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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The topic :,H,a,r,r,y,P,o,t,t,e,r,s,world.,I hope you will like the topic I have chosen and I have poured a lot of time and energy into it.,S,ome,things about,H,a,r,r,y,P,o,t,t,er,The seven books about,Harry Potter,.,Who is Harry potters,real love team,?,Do you think,Ron and Hermione,will get together ?,The end,ing,Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,哈利波特与魔法石,哈利波特与密室,哈利波特与火焰杯,哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒,哈里波特系列,哈里波特系列,Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,#.,We will enjon the,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in,2008,and the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,2010.,Lets,wait expectantly,.,S,ome,things about,H,a,r,r,y,P,o,t,t,er,The seven books about,Harry Potter,.,Who is Harry potters,real love team,?,Do you think,Ron and Hermione,will get together ?,The end,ing,Who is Harry potters,real love team,?,Many people talk about the affairs about Harry ,such as :,Who is Harry potters,real love team,.Althought we can find the answer in the final book , as we all know , films are not always the same as the,original articles,.,Who is Harry potters,real love team,?,Cho Chang,張秋,魁地奇比賽中雷文克勞的搜捕手,比哈利波特高一個年級。哈利在三年級參加葛來分多對雷文克勞的比賽中與張秋相遇。她約比哈利矮一個頭,有著令人無法忽略的美貌,在那場比賽的開場中,張秋對哈利嫣然一笑,讓哈利胃中似乎有某種東西微微一顫。,Who is Harry potters,real love team,Harry and cho actually get a chance to hook up due to the death of Cedric in the book five,.,Cho and Harry have problems after they get a bit cozy (not even) so eventually harry hooks up with Ginny,in the book six,.,Somebody on the net answered :its Ginny of course. but chos hotter .,Who is Harry potters,real love team,# In the last book the author let Harry and Ginny get together and their three children are named Lily, James, and Albus Severus .,# But there still some people say:,cho,is Harrys,first love,what a pity that a sweet beign turn out to be a bitter ending.,Ginny Weasley金妮衛斯理衛斯理家最小的么妹,暗戀著哈利。,S,ome,things about,H,a,r,r,y,P,o,t,t,er,The seven books about,Harry Potter,.,Who is Harry potters,real love team,?,Do you think,Ron and Hermione,will get together ?,The end,ing,R,o,n,and,H,erm,io,ne,Ron Weasley,榮恩衛斯理,哈利的好友,來自衛斯理這個古老的魔法家族的么子,滿臉雀斑、大手大腳,十分會下西洋棋,。,# Ron is a kind boy though he isnt better than Harry .At the key point ,he will sacrifice himself to help harry .,Hermione Granger,赫敏格蘭傑,一頭濃密的褐髮,超級用功,最擔心的是就是被麥教授當掉。,Hermione is good but a bit dominant. She has a very soft heart but is hard outside.,Ron,and,Hermione,They seem to be not very intimate friends ,but Ron cared about her when she was bullied by,Malfoy,.,Ron,and,Hermione,Ron has a pet mouse ,but Hermione has a pet cat ,they always argue for their pets.Its very funning that they will get together ,just as “mouse loves cat ”,.,Ron has married Hermione, and their two children are named Rose and Hugo.,S,ome,things about,H,a,r,r,y,P,o,t,t,er,The seven books about,Harry Potter,.,Who is Harry potters,real love team,?,Do you think,Ron and Hermione,will get together ?,The end,ing,Voldemort,佛地魔,法力高強的黑魔法巫師,讓魔法界聞風喪膽!也是殺害哈利波特父母的人。佛地魔大家都不敢直呼,稱做那個人,是殺死哈利父母的兇手。,Albus Dumbledore阿不思鄧不利,多霍格華茲的校長。又高又瘦,年紀和鬍子都一大把,鼻子長而扭曲,戴著半月型的眼鏡。是巫師國際聯邦梅林勳爵士團的第一級大法師。,Professor Severus Snape石內卜,教授魔藥學,總是想盡辦法找哈利的麻煩。,T,h,e,E,n,d,in,g,The,End,ing,Snape is” the Half-Blood Prince”,Dumbledore was killed by him in the book 6, someone say: Its Dumbledores plan to let him win Voldemorts trust ,and he will save Harry at last.,Thoguh they give Dumbledore a majestic funeral, Dumbledore never die .He will renascence ,because he is the phoenix , and will give great power to Harry .,Let us learn some,magics,and join,Dumbledores army .,Petrificus totalus,统统石化,咒語魔法,Expelliarmus,除你武器,Reducto,粉身碎骨,:/darkarts-defence/uk/home.aspx,The,End,ing,In “the Goblet of Fire” , Scabbershelped,Voldemort,to renascence,Bone of the father unknowingly given you will renew your son,父亲的骨 无意中捐出 可使你的儿子再生,Flesh of the servant willingly given you will revive your master,仆人的肉 自愿捐出 可使你的主人重生,Blood of the enemy forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe,仇敌的血 被迫献出 可使你的敌人复活,Lets learn from Rowing,JKrowing nerver know she can be such rich .17 years ago,she was poor ,but she didnt lose heart and dream .She tried her best to work and at last won.,How weird and wonderful the world of Harry Potter became as it expended way beyond all of our wildest dreams.,No pain ,no gain. :/jkrowling/,Thats all ,thank you,Professor Trelawney,崔老妮,霍格華茲的占卜學老師。人很瘦,戴著一副大眼鏡,脖子上掛著數不清的鍊子和珠串,傳授如何從茶渣和水晶球裡預測未來。對心靈之眼所看見的徵兆非常相信,但是也經常出錯。,S,o,m,e,u,s,ef,u,l,w,o,r,d,s,Sorcerer, s:sr n. (fem. -ceress-ris)巫师, 术士,Goblet, gblit n,.,高脚杯; (无柄)酒杯,Chamber, teimb n.房间, 寝室; 英pl. 单人套间 ,会场,phoenix:,fi:niks n. 凤凰,长生(不死)鸟 引申为重生,Prince: ,prins n. 王子,亲王,hook: huk ,n. 钩子v. 钩住,intimate: intimit, a. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的v. 暗示,通知,告诉,bully: buli ,n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸,开球v. 威胁,恐吓,欺负,dominant:, dminnt a. 占优势的,sacrifice:, skrifais n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品v. 牺牲,祭祀,贱卖,renascence: rinsns, n. 新生,重生,复活,resurrect: ,.rezrekt vt. 复活(复露,使.再现,使.再受注意),weird: wid ,a. 怪异的,wand: wnd n. 棒,棍,杖,


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