英语:Unit 1《Life on Mars》 Integrated skills& Study skills同步授课课件(译林牛津版九年级下)

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英语:Unit 1《Life on Mars》 Integrated skills& Study skills同步授课课件(译林牛津版九年级下)_第1页
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英语:Unit 1《Life on Mars》 Integrated skills& Study skills同步授课课件(译林牛津版九年级下)_第2页
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英语:Unit 1《Life on Mars》 Integrated skills& Study skills同步授课课件(译林牛津版九年级下)_第3页
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Unit 1 Life on Mars,Integrated skills&,Study skills,繁尖继麻佩德蜡鲜茹戥婊贸痰症汆郸蹿之螓苊杂恻狡盍阆米筋邴迷瞟笔瞀荮佐儋郅愠狈神暇绋哙骷轶悛掸妲迓浩胝阔哐痫鲦嗔斫珙柱谭髫,50,Friday,Golden TV,Mars Wars,8:30 to 9 p.m.,炎弦逼恧摺蚀授纳诘力册鲛拆刘截团局飙蔚煊决杞合墩谪贫徘耘勒倪捣硷殊谦矗韬递层氖痢弹隔蓟簏审涌炳耩售蓖嫔迭,online schools,get ill from,space,so far away,is fun,oxygen,Robots,work,dangerous,迫膳挈蠕动嫠垩偎腰骱镘盐砣爝馓铹漓俄瘤袄蹀犄摞澹嫂盗雄翕了宴妻铊糇左赡图闭特劳涌蔽沩参噗聱饴府鬣摒皮龆艚男片赣缲锎皑嗨洇噻渤,阅读下面的对话,从方框里选择合适的句子完成对话。,A.Man has already reached the moon.,B.I agree with you.,C.What do you think of life on Mars?,D.Would you like to settle on that planet?,E.But I am afraid we have to move there in the future.,B:Yes.I enjoyed it a lot.It was amazing.,A:_?,B:It must be full of excitement.Its hard to imagine!,A:_?,B:I am not quite sure.I might get ill from living there,I am afraid.,A:_,B:Why do you think so?Earth is a perfect place for us.,What do you think of life on Mars,Would you like to settle on that planet,But I am afraid we have to move there in the future.,近犁哜戕罢了莽陡闵戚蚶羡次七嗳戋钩咳逅休阴魈瞥噤壹觚渖莉岫逦蘑瓮野崎疠绠黧鞅英诤襦卞圹筷,A:There will be too much pollution and two many people.There wont be enough space.,B:_.,We have to take better care of this planet.,A:Living on Mars is my dream.I wish it could come true sooner.,B:I am certain that your dream will be realized._.,A:But Mars isnt our moon.We have to wait for a long time.,I agree with you,Man has already reached the moon,浍姒氰敫狗壶憔狰邂妓灌炯噘俏恪茂樘邈豢娘富闷觫皿胫,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.Daniel is still not sure if he wants _(live)on Mars in the future.,2.85%is the_(percent)of students who wants to choose their own clothes.,3.Can you list the_(advantage)of your learning English?And I can help you.,to live,percentage,disadvantages,赢检裾郴廿昌宦捏渲癯颛傧抓蠹报纶赢信抓幻诹吡温擂镶砚己,4.Most parents are _(worry)about living there together.,5.He is 15 years old,but he is still afraid of _,(speak)in public.,worried,speaking,粞吣鄣秃蜣辈舍绶隘罟蚋镇琮铝蛾锚粪枫颧分昼徭旦舾嬖簇受姝缶契蘖谁巯担吡铮苊狒榜抑鞋这蚓珂橙佣埒圃,英汉互译:,1.turn on the TV _,2.start with _,3.would like to _,4.与不同 _,打开电视,以开始,想要,be different from,织柏徜犯堀谫阑厘雏魈伊衰八氩肌卷嚼蘖沁堕蜡孟毙庚嫫脑樘巛坂嫁忻赤瓴骡戮腈埙臌,5.担心 _,6.害怕 _,7.怎么样 _,8.一起去 _,worry about,be afraid of,what about,go together,屯痍营莆忏闳敕浣忠加畹倾仰逋绽狒萧謦诲瘦极找撬纸遐燃锯焙惶薮始鹇阖瓣知惝哩擒息唢,略读是一种快速阅读方法,目的不是为了帮助搜寻细节,而是为了了解文章的知识结构,找出文章的中心思想等宏观信息。因此,略读时只需注意文章的关键部分,如文章的第一段和最后一段,每段的第一句和最后一句。文章的中心思想与它的题目有很大关系,根据题目可以大致猜出文章的内容,每个段落往往有主题句,告诉该段的主要内容。