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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 64,The Channel Tunnel,英吉利,海峡隧道,1.,tunnel,n. 隧道,2. port,n. 港口,3. ventilate,v. 通风,4. chimney,n. 烟囱,5. sea level,海平面,6. double,adj. 双的,7. ventilation,n. 通风,8. fear,v. 害怕,9. invasion,n. 入侵,侵略,10.officially,adv. 正式地,11.connect,v. 连接,12.European,adj. 欧洲的,13.continent,n. 大陆,channel tnl, n 海峡,The Channel Tunnel 英吉利海峡隧道, n 频道,teaching channel教学频道,Can we change another channel, v 传递,She channel her information to me.,她把她的信息传递给我,1. tunnel tnl,n. 隧道,The Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道,The train passed through several tunnels.,火车要穿过好几个隧道。,Light at the end of the tunnel。苦尽甘来,v 凿,挖隧道,The engineers had to tunnel through solid rock .,工程师们必须在坚实的岩石上开凿隧道。,2. port p:t, put n. 港口,passport 护照,enter a port 进入一个港口,leave a port 离开一个港口,a free port 自由港,The typhoon stopped the ship from,leaving,the port.,台风阻止船出港,3. ventilate ventileit v. 通风,= air,well-ventilated,adj,通风良好的,our classroom is well-ventilated.,我们的教室通风很好,my office is poorly-ventilated.,我的办公室通风不好,ventilation ,ventilein n. 通风,ventilator,通风设备,通风口,=,airing 通风口,4,. chimney timni n. 烟囱,sweep a chimney=clean a chimney清扫烟囱,a blocked chimney 堵塞的烟囱,factory chimney工厂的烟囱,I,t is said that Father Christmas gives the children present through the chimney.,5. sea level levl 海平面,sea 大海 level水平,1n 水平,one thousand metres above sea level海拔1000米,water always seeks its own level水性自平,2n,高度,等级,the level of the water水位,high level 高水平的,高级的,low level低级的,低水平的,3adj平的,a level surface 平坦的外表,the road is level.路是平的,6,. double dbl adj. 双的,反义词single,a double room 双人房间,a double bed双人床,double check仔细检查,pay double 付两倍的钱,double ones salary薪水加倍,I d like to book a double room.,7. fear fi v. 害怕,1n.害怕=terror/ter/ 恐惧,The soldier didnt show his fear.,这个士兵没有显示出畏惧的神色。,have a great fear of sth极度害怕某物,She has a great fear of fire.他很怕火。,2v. 害怕=be afraid of,Never fear! 别担忧=Dont worry,fear doing sth害怕做某事,he feared staying alone in the dark.,他害怕一个人呆在黑暗处。,fear to do sth 害怕做某事,she feared to speak in the public.他害怕在公共场合说话,adj. fearful 恐惧的,be fearful of 害怕,The baby is fearful of dark.,这个婴儿怕黑。,派生词,fearless filis adj. 无畏的,8,. invasion invein n. 入侵,侵略,invade vt 入侵、蜂拥,invade a village入侵一个小村庄,The tourists invade the city.,游客蜂拥进这个城市。,invade sbs rights 侵犯某人的权利,invader n 入侵者,9,. officially fili adv. 正式地,= formally,o,ffice,n,办公室,officer,n,军官,official,adj. 官方的,Iv been officially invited to the wedding .,1,0,. connect knekt v. 连接,A highway connects the two cities.,connect with 并列的连接,connect to 连接向,Connect this computer with that computer,把这台电脑和那台电脑连接起来。,He connected a mouse to the computer.,他把鼠标连到电脑上。,connection n,连接,联系,Connection between A and B.,1.一个法国工程师 a French engineer,2.关于的方案 a plan for,3.在的中心 in the centre of,4.起作用 serve as,5.海平面以上 above the sea level,6.提出 put forward,7.解决问题 solve the problem,8.吸入 draw in,9.再等另外一百年 wait another 100 years for,10. 把和连接起来 connect to ,1.In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel. 1858年,一位名叫埃梅.托梅.德.干蒙的法国工程师带着建造一条长21英里、穿越英吉利海陕的隧道方案到了英国。,1.a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, 同位语,2.arrive in +大地点 arrive at + 小地点,3.twenty-one-mile 21英里的,形容词 只能做定语,4.a plan for 关于的方案,plan to do sth 方案做某事,2. He said that it would be possible to build a platform,in the centre of,the Channel他说,可以在隧道中央建造一座平台.,that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel.,宾语从句,in the centre,of 在中心,platform 平台、站台、月台,3.This platform would,serve as,a port and a railway station.这座平台将用作码头和火车站。,serve as 起.作用,担任,,,充当,=serve for.,serve sb with 用招待,My uncle,served me with,delicious food,.,我叔叔,用,美食,招待我。,4.The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level.如果再建些伸出海面的高大的烟囱状通风管,隧道就具备了良好的通风条件。,well-ventilated 通风良好的,非真实条件句, 与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句。,从句 过去式be 的过去式用were),主句 would + V原,条件句,1.真实条件句:主将从现,If he is out, Ill call tomorrow.,Youll miss the train if you dont hurry.,2.非真实条件句,(1)对现在事实假设,主句:would,+v原,从句:过去时(were),(2)对过去事实相反假设,主句:would have,+过分,从句:had,+ 过分,key structures,special difficulties,draw in,(火车、汽车)进站, 到达, 吸引,draw back,撒回, 收回(承诺等), 拉起, 退却,draw up,dr: p,起草,拟订;(使)停住,


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