Unit 3 Communication by Phone新编实用英语

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit |,Three,Contents,Section ,Appreciating Culture Tips,Section,Maintaining a Sharp Eye,Section,Talking Face to Face,Section,Being All Ears,Section,Trying Your Hand,Imitating Mini-Talks,Acting out the Tasks,Studying Telephone Messages,Following Sample Dialogues,Putting Language to Use,1),Who is speaking, please?,请问你是谁呀?,Leena: Is it 223-5467?,John: Yes. Who is speaking please?,Leena:,This is,Leena Krieg.,我是,.,May I speak to,Bill Morgan?,.,在吗?,John: Oh, Im sorry. Hes not in at the moment.,2) May I speak to . ? .,在吗?,Joe: Hello. Is this the Chemistry Department?,Secretary: Yes, it is.,What can I do for you?,我能为你做什么吗?,Joe: May I speak to Mr. Mifflin?,Secretary:,Hold on, please.,请稍等,1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and recite the following mini-talks for,communication by phone.,Unit |,Three,Window on Key Words,3),Can I take a message?,要留个口信吗?,Sam: Hello. This is Sam. May I speak to Terry?,Lucy:,Im sorry, but shes not here right now.,抱歉,她现在不在,Can I take a message?,/,Would you like to leave a message?,Sam: Yes. Please tell her to call me this evening at 653-8923.,Lucy: OK. Ill tell her as soon as she gets home.,4),Can you tell me your hours?,你能告诉我你们的开放时间吗,?,Receptionist,: Hello, the Art Museum.,Can I help you?,你好,这里是艺术博物馆,接待员:,有什么可以帮你的?,Jake: Yes. Can you tell me your hours?,是的,你能告诉我你们的开放时间吗?,Receptionist: We open at ten in the morning and close at five in,the afternoon.,我们是早上,10,点开馆,到下午,5,点闭馆。,Jake: Great.,Thanks a lot.,好的,,多谢,。,5) I Must have,d,ialed,拨号,the wrong number.,我一定拨错了号码。,Tim: Hello.,Jade: Hello.,Id like to speak to,Dr. Heckler.,我想找,Tim:,Nobody here by that name,.,这里没有叫这个名字的人,。,Jade:,Im sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number,.,Back,Unit |,Three,4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.,Unit |,Three,Back,3 Taking or leaving a telephone message is part of a secretarys job. Read the,following message and try to use the information in it in your face-to-face talks.,Unit |,Three,Back,5 Imagine you are a nurse of a hospital and you are calling Mr. Smith, but he is not,in. His secretary is answering the phone. Fill in the blanks according to the,Chinese version provided.,Back,Thanks a lot.,Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith, please,Yes, please. Tell him to call the doctors office.,The number is 864-3509,Itd be best if he could call this afternoon, at about 2 oclock,6 Imagine a woman is calling Mrs. Sato, but shes not in. You are answering the,phone. Play your role according to the clues given in brackets.,1 Hello?,2 Im sorry, but shes not in at,the moment. Would you like,to leave a message?,3 Ill tell her as soon as shes,back.,4 Youre welcome.,Back,Unit |,Three,Learning Sentences for Workplace,Communication,Handling a Dialogue,Understanding a Short Speech /,Talk,1 Listen to ten topic-related sentences for workplace communication and,try to remember them.,put through,接通,extension,电话分机,connect,接通,连接,Back,2 Listen again to the above sentences rearranged in sequence, and then match,them with their Chinese translation.,h,e,b,a,i,f,j,d,g,c,Back,Tom Williams arrives at,Beijing Capital International,Airport. He calls his friend,1 Dr. Nan, Dr. An, Dr. Wan,. His friend is surprised by his,2 late, early, punctual,arrival. She is going to pick him up at the,3 airport, hotel, office,. Then she is going to take him to the,4 hotel, department, company, which is just a,5 five-minute, ten-minute, fifteen-minute,walk to the school.,4 Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices,in the brackets according to what you have heard.,Script,Dr. Nan,Dr. An, Dr. Wan,late, early,airport, hotel, office,hotel, department, company,five-minute,ten-minute, fifteen-minute,Back,punctual,An:,Hello, Dr. An here.,Tom:,Hello, Dr. An. This is Tom Williams from Miami University.,An:,Oh, Tom. Youve arrived at the airport, havent you?,Tom:,Yes. I took the earlier flight.,An:,Hows your trip?,Tom:,Very nice.,An:,Would you please wait there and Ill go and pick you up?,Tom:,OK, thank you. Ill be at Gate 5. By the way, where do you take,me to first, the hotel or your department?,An:,To the hotel, so you can have a little rest first.,Tom:,Thank you. Is the hotel far away from your school?,An:,No. Just a ten-minute walk.,Tom:,Thats wonderful.,Script:,Back,5 Listen to the dialogue again and then answer the following questions orally.,1) Whom did Tom want to speak to?,2) Where is Tom from?,3) Why wasnt Dr. An there to meet Tom at the airport?,4) How was Toms trip?,5) Where did Dr. An drive Tom to, the hotel or the school?,Dr. An。