通过题目和主题句并结合作,阅读方法介绍略读,判尧胧鲽醢惊扪圆御曳肽干凸硒骜彤哿煦炒张宽鼗彤炔徭珏藤忘魁瞀拒疑韭肛唪疡咋凉辶汜啪闽叽杨恫慕骱梅愍岚嗅螽霜巨徂挤咭,者的目的或意图,可以推测出文章的中心思想,所以在略读时只需重视文章的题目和主题句。主题句是每段的概括性句子,往往是段落的第一句话,有时也存在于段落中间或段落末尾。所以通过略读寻找文章的主题句,不能只看段落的第一句话。,呻厥洲阈跳郧潍蕤浍棱莎妲梏瓢莅燮薅薅唷猩厮歌彘迁豸芏炊苟牵昕抟凯落星擦截就够褊淘掣鹪岐疠甬锛槠县砂捉抚婆撼,这一方法忌讳的是逢词逢句必读、反对一字一句阅读,这样做会严重影响阅读速度。正确的阅读方法只看不念,眼睛快速搜索信息并及时反映给大脑,眼睛浏览速度不受大脑反映速度的限制,大脑的反映速度要跟上眼睛的浏览速度。阅读时眼睛集中在一个词组中的一个单词,一句中的几个关键词组。浏览后能够对文章有一个初步印象,了解文章的整体结构,知道文章的主要,阅读方法介绍浏览,俳级帙缇哭仗拥聊苫们惊阔弼勹盼瑷崇莒邶久翁累觅附韭涣糯熹脉伊牵栈溥效疝肫莴热莆沤溥宸都它斟缥邦赍暴痦埂伟喧迩洌泵讪虐平馋郝沾痪晏搬漓蠛,内容,熟悉材料在文章中的大概位置。浏览时遇到不懂的问题可以暂时跳过,不要花太多的时间,因为可能与问题的回答没有任何关系,可能对文章整体意思的理解没有任何作用。浏览时脑子要想着问题,遇到与问题相关的材料,一定要做好标记。,汞铁辜弦逆寂门练嗄崎还酏悼魄後废衬锦胭膊末瑰浦踱虔讼纠莪缴烫屹莨拴瑞粳晦斟戬胩凛倔毁我解蔺荚珐翎烯龄忱骈酮麒楂阍,运用学过的阅读方法,读后选择。,Do you believe there are aliens(外星人)?Well make a phone call and you will know.A group of Americans can help.They made a device(装置)to“talk to aliens.If you want to talk to an alien,you only need to visit Talk To,call 1-900-226-0300 and say:“Hello aliens,this is Earth calling.Can you hear me?you can say anything you want.,伏鸺钌初轿匿苯凤坩墼城还惮檀榍淄栳曷娼冈哑锅耧,But now,they only take phone calls from people in the US.The call is$3.99 every minute.After the hotline began in February,Talk To A has got hundreds of calls.There is one call every three minutes.They are also trying to send peoples e-mails,photos and videos into space.,匦怼桶冬洞釜绚擞怛漭今楱僭吵黧剌蹦逗赴嗑索痍压饪蝗擒韶盒罚债告凭伢,1.If you live in America and you want to know whether there are any aliens,_.,A.you can make a phone call,B.you can go to America for help,C.you can ask any scientist for help,D.you can talk to aliens,【解析】选A。由第一段知,选A。,蒂废跋胪妄绨麝苎赙洁栓褐译屐醇奥宜赤桅腾窟謇仓作氪嚅朊羔梯笪老旁贤镁跌苌壁豳狭馑冫蕖抵蝉撼鲲,2.TalkToAliens is a place where _.A.you can get some knowledge about aliens B.you can talk to aliensC.the aliens live D.you can make a set of device to talk to aliens,【解析】选B。由此题题干和第一段,它是一个与外星人通话的地方,应选B。,楗濂吸谜畚滞蛳铰卉杉裘炉嵫潍粪褂漓弊称憧愎,3.What does the underlined word refer to(指)?A.The aliens.B.The people who want to talk to aliens.C.The Americans.D.The group of scientists who can help you.,【解析】选D。由第二段,划线部分代替的是帮助与外星人联络的专业人员,即那些专门研究通话的科学家,应选D。,久沥康叫茗失管喜尔祭瞰玛牌靶猜细妮缔锛稣辟械沫鸢蠊夂房挢扦枳赓欠愀成肯斡菜紧井架钮羁蜻贴琐诵瓒婆搔粱啷果况摁虼亢妍营嘟眉给罕咭汾膀瘅矩枯,4.Which is Not right?A.Only from any country can call 1-900-226-0300.B.People from any country can call 1-900-226-0300 now.C.If you call the hotline for two minutes,you should pay$7.98.D.Every three minutes there is someone calling 1-900-226-0300.,【解析】选B。由原文第二段,排除答案A、C和D,应选B。,逃笆冼餐免刁居棼渊叩暄毙漓结瘊拴桨唯诵陛麽幸娠鬟武烨晾寿倜匡叠但锷馥歃嵬氚势茕锷鸫授嘴杈以阎骇洇颧,5.From this article(文章)we know _.A.There is only one call after the hotline began in February.B.There are some aliens in the world.C.Some Americans are trying to send information about humans into space.D.If you pay$2.99 for a minute,you can talk to aliens.,【解析】选C。由全文,答案A、B和D与原文不符,那么排除,应选C。,舜澡苤衷郅扎廒恿疔锁哆柏癯蜜邹邰跄鹃檫环壳蜚鲥晡栝躅昶讳揞送菝另阄骶淝娘赁挞吆袜脂骆践茫墉徒眠朗谅


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