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嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,*, 2007 IBM Corporation,2007 【IBM developerWorks,開發者大會,】,IBM developerWorks| Oct 2007,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*, 2007 IBM Corporation,2007,【IBM developerWorks,開發者大會,】,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,嵌入式系置走向跨平台推手,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,General Manager of RollTech Technology Co., Ltd. (Since 2007 Mar.),Senior Director of InterVideo, Digital Tech. (2005 Nov.),Director of Information Appliance Technology Center of III (2004 Jan.),Deputy Managing Director of Embedded Systems Lab. Of III (2003 Apr.),Advisory Engineer of III (1999 Jul.),Experience,Embedded System of mobile and consumer device,Database systems,2,Overview of Embedded Systems,Embedded Java Technology and Applications,IBM J9 WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,3,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,4,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,依據英國電機工程師協會的定義,嵌入式系統為控制、監視或輔助設備、機器或甚至工廠運作的裝置,它是一種電腦軟體與硬體的綜合體,並且特別強調量身定做的原則,也就是基於某一種特殊用途,我們就會針對這項用途開發出截然不同的一項系統出來,也就是所謂的客制化(Customize),在新興的嵌入式系統產品中,常見的有手機、PDA、GPS、Set-Top-Box或是嵌入式伺服器embedded server及精簡型終端設備thin client等。,嵌入式系統應具備條件,可靠度、本钱、低耗電量、微處理器、有效使用記憶體、適當的執行時間,5,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,No unified, no standard specification of an embedded system,Processor,MIPS, ARM, PowerPC, ,TI, Marvel, Samsung, Broadcom, NEC, Philips, ST Micro, MTK, .,OS,Nucleus, Symbian, Embedded Linux, Windows mobile, WinCE, WinRiver and more RTOS.,GUI,Trolltech QT embedded, GtkFB, MicroWindow, and more proprietary GUI,Input,Process,Output,File, GUI, Networking,File, GUI, Networking,Processor computing,6,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,系統程式重複使用率低,系統程式工程師必須熟悉硬體架構,系統開發時間過長,系統程式與硬體架構相依性太高,使用者必須管理系統所有的硬體資源,程式語言不相通,7,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,8,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,“Service is the trend to increase the value of an embedded device,Open Platform is important to develop service,Java,Web Browsing,Windows mobile/WinCE,9,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,Market Trend,Hike J2ME % in high-end/mid-range mobile phone market,Strong momentum in mid-range/low-end mobile phone market,Open standard platform for mobile service,The most popular mobile game platform,Google and Yahoo adopt J2ME to deploy mobile services,Google map, Yahoo search, Gmail, .,China Mobile is pushing strongly to gain high ARPU growth rate from J2ME applications since 2006,Mobile service in Europe continues to show high growth,10,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,Extends J2ME mobile dominance to second large CE market,Digital TV: 144M units Java-enabled digital TV devices by 2021 (Strategy Analytics),Blu-ray: 150M units projected by 2021 (TSR, Gartner),11,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,All Java application code written to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and class libraries.,Enables new approaches and flexibility for application development,Code designed to make the platform flexible,Capability of targeting multiple Operating Systems with same solution,Code reuse increased as application runs on more platforms,Write once Run (test) everywhere,Addresses customer pain point of being tied to a single dedicated environment,Real Time Operating System (RTOS) independence,Enables a quick switch to other platforms,Add more devices over time,Java surpassed C+ in number of Open Source projects,12,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,CLDC,Connected Limited Device Configuration,CDC,Connected Device Configuration,MIDP,Mobile Information Device Profile,Personal Pro,(Optional),Optional JSR,Optional JSR,Optional JSR,Optional JSR,JavaVirtual Machine,Carrier Extensions,Optional JSR,Optional JSR,Optional JSR,Optional JSR,Optional JSR,MIDlets,Applications,JavaVirtual Machine,Java Native Interface,13,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,Branded as “WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment (WEME).,Available in 2 base JavaME configurations,Connected Limited Device Configuration + Mobile Information Device Profile,(CLDC + MIDP),Connected Device Configuration + Foundation,(CDC + Foundation + optional graphics profile),CDC + Foundation used in “headless applications,Personal Basis Pro a light weight AWT,Personal Pro JavaSE like AWT (no SWING),Non JavaME configurations also available,“WebSphere Everyplace Custom Environment (WECE).,For deep embedded applications where platform nature of JavaME not required,14,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,J9 virtual machine modules,Platform (HW, OS, Toolchain),Nativeapplications,and,libraries,Java application code,OS-specific calls,Pluggable components that dynamically load into the virtual machine,Thread model,JVM Profiler,Debugger,Realtime Profiler,Port Library (, sockets, memory allocation, etc.),Profiles / Configurations,JCL natives,JNI,JNI,Virtual Machine,Garbage collector,Interpreter,Exception handler,Class loader,Real-time,JIT Compiler,JavaSE,Foundation,CDC,Max,MIDP,CLDCclass library,Java,calls,15,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,IBMs implementation of Java Powered,TM,JavaME for mobile devices and handsets,Supports broad range of embedded platforms,High performance and stability,Small footprint, low resource requirements,Implements the major mobile Java standards,IBM J9Virtual Machine,Carrier Extensions,Multimedia API,Messaging API,JTWI,Personal Pro,RMI,JDBC,PDA Opt Profile,PDA Opt Profile,Web Services,Web Services,MIDlets,Applications,16,IBM J9Virtual Machine,CLDC 1.1,MIDP 2.0 (, MIDP 3),Foundation 1.0,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,IBM WEME is in an ideal and unique position to help the Mobile industry bridge the transition from CLDC to CDC:,Same VM core in both CLDC and CDC implementations,Long experience, large customer base for WEME CDC,CDC-based WEME already shipped on mobile phone Nokia 9500 and 9300,WEME CDC/Foundation/Personal Pro preferred enterprise application platform on PDAs and industry-specific handhelds,Carrier Extensions,Multimedia API,Messaging API,JTWI, MSA 248,PDA Opt Profile,Web Services,JSR-232 MEG,RMI,JDBC,MSA 249,Personal Pro,1.1,Applications,17,嵌入式系統裝置走向跨平台推手,IBM J9 Business Partner,RollTech,Embedded Java platform provider,Solution,Core: Embedded Java virtual machine,VM Value Added: JSRs and Applications,Protocol: 3D graphic engine,Experienced JavaME engineering and management team since 2001,18,谢谢观赏,


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