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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Welcome!,Rome was not built in a day,罗马不是一日建成的。,Lesson 85,Paris in the spring,Do you know Paris Thats one of the most beautiful cities in the world.Today we will learn a story about Paris.And we will learn how to describe weather.,单词学习,Paris n.巴黎,cinema n.电影院,film n.电影;胶卷,beautiful adj.漂亮的,city n.城市,never adv.从来没有,ever adv.在任何时候,Paris n.巴黎,Its the capital of France.法国的首都。,London,Tokyo,Sydney,Beijing,city,n.城市,a large city大城市,city life 城市生活,country life 乡村生活,cinema n.电影院,go to the cinema,cinema=movie theatre,never adv.,频率副词,never(0%),seldom(20%),sometimes(40%),often(60%),usually(80%),always(100%),放于be动词,情态动词之后,其他动词之前,Ive never had a chance to meet him.,Never eat too much.,ever adv.副词,1用于疑问句,你曾经去过巴黎吗Have you ever been to Paris,2.用于否认句,我从来没有出过国。,I havent ever been abroad.,film n.1电影,film 英式 艺术影片,movie 美式 好莱坞商业片,他拍了一部关于西班牙的电影。,He made a film about Spain.,2薄膜,镜子蒙上了一层灰尘。,The mirror is covered with a film of dust.,3胶卷,a roll of film,一卷胶卷,beautiful adj.漂亮的,adj.美丽的,使生美感的,She was even more beautiful than I had expected.,她甚至比我预期的还要美。,adj.出色的,完美的;令人愉悦的,He did a beautiful job of painting the desk.,他油漆了书桌,活干得很漂亮。,beauty n.美人,美景,美好的东西,beauty contest 选美,单词学习,Paris n.巴黎,cinema n.电影院,film n.电影;胶卷,beautiful adj.漂亮的,city n.城市,never adv.从来没有,ever adv.在任何时候,课文讲解,Have you just been to the cinema,现在完成时,表示去过某地而现在已经回来了。,这里的just是“刚刚,刚刚的意思。,Whats on,这里的be on是“上演的意思,有一个新电影正上演。,A new film is now on.,今天晚上电视上有什么节目?,Whats on television tonight,现在完成时的特殊构造,have/has been to,sp,曾经去过某地,去某地已经回来,have/has gone to,sp,已经去那个地方了,去某地还没回来,have/has been,in,一直在某地 可与表示一段的时间状语连用,我爸爸去了香港,My father has gone to H.K.,我爸爸去过香港,My father has been to H.K.,我爸爸只有45岁,但是几乎世界上的所有国家他都去过。,My father is only 45 years old.But he has already been to nearly every country in the world.,in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在季节前是不用加定冠词的,Paris in the Spring,指的是具体的一个春天在巴黎发生的事情,所以加了定冠词。,Ive already seen it.,现在完成时,I saw it on television last year.,一般过去时强调在过去的某个具体的时间发生的事,Its an old film,but its good.,一般现在时对这部电影的一般性评价,仿写句子:,我读过那本书。我昨天读的。它是本老书,但是还是很有趣。,I have read this book.I read it yesterday.Its old,but its very interesting.,never和ever都是完成时的标志词,但要注意用法的区别:,never 通常用于陈述句中,表示“绝不、从来没有。,ever 通常用于疑问句中,表示“曾经、在任何时候。,我从来没去过西班牙。,I have never been to Spain.,你曾经去过西班牙吗?,Have you ever been to Spain,It rained all the time.一直、始终,=The rain never stopped.,Just like London!,=The weather in Paris in spring is just like the weather in London in spring.,这里的just是“就、正好、恰恰的意思。【比较上文】,这里的like是“像的意思。,酒店就像家一样。,The hotel is just like home.,夏威夷就像天堂一样。,Hawai is just heaven.,Lesson 86,What have you done,written exercises,A,B,Summary,VOC:,Paris n.巴黎,cinema n.电影院,film n.电影;胶卷,beautiful adj.漂亮的,city n.城市,never adv.从来没有,ever adv.在任何时候,G/P:have/has been to have/has gone to,Thank you!,Rome was not built in a day,罗马不是一日建成的。,


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