the function of style风格的功能

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2015/11/24,#,To,change the conventions governing the relationship between the physical elements of built forms and their everyday use,such as the arrangement of workspaces in an office tower,or the location of immigration desks in an airport terminal,or the entrances to apartments in a residential complex,or the slope of a bowl in a sports arena,they must first be appropriated from existing built forms.,为了改变这种调整建筑形式的物理因素和日常使用需求之间的关系的社会传统,例如一个办公大厦里工作空间的安排,或一个机场里移民部门的位置,或一个商住综合楼里公寓的入口,或一个体育竞技场里木球滑道的斜率,他们必须先从已存在的建筑形式中进行挪用。,Endless forms through appropriation,通过挪用创造无尽的形式,These conventions,once they have been detached from their origins(author,date,location),can be activated in a different way,based on strategic choices made for each new context.,这些传统一旦脱离了他们的起源(创始人,时间,地点),便会基于一种在每个新的环境中所产生的战略性选择,以一种不同的方式被激活。,This process of appropriation erases the idea of borders between people,places and periods,and acknowledges that built forms do not have to be either an entirely new creation or a simple repetition.,这种挪用的过程消除了人与人,空间与空间,时间与时间的边界,还有一种认为好看的形式不一定是完全新颖的创造或者简单的重复的认可的想法。,Comparative analysis of contemporary projects in this book reveals common ideas or threads in the way they have been assembled.,本书中对当代项目的对比分析揭示了某些共同观念或者说贯穿于他们被组合的过程中。,In the case of office buildings,for example,the following can be found:high-rise office buildings with a central atrium(office-tower-central atrium);high-rise office buildings with a peripheral atrium(office-tower-peripheral atrium);high-rise office buildings with a central core(office-tower-central core);high-rise office buildings with an asymmetric core(office-tower-asymmetric core);office blocks with a central atrium(office-block-central atrium);office blocks with a peripheral atrium(office-block-peripheral atrium);office blocks with split floors(office-block-split floors);and so on.,例如在办公建筑的例子中,将涉及到以下内容:高层办公建筑的中央庭院(高层办公主庭院);高层办公建筑的次要庭院(高层办公次庭院);高层办公建筑的中心核(高层办公楼中心核);非对称高层办公建筑的核心(高层办公楼非对称核心);办公街区的中央庭院(办公街区主庭院);办公街区的次要庭院(办公街区次庭院);办公街区的隔离层(办公街区隔离层)等。,In each example the project in question appropriates the common thread and makes it different.,在,每一个例子中,正在谈论的项目引出了一条共同的主线并且使之与众不同。,The differences between one project and another highlight the projects singularity:the specific way it disrupts the possibility of conventions or habits forming in the way a built form is used.,项目之间的不同之处突出了项目的特异性:具体的做法打破了一种以模仿已存的建筑形式所形成过程的传统和习惯的可能性。,Outlined in the following pages are four sets of projects that develop singular styles from common threads:corrugated floors in office towers,stacked galleries in multistory museums,continuous balconies in residential slabs,and peripheral atriums in office towers.,在接下来的文章中将介绍四组通过相同的思路来阐述奇特风格的项目:商业大楼里的波纹地板,多层博物馆里的堆叠画廊,住宅板上的连续阳台,商业大楼里的外围庭院。,Corrugated office floor,波纹办公室地板,Cesar,Pellis design for the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur(p.159)introduced corrugation to the office floor plates and increased the perimeter length of the floors relative to a conventional rectangular floor plate.,西萨佩里在吉隆坡的双子星塔的设计中,相对于传统的矩形层板,引入了起皱的办公室波纹板,并且增加了地板的周长。,This use of corrugation was not a completely new idea,but rather an appropriation,on a much larger scale,of Mies van der Rohes design for the Friedrichstrasse skyscraper in Berlin(p.157),where the triangular footprint was corrugated to produce three segments diminishing in size towards a central core to introduce natural light to the deep office floors as well as views of the exterior into the core.,这种对于波纹的使用不能算是一个新的想法,而是借鉴了一个更大的项目密斯凡德罗在柏林腓特烈大街上设计的摩天大楼,该大楼的三角形覆盖区域是波纹形的,为了产生三大板块减少朝向中心核的尺寸,从而引入自然光到内部的办公地板同时将外部的景观引入中心区域。,However,whereas Miess design created three separate wings of offices,which precluded large open-plan workspaces,Pellis circular floor plate creates a continuous band of space around the core,which could be subdivided into individual offices or used to create the kind of open-plan workspaces which are capable of nurturing interaction among the workers.,然而,鉴于密斯的设计创造了三个分散的翅膀形的办公区,从而杜绝了大型开放式工作区的可能性,佩里的圆形底板创造了一个沿着中心核的连续的环状空间,这样的空间能够被细分为一个个独立的办公室,也能够创造出一种可以在工作者之间引起互动的开放式的工作区域。,In,their design for the headquarters of Gazprom in St.Petersburg(p.161)RMJM adopted the same principle of corrugating the floor plate.,在他们设计的位于圣彼得堡的俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的总部中,罗麦庄马采用了相同原理的波纹型楼面板。,However,whereas the scale of the corrugation remained the same throughout the skyscraper at Friedrichstrasse,providing tenants with identical floors along the height of the skyscraper and whereas the scale of the corrugation was reduced marginally from the base to the top of the Petronas Towers,producing six segments of slightly different-sized floor plates,the shape as well as the scale of the corrugation of the floor plans of the Gazprom tower changes continuously from the base to the top of the tower,resulting not only in floor plates of very different shapes and sizes,which can accommodate different types of work arrangements,but also in a tower form that tapers continuously to optimize the way it performs against wind loads.,


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