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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,定语从句在写作中的简单应用,Attributive Clause in English Writing,定语从句在写作中的简单应用,授课教师:叶欢,人教新课标 高二下,选修7 U4 sharing,复习定语从句,What is attibutive clause?,在复合句中修饰,名词,或,代词,的,从句,叫定语从句。,定语从句,She is the girl, and the girl lives next door.,She is the girl_lives next door.,本卷须知:,1.从句的位置:先行词之后,2.翻译方法:“。的,who,先行词,关系词,Attributive Clause,定语从句:,1.需要很多水的植物,the plant,which/that,needs much water,2.你上周的来信,the letter,(which/that),you posted last week,3.和我们一起玩的那些孩子们,the children,who/that,pla,yed,with us,4.我昨天碰见的女孩,the girl,(whom/who/that),I met yesterday.,定语从句:,5.成就achievements卓著(well known)的科学家,the scientist whose achievements are well known,the happy time when we worked on the farm,7.我们在那照过一张相的湖,the lake where we took a picture,the reason why he is absent,定语从句,关系词,本卷须知:,关系词的主要作用:连接主句和从句、替代先行词和在从句中充当成分.,非限制性从句中关系词既可修饰先行词也可修饰整个主句,不可用that引导,关系代词不能省略。,关系,代,词,关系,副,词,that which who whom,whose as,when where why,Practice of Attributive Clause,1.The factory,which/that,makes computers is far away from here.,2.These are book,s,(which/that),you ordered.,who/that,knew him liked him.,4.The girl,(whom/who/that),the teacher often praises is our monitor.,5.I visited a scientist,whose,name is well known all over the world.,6.I have the same bag,as,you have.,7. I,ll never forget the day,when/ on which,he did the experiment,.,8. That is the house,where/ in which,he lived ten years ago.,9. The reason,why/ for which,she did it is a mystery.,10. His father,who,works in Beijing, came back yesterday.,11. Shanghai,which,is in East China, is developing quickly.,12.,He failed in the exam,which,made his parents angry.,13.,As,we had expected,he failed in the exam,.,Practice of Attributive Clause,定语从句之,定语从句在写作中的简单运用,请观察:怎么写定语从句呢?有没有步骤?步骤如何?,制造计算机的工厂离这儿很远。,=工厂制造计算机+工厂离这儿很远。,The factory makes computers.,The factory is far away from here.,The factory,which,makes computers is far away from here.,which,请观察:怎么写定语从句呢?有没有步骤?步骤如何?,认识他的每个人都喜欢他。,=每个人认识他+每个人喜欢他。,Everyone knew him.,Everyone liked him,.,Everyone,who,knew him liked him.,who,Conclusion :定语从句写作方法,定从随其后,三步法,改写句子,1. 我有一个同学Jane, 她的父亲是我以前的化学教师。,I have a classmate called Jane. Janes father is my former chemistry teacher.,I have a classmate called Jane,whose,father is my former chemi,stry,teacher.,改写句子,2. Jane是外向且热心的女孩,Jane 喜欢交朋友和帮助别人。,Jane is an outgoing and warm-hearted girl. Jane likes making friends and helping others.,Jane is an outgoing and warm-heared girl,who,likes making friends and helping others.,改写句子,3. Jane 在此次口语竞赛中获得第一,这使得父母很快乐。, Jane takes the first place in the Speech Contest. It makes her parents happy.,Jane takes the first place in the Speech Contest,which,makes her parents happy.,改写句子,4.,新年,就要到了,,到时,Jane会和她妈妈一起去香港。,The New Year,is coming,.,I,n,the new year Jane,will go to Hongkong together with her mother.,The New Year is coming,in which/when,Jane will go to Hongkong together with her mother.,改写句子,5.,众所周知,,,香港,是一个购物天堂,Jane打算,在那里,买她需要的东西。