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fallen from the pole and passed away.,What shall we do if a fire happens,Discussion,Do or not to do,4.Take the left.,乘电梯逃离。,5.Jump out of the tall building.,跳楼,.,1.Use wet quilt or cloth to block the door.,用湿的被褥或衣服堵住门。,2.To make a quick departure,,,run away.,当机立断,迅速逃离。,3.Call 114.,6.putting it out with a fire-extinguisher,用灭火器灭火。,7.Find some extra way to get themselves out in free time.,多掌握几条逃生路线。,DO,DONT,DO,DO,DO,DONT,A big fire!Tell me some words about fire,or,a,ssociations with,a fire!,fireman 消防队员,firework,fireproof firehouse=fire station,fire-fighter,fireman=firefighter,n,hydrant haidrnt,n.,fire extinguisher,Extinguish ikstigwi,put out,灭火,Some words about another fire,hot,ht,kz,gzmn,farmn,ksdntl,rmenz,slv,mstr,sprk,fire/man,c,au,se,exa/mine,ac/ci/den/ta/lly,re/mains,myst,er,y,sp,ar,k,sol/ve,n,.,消防队员,v;n.,引起,;,原因,v.,检查,adv.,意外地,偶然地,n.,尸体,残骸,v.,解决,n.,谜,n.,火花,adj.,带电的,充电的,hot adj,1热的,炎热的,Strike while the iron is hot.,趁热打铁.,hot 炎热的 warm 温暖的,cool 凉爽的 chilly 寒冷的 cold 寒冷的,严寒的,2调味品辣的,辣椒和芥末是辣的.,Pepper and mustard are hot.,3强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的.,have a hot temper 脾气暴躁,a hot potato,棘手或讨厌的事物或情况,hot-wings,辣鸡翅;,hot-hot-hot,麻辣烫;,hot dog,hot-tempered,hot line,hot topic,hot cake,cause,1V.引起,cause sth:引起麻烦,粗心导致事故,Carelessness causes accidents.,骄傲使人失败,Pride causes failure,cause sb to do sth,引起某人做某事,导致某人做某事,be caused by,某事由,引起,carelessness,examine,1v.仔细观察,检查,调查,消防队员检查了森林的每一寸土地。,The firefighters examined every inch of the forest.,2v.诊查,医生仔细的诊察了病人。,The doctor examined his patient carefully,3v.考试,测试,examine students in English,n.exam 考试=examination,accidentally adv.,意外地,偶然地,adj.accidental,意外的,偶然的,意外死亡,an accidental death,accident,n.,事故,意外,车祸,a car accident,Accidentally=by chance=by accident,我偶然间发现了金矿,I found a gold mine by accident/accidentally.,remains,1n.剩余物,剩余物,残汤剩饭,the remains of a meal,2n.(古建筑等物)遗址,废墟,圆明园遗址,the remains of Yuanmingyuan,3n.遗体,遗骸,毛主席的遗体被保存在水晶棺材里。,The remains of Chairman Mao were kept well in a crystal coffin.,wire,n.金属线,电线,他用一根金属线把筐绑到了自行车上。,He tied a basket to the bicycle with a piece of wire.,telephone wires 线,Electric wires 电线,wireless adj.无线的,wireless telegraphy 无线电报,volt n.伏特,voltage n.电压,伏特数,power,1电力,动力,electric power 电力,water power 水力,2力,能力 自然的体力、智力,His power is failing.,他的体力在衰退。,3权力,支配力,势力,political power 政治权力,solve v.解决,解答,答复=work out,解决问题,solve a problem,解开谜团,solve a mystery,我们必须解决经济危机。,We must solve the economic crisis.,snatch,1v.抢,夺,掠取,snatch up 抓起来,贼把她的包抓起来逃跑了。,The thief snatched her bag and ran away.,At,last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire began.Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully,but were not able to find any broken glass.They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire.,This morning,however,a firemen accidentally discovered the cause.He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt pow


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