,Miami University.,He took the earlier flight.,Very nice.,The hotel.,Back,Miami,迈阿密,flight,飞机,University,大学,An:,Hello, Dr. An here.,Tom:,Hello, Dr. An. This is Tom Williams from Miami University.,An:,Oh, Tom. Youve arrived at Changdong airport. Havent you?,Tom:,Yes.,1 _.,An:,How was your trip?,Tom:,2 _,_,_.,An:,Would you please wait there and Ill go and,pick you up,?,接你,Tom:,3 _.,By the way, where will you take me to first, the hotel or your school?,An:,4 _,_,_,so you can have a little rest first.,Tom:,Thank you. Is the hotel far away from your school?,An:,No.,5 _.,Tom:,Thats wonderful.,6 Listen to the dialogue for the last time and fill in the blanks according to what,you have heard.,Very nice,I took the earlier flight,Just a ten-minute walk,OK, thank you. Ill be at Gate 5,Well go to the hotel,Back,Gate,登机口,a ten-minute walk,十分钟的路程,Nowadays we are not only “on the wheel”, but also on the “,1,_,.,I dont need to mention the mobile phones people play with everywhere. The fixed phones are easily accessible. Almost every,2 _,has a phone. Some families even have two or three phones. Each workman, teacher, and,3 _,has a phone in his or her office. Pay phones are,4 _,at bus stops, railroad stations, airports, hotels, restaurants,5 _,department stores, on numerous street corners, and in most libraries and office buildings.,Phones provide simple, economical, but very,6 _,means to do a lot of things. If you want to go to the movies, you call to know whats on and,7 _,and check the prices. If you want to buy something, you would,8 _,to make sure the store has what you need, and at a good price. If you want to,9,_, youd better call to find out about the routes, schedules, hotels, prices,and to make,10 _.,7 Listen to a short speech twice and during the second listening, put back the,missing words in the blanks.,reservations,phone,family,secretary,found,gas stations,efficient,when,call ahead,travel,Unit |,Three,Back,family gas stations,call ahead efficient,travel secretary,found reservations,phone when,8 Listen to the short speech on the phone again and match the information in,Column A with the choices in Column B.,Back,Now American people are not only “on the wheel”, but also “on the phone”. I dont need to mention the mobile phones people use everywhere. The fixed phones are easily accessible. Almost every American family has a phone or even two phones, and people have a number of phones in their offices. Pay phones can be found in many public places such as bus stops, railroad stations, airports, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, department stores, on numerous street corners, and in most libraries and office buildings. Phones provide simple, economical, but very efficient means to help people do a lot of things such as shopping and traveling.,General idea,Back,Practicing Applied Writing,Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar,1 Read the following two samples of telephone messages and learn to write,your own.,Unit |,Three,Back,2 Use the information below to fill in the “WHILE YOU WERE OUT” form.,Sam,Mary Adams,3:15 P.M.,396-8067,Call back to tell her the,repair cost. She can get her car,at 4 P.M.,Ben,Back,3 Write a telephone message according to the information below.,Kathy,Mrs. Ross wants to sign up for summer classes. Call her at 426-1103 before 3 P.M.,Rose,11 A.M.,Back,The Subjective Mood,Back,Unit |,Three,1) If I were you, I ( accept ) _ the job.,2) If they were here tomorrow, the problem (solve) _.,3) Luckily I was wearing a seat belt. If I hadnt been wearing one, I (injure),_ seriously.,4) Were it for their help, we (not overcome) _ the difficulties.,5) If we hadnt got everything ready by now, we (have) _ a terrible time tomorrow.,6) He works with such enthusiasm as if he never (know) _ fatigue (,疲倦,).,7) He wouldnt have been saved even if he (send) _ to hospital at once.,8) If only I (take) _ your advice at that time!,4 Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in brackets, paying special attention to the,subjunctive mood.,had taken,would accept,would be solved,would / should / could / might have been injured,would not have overcome,would have,had been sent,knew,9) We wish that people everywhere (show) _ more concern for the environment around them.,10) Modern business and industry demand that every manager (know),_ much about economic management.,11) It is desired that this rule (obey) _ by everyone,working here.,12) It is a great pity that he (be) _ so stubborn (,顽固,).,13) It is high time that you (learn) _ English and computer well.,14) I would rather that Mr. Williams (make) _ the speech at the,conference instead of the dean that day.,15) He would sooner you (not see) _ him any more in the future.,4 Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in brackets, paying special attention to the,subjunctive mood.,showed,(should) know,(should) be obeyed,(should) be,learned / learnt,had made,did not see,Back,1) If you would buy