many people are you?,B:Two adults and one child.,A:20 Yuan for one.The children is free.Totel charge for 2 adults is 40 Yuan.,B:Here you are.,A:Please wait a minute.Here are your tickets and you change.,在售票处,A:早晨/下午好!先生,你们有几个人?,B:两个大人一个小孩。,A:1人20元,儿童免费。2个大人总共40元。,B:给你钱,A:请稍等,给你票和找零。,At the ticket office,Dialogues 常见对话,A:How many tickets do you want?,B:Id like to buy two tickets,please.(Two tickets,please),B:Three adults,one child,one student,and two seniors,please.I have a coupon,too.,在售票处,A:你要多少票?,B:请给我两张。,B:请给我三张成人票,一张儿童票,一张学生票,两张老人票,我还有一张优惠券。,At the ticket office,Dialogues 常见对话,A:Excuse me,sir.Your bag cant be brought in.,B:Oh,you want me to look into my bag?,A:No,No.but visitors cant take bags inside the museum.You have to leave it here.,B:Could I leave it with you?,A:Sorry.Take it over there,to the cloakroom,please.,B:All right.,寄存处,A:对不起先生,您的包不能带进去。,B:您要检查一下我的包吗?,A:不,不是。不过参观者不能把包带进博物馆内。您得把它留在外面。,B:我把它放在您这儿行吗?,A:不可以。请到那边,寄存处存包,B:好吧,In the cloakroom,Dialogues 常见对话,A:Where is the restroom/(toilet)?,B:Go along this way,and its on your right/(left)side.


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