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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 In the Nature Park,B read and write,good f_(好朋友),lots of a_(许多动物),q_(安静的),many p_(许多人),small m_(小老鼠),c_ to ten(数到十),draw a p_(画张图),picture,quiet,people,animals,friend,mouse,count,Look!Whos at his house,This is Mr Joness house.,Find the words,(找出介词),P63,Tick or cross,1.There is a nature park near the house.,2.There is a park on the mountain.,3.There is a small village in front of the mountain.,4.There are many ducks on the river.,lake,1.Whats near house,2.Whats in the park,There,is,a nature park,near the house.,There,is,a high mountain,in the park.,3.Whats in front of the mountain,4.Whats near the village,5.Whats on the lake,There,is,a small village,in front of it.,There,is,a lake,near the village.,There,are many ducks,on the lake.,Lets answer(答复以下问题),用is和are填空。,1.,I,n my room,there,a desk.On the desk,there _many goods.There,_,a pen,an eraser and many books.,2.There,_,a forest in the nature park.There,_,a path,(路),in the forest.There,_,some mountains in it.There,_,a river near the mountains.There,_,many flowers near the river.There,_,a lake on the mountain.,KEYS,is,are,is,is,is,is,is,are,are,1.a,is,hill,the,there,in,park _,2.there,tall,are,buildings,any _,3.many,the,there,are,rivers,near,village._,4.you,see,can,house,Robins _,5.pencil,there,is,a,between,the,desks._,连词成句,Can you see Robins house,There is a pencil between the desks.,There are many rivers near the village.,Are there any tall buildings,Is there a hill in the park,Look at this photo.Its my village.There are some mountains in the village.There are some trees on the mountains.The trees are green.There is a river and a bridge,too.The river is long.There is green grass under the trees.We can run on the grass.,KEYS,()1.Its a photo of the village.,()2.There are some mountains in the village.,()3.There are some flowers on the mountains.,()4.There is a lake in the village.,()5.There is green grass on the mountains.,Tick or cross,


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