,Hongkong is a shopping paradise,.,W,e all know,it,.,In,Hongkong,Jane intends to buy what she needs.,As,we all know, Hongkong is a shopping paradise,in which/,where,Jane intends to buy what she needs,.,Read it together please,I have a classmate called Jane,whose,father is my former chemi,stry,teacher.,Jane is an outgoing and warm-heared girl,who,likes making friends and helping others.,Jane takes the first place in the Speech Contest,which,makes her parents happy. The New Year is coming,when,Jane will go to Hongkong together with her mother.,As,we all know, Hongkong is a shopping paradise,where,Jane intends to buy what she needs,.,翻译以下句子,1.我很快乐收到你下学期将来中国留学的来信。next term,an exchange student,Im delighted to receive your letter which says you will come to China as an exchange student next term.,2.我希望我有这个荣幸来帮助在找寄宿家庭的你。a host family,I hope I can have this honor to help you who are looking for a host family.,翻译以下句子,3. 学了大约6年英语的我能用流利的英语与人交谈。have/has been doing sth,I, who have been learning Enghish for about six years, can communicate with people in fluent English.,4. 正如你期待的,我们没有交流障碍。(have no trouble in doing sth),As you have expected, we have no trouble in communicating.,5. 我是个外向且热心的人,爱交朋友和帮助别人。,Im an outgoing and warm-hearted person who like making friends and helping others.,6.我们有一个大房子, 在这儿你将住得很舒适。,We have a large house, where you will live comfortably.,7. 我们的房子坐落于一个地方,步行10分钟可到校。(be located in),Our house is located in a place, where you can walk to school within 10 minutes.,翻译以下句子,翻译以下句子,8. 我的父母都是语文教师,这可非常有利于你学汉语。(sth benefit sb a lot),My parents are both Chinese teachers, which can benefit you a lot in learning Chinese.,9.我的父母擅长于烹饪,这可非常有利于你品味中国的美味佳肴。,My parents are good at cooking, which can benefit you a lot in tasting delicious chinese food.,小试牛刀,Can you just use one sentence to tell the story?,从前有座山,山上有座庙temple,,庙里有俩和尚,一个大和尚monk,一个小和尚,,小和尚要大和尚讲故事,,故事里说。,Long long ago, there was a mountain, on which stood a temple, in which lived two monks: an old one and a young one, who asked the other one to tell him a story, which goes like this.,写作训练,亲爱的Tom:,我收到了你上周的来信。谢谢你寄的照片。我常常想起我们一起度过的光阴。你还记得那个湖吗?我们在那还照过一张相呢。和我们一起玩的那些孩子们还好吗?我昨晚做了梦,在梦里我们在上次去的那家电影院呢。另外, 我买到了你要的那本英语书。周末有时间我将把书寄给你。,李华,Dear Tom,I have received the letter which/thatyou posted last week. Thanks for the photos (which/that) you sent. I often think of the time (which/that) we spent together. Do you still remember the lake by which/where we had a picture taken? How are the children who played with us? I had a dream in which/where we were staying in the cinema which/that we went to last time. Besides, I have bought the book (which/that) you need . On the weekend when I am free, I will post it to you.,Yours,Li Hua,Review :定语从句写作方法,定从随其后,三步法,家庭作业,1.我的姐姐非常渴望志愿者活动,她去了遥远的山村参加志愿者活动。be dying for sth, a remote area, participate in,2.她为这次活动做好了准备。否那么的话,她就在一家公司做文秘工作了。(make preparations for, otherwise),3.她妈妈担忧她是否能适应独立生活在遥远的山村。(adjust to doing sth),4.前几天她告诉我们,在她看来,做志愿者工作不是一种负担,而是一件荣耀的事情。(the other day, not.but.,a privilege to do sth),5.为了志愿者工作,她把她所拥有的一切都捐给了那些需要帮助的人。(donate sth to sb),My sister was dying for vounteering. My sister went to a remote village to participate in a voluntary activity.,She made preparations for the activity. Otherwise, she would do some paperwork in a company.,Mother was worried about whether she could adjust to living in the mountainous village alone.,The other day, she told us that in her opinion, it was not a burden but a privilege to do voluntary work.,For voluntary work, she donated all (that) she had to help those who are in need.,谢谢观赏,


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