英语:unit2 the olympic gamesgrammar课件(新人教版必修2)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,English Song,English Class,Video Data,Language Data Bank,课时分配,课时,板块结合范例,Period 1&2,Warming up and Reading I,Period 3,Learning about language,Period 4,Reading II,Period 5,Listening,Period 6,Speaking and Writing,Period 3 Learning,about language,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,Period 3:幻灯片32-54页,1.honest,2.medal,3.gymnasium,4.stadium,5.admit,6.take part in,7.replace,8.prize,9.a set of,10.interview,Checking answer I(3m),Answer keys for Ex.2 on Page 12:,Checking answer II(4m),Answer keys for Ex.3 on Page 12:,take part in,prize,medal,honest,5.admit,6.stadium,7.interview,8.replace,Checking answer III(4m),Answer keys for Ex.5 on Page 12:,in,against/with,for,into,as,to,with,Useful structure (30m),The Future Passive Voice,Active and Passive Voice,Voice,The voice of a verb tells whether the subject of the sentence performs or receives the action.In English there are two voices,passive and active.,Active Voice,In active voice,the subject performs the action expressed by the verb:,The student wrote a song,.,Passive Voice,In passive voice,the subject receives the action expressed by the verb:,A song was written by the student.,Forming Tenses of Passive Verbs,Tense,Subject,Auxiliary,Past Participle,Singular,Plural,Present,The car/cars,is,are,designed.,Present perfect,The car/cars,has been,have been,designed.,Past,The car/cars,was,were,designed.,Past perfect,The car/cars,had been,had been,designed.,Future,The car/cars,will be,will be,designed.,Future perfect,The car/cars,will have been,will have been,designed.,Present progressive,The car/cars,is being,are being,designed.,Past progressive,The car/cars,was being,were being,designed.,Uses of Passive Voice,Use the,passive,voice to:,1.Call attention to receiver of the action rather than the performer:,The professor was hit by three snowballs.,2.Point out the receiver of the action when performer is unknown or unimportant:,He was shot on November 19,1923.Color TVs are sold in that shop.,3.Avoid calling attention to the performer of the action:,The workbooks will be collected on Monday,.,Changing a sentence from the active voice to the passive voice involves 3 steps:,1.move the direct object to the subject of the sentence.,2.move the subject to the end of the sentence;add the preposition by before it.,3.change the verb.,Changing the verb involves three steps:,1.check the verb tense;use the verb“be in the same tense;,2.change the verb into a past participle;put this verb after the form of“be;,3.check that the new verb goes with the new subject.,Examples:The Future Passive Voice,a,.,He,will plant,more trees,.,More trees,will be planted,by him.,b.,She,will take care,of the children.,The children,will be taken care of,by her.,Practice:,1.Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games,in the year 2008,.,The 29th Olympic Games will be hold in Beijing,in the year 2008,.,When will the 29th Olympic Games be hold in Beijing?,2.Millions of people will watch the final match,on TV,.,The final match will be watched,on TV,by millions of people.,Where will the final match be watched by millions of people?,How will the final match be watched by millions of people?,This is Teds photo.We miss him a lot.He _ trying to save a child in the earthquake.,A.killed B.is killed,C.was killed D.was killing,高考链接,C,解析:答案C。根据题意,此处需用被动形式表达被动意义,B项时态不对。,2.Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.,A.will request B.request,C.are requesting D.are requested,高考链接,D,解析:答案D。题意为“要求参观者不要动展品,需用被动结构。,3.We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.,A.worked out B.tried out,C.went D.carried on,高考链接,A,解析:答案A。题意为“我们没有那样策划我们的艺术展览,但结果却很好。只有A项可表达出结果。B项为“试验,试用,C项意为“进行,进展,不表示结果,只表示进程,D项意为“继续,进行,也表达不出结果。,4.It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood _ to her mother.,A.close B.closely,C.closed D.closing,高考链接,A,解析:答案A。从题意看出,此处表示具体意义,指距离近,所以A项正确。,5.It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.,A.as art much as B.much an art as,C.as an art much as D.as much as art as,高考链接,D,解析:答案D。根据题意,此处需用asas 结构,所以B项不对,A,C为语序错误,只有D项结构正确,全句意为“一般认为,教学如同科学一样是一门艺术。,6.At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic.,A.were going to fly B.well be flying,C.well fly D.were to fly,高考链接,B,解析:答案B。根据时间状语确定,此处表示将来某一时刻在做的事,需用将来进行时态,C项不是最正确答案,A,D强调计划、打算,意义不当。,7.I keep medicines on the top shelf,out of the childrens _.,A.reach B.hand,C.hold D.place,高考链接,A,解析:答案A。此题考查固定短语out of sbs reach,意为“某人够不到的地方。,Homework,1.Summarize the rules of the Future Passive Voice in your own way.,2.Finish the exercises of“Discovering useful structures on Page 13.,Take a break!,


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