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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Cinderella,Unit 1,灰姑娘,幻灯片 25,Who is the writer of the story?,The Brothers Grimm,格林兄弟,Grimms,Fairy,Tales,Cinderella,Cinde,rella,s,tep,mother,继母,step,sisters,Cinderellas family,Do they love Cinderella,What do they say?,Cinderella, come and help me!,Cinderella, where are my gloves,Cinde,rella,s,tep,mother,继母,step,sisters,pr,i,nce,王子,故事中还有哪些人物?,f,air,y,仙女,h,air,There is a party,at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go.,Why?,Watch and answer,1.Why Cinderella cant go to the party,She doesnt have any nice _ or _.,2. Who helps her,A. A fairy B. A witch,clothes,shoes,A. A fairy,What are they talking about,?,Why are you so sad, dear,Because I cant go to the party.,Why,Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.,Let me help you.,A fairy comes.,Read in two,Cinderella put,s,on the,new clothes and,shoes.,Listen and say,What else does the fairy say?,Come back before 12 oclock.,before,在,之前,put on,take off,穿上,脱下,What will the prince say,王子会说什么呢?,Would you please dance with me,You look beautiful/pretty/cool.,Nice to meet you.,.,Cinderella has a good time at the party.,Does she want to go home?,自读故事,划出相应依据,Sorry, I,have to,go now.,Hey, your shoe.,have to,不得不,Its 7 oclock. I have to _.,Its 5 oclock. I have to _.,Its 9:30 . I have to _.,She,has to,go.,She loses _.,丧失,a shoe,The prince visit,s,every house.,Many girls try on the shoe, but it does,not fit.,Finally, Cinderella tr,ies,it on.,1.What does the prince do,2.Does Cinderella try on the shoe at first,try on,Read and answer,fit,It fit,s,!,注意模仿正确的,语音、语调、语气哦!,Unit 1 Cinderella,There is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go.,Cinderella, come and help me.,Cinderella, where are my gloves,A fairy comes.,Why are you so dad, dear,Because I cant go to the party.,Why,Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.,Let me help you.,注意模仿正确的,语音、语调、语气哦!,Unit 1 Cinderella,Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.,Come back before 12 oclock.,Cinderella has a good time at the party.,Sorry, I have to go now.,Hey, your shoe!,The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on.,It fits.,Lets read!,Read and match,a,b,c,d,There is ,,,but ,A fairy ,Why ,Because ,Let me , puts on , before , visits ,Many , but ,Finally,It !, has a good time ,Sorry,Hey,借助板书复述课文,Lets act,There is ,,,but ,A fairy ,Why ,Because ,Let me , puts on , before , visits ,Many , but ,Finally,It !,六人一组,注意表情动作和语气,可自由发挥。, has a good time ,Sorry,Hey,结合板书,尽量不看书,Homework,1.听录音熟练朗读story time,2.小组内表演故事,3.阅读双语版格林童话,


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