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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Mickey is a black,mouse,with two,large round ears.,(Section B 2a-3c),胜利第二中学 柯翔,Unit 5,Do you want,to watch a game show,November 18,1928,1930s,November 18,1978,Steamboat Willie came out in New York.,He made 87 cartoons with Mickey.,Mickey becamethe first cartooncharacter to have a star on the Hollywood Walkof Fame.,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Mickey was created.,Read the first paragraph and try to answer the questions:,1.What do people think of when they say culture,2.What does Mickey look like,3.Who created Mickey,4.What was his first cartoon,5.What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture,They think of art and history.,He has two large round ears.,Walt Disney.,Steamboat Willie.,American culture.,Monkey King,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Mickey was created.,Why Mickey became so popular,Read the second paragraph and answer the questions:,1.Who is Mickeys girlfriend,2.Why is he popular,3.What happened to Mickey in his early films,4.Why did people want to be Mickey Do you want to be like Mickey Why or why not,Minnie,Because Mickey is like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger.,He was always ready to try his best.,In his early films,he was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend.,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Mickey was created.,Why Mickey became so popular,Mickey is still popular.,Read the third paragraph and answer the questions:,1.Is Mickey still popular today,2.How old was Mickey when he became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,3.Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as,Mickey Why is the character popular,Yes,he is.,He was fifty years old.,the Hollywood Walk of Fame 好莱坞星光大道,是条沿着美国好莱坞的好莱坞大道与藤街伸展的人行道,上面有2000多颗镶有好莱坞商会追敬名人姓名的星形奖章,以纪念他们对娱乐业的奉献。截至2021年6月20日上面共有2500颗星。,试着完成对2b的改写:,One very famous symbol in American culture is a _,such as Mickey Mouse-the black mouse with _ _ _ _.Steamboat Willie _ _ in New York on November 18,1928,and it was the first cartoon with _ and _.The man _Mickey was Walt Disney and he became very _ and _.In the 1930s,he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.Why did Mickey become so popular _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mickey was like a common man,but he _ _ face any danger.In his early films,Mickey was _ and had many problems,_ _losing his house or his girlfriend,Minnie.However,he _ always _ _ try his best.Todays cartoons are usually not _,simple _little Mickey Mouse,but everyone still knows,and loves him.Who has _ _ _ears more,famous than Mickeys,cartoon,two large,round ears,came out,sound,music,behind,rich,successful,One of the main reasons,is that,tries,to,unlucky,such as,was,ready,to,as,so,a pair of,Mulan is an _ _ movie.,It _ _ an old story.,The movie is _ a village girl,Mulan.She dresses up like a boy and,takes her fathers place to fight in the,army.,exciting action,comes from,about,fantastic,shows,action,want,comes from,played,about,like,exciting,plan,I think the actress _ Mulans role,well.The other actors are also _,and they did a good job in the movie.,I _ Mulan very much.The,movie _ her love for her family,friends and country.If you _ to,watch a movie this weekend and you,_ to see something enjoyable,choose Mulan.,played,fantastic,like,shows,plan,want,fantastic,shows,action,want,comes from,played,about,like,exciting,plan,1.The name of the movie:,2.The kind of movie:,3.What the movie is about:,4.What you think of the movie/star:,The notes for the movie review,Mulan is an _ _ movie.,It _ _ an old story.,The movie is _ a village girl,Mulan.She dresses up like a boy and,takes her fathers place to fight in the,army.,exciting action,comes from,about,The name of the movie:Mulan,The kind of the movie:,What the movie is about:,I think the actress _ Mulans role,well.The other actors are also _,and they did a good job in the movie.,I _ Mulan very much.The,movie _ her love for her family,friends and country.If you _ to,watch a movie this weekend and you,_ to see something enjoyable,choose Mulan.,played,fantastic,like,shows,plan,want,What you think of the movie/stars:,Homework,:,1.Write a movie review.,2.Remember the notes of the passage and try to make sentences.,Thank you!,The name of the movie:,_,The kind of movie:,_,What the movie is about:,_,_,What you think of the movie/star:,_,_,_,_,Writing time,狮子王,花木兰,猫和老鼠,白雪公主和七个小矮人,他创造首部音画同步的有声动画片,他担任米老鼠配音长达20年。,被誉为“自达芬奇之后平面艺术史上最重要的人物。,他一生荣获48次奥斯卡奖,是史上获此奖项最多的人。,Walt Disney,He created Mickey Mouse.,He became successful and,famous.,He said:If you can dream it,you can do it.,“The way to get started is to stop talking and begin doing.,


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