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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7,Newspapers,Newspaper,news report(local,national,world news),business,entertainment,editorials/opinions,story,comics,arts,Weather report,fashion,sports,Scan,Para.B,1.What does a front page carry,contents,The most important happenings of the day.,index,A brief weather forecast,To help the reader quickly locate certain sections of the paper,Listen,to Para.C and fill in the blanks,A headline is like a _.People think it important that headlines should aim at being both_ and _.,They should_.The main front-page headline is,of course,the most important one.,After all,it can even determine whether or not a person will be tempted to_.,title,informative,eye-catching,attract the readers attention,buy a particular newspaper,Read Para.D,Compare,The first school of thought:,a newspaper,a front page,other sections,to,a shop,a shop window,goods,put emphasis on,the front page,reduce the value,of other sections,The second school of the thought:,Compare,a newspaper,a front page,other sections,to,a store,a shop window,a shop windows,put emphasis on,a sense of unity,Read Para.E&F,Way of composing the front page,lead,second-lead,third-lead,Content,Picture,Headline,on the top left-hand corner,on the top center of the page,run the full width of the page;in a bold type,follow the second-lead,follow the lead,smaller than the headline of the lead,smaller than the headline of the second-lead,Para A.,throughout the world,on a newsstand,catch ones eye,Para.B,without doubt,of the day common practice,a brief weather report,in brief,Para C,go into,aim at catch/draw/attract ones attention,after all determine sth/todo sth,be tempted to do,Para D.,schools of thought place/lay/put emphasis on describeas,shop window concentrate on tend to do take/hold the view,the same high standard,have a sense of unity,Para E,take the prime position,the top left-hand corner,Para F.,run the full width of,set a bold type,draw a line between,lose ones reputation,


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