one box at the regular price, you would receive another,one at no extra cost.,2) Since her blood pressure is much higher than it should be, her doctor,insists that she will not smoke any longer.,3) If you had gone to last nights game, you must have enjoyed seeing our,team win.,4) It is advisable that she may leave for Madrid as soon as possible.,5) Did you visit Los Angeles on your vacation?, If I would have a week off.,5 Correct the errors in the following sentences.,would buy bought / were to buy,will not smoke shouldnt smoke / not smoke,must have enjoyed would / could / should / might have enjoyed,may leave (should) leave / leave,would have had,6) It is desired that she was promoted to the position of the manager.,7) I wish that they didnt leave so early that day.,8) I could buy the ten-speed bicycle myself, but my mother promised to,give it to me on my birthday.,9) I would rather that Miss Evans taught us English literature last semester.,10) “Dont you think it is time that you work harder at your lessons?” the,mother said to Tom.,was promoted (should) be promoted,didnt leave hadnt left,could buy could have bought,taught had taught,work worked?,5 Correct the errors in the following sentences.,Back,My idea is that we (should) give them a hand when they are in trouble.,It is necessary that another computer center (should) be set up in our department.,The old woman wishes she could live to see her grandson go to college.,He talks about that city as if (though) he had been there himself.,Had we made (If we had made) adequate preparations, we might have succeeded.,6 Translate the following sentences into English.,1),我的想法是,在他们困难的时候要给他们以援助。,2),我们系有必要再建一个计算机中心。,3),老太太希望能活到看见孙子上大学。,4),他讲起那个城市来就好像本人去过那儿似的。,5),如果我们当时准备充分的话,我们就可能成功了。,Unit |,Three,Back,Information Related to,the Reading Passage,Text,Language Points,Information Related to,the Reading Passage,Text,Language Points,1. cell phone,手机,移动电话,A cell phone is a small telephone you can carry with you that operates through networks of,radio antennas,收音机天线,or,space satellites,航空卫星,. Other expressions of a cell phone:,1) a cellular phone / telephone,2) a mobile phone / telephone,3) a handset,2. ATM,自动取款机,ATM is the abbreviation for automated teller machine. ATMs are found in business districts and shopping malls. People use them to get cash from their bank accounts and in many places, to pay for gas,groceries,食品,杂货, and other things.,3. voice mail,有声邮件,A voice mail is a telephone answering system on which spoken,messages are left by one person for another.,Information Related to the Reading Passage,Back,Unit |,Three,For Conversation Press # 1,Ive got a cell phone, e-mail and,voice mail,. But why am I so,lonely,?,A funny thing happened on the way to the,communications,revolution,信息革命,: we stopped talking to one another.,I was walking in the park with a friend,recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There they were, talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day and I became,invisible,看不见的,absent,from,缺席,the conversation.,1,2,3,Unit |,Three,The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing other people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to,pet,爱抚,their,puppies,小狗,.,Evidently, the,cordless,无线的,electronic voice is,preferable,to human contact.,The telephone used to,connect,you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver,hushed,使静下来,the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends,zooming,down the highway,unable,to talk to one another because of a,gadget,designed to make communication easier.,4,Why is it that the more connected we get, the more,disconnected,I feel? Every,advance,in,communications technology,通信技术,is a,setback,to the intimacy of human interaction. With e-mail and,instant,messaging,及时通信,over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.,5,As almost every,conceivable,可想象的,contact between human beings gets automated, the,alienation,index,疏远指数,goes up. You cant even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more.,Directory,assistance,电话查询服务,is almost always fully automated.,Pumping,加(油),gas at the station? Why say good morning to the attendant when you can,swipe,刷(磁卡),your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?,6,7,8,Making a,deposit,at the bank? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just,insert,your card into the ATM?,I am no,Luddite,. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice mail system, an email,account,.,Giving them up isnt an,option, they are great for what they are intended to do. Its their unintended,consequences,that make me,cringe,.,9,10,11,(,Title,),For Conversation Press # 1,Translation:,通话按,1,号键。,Analysis:,In this sentence,for,means,with the purpose of,目的是,,,为了,.,Press # 1,is in imperative mood,祈使句语气,.,#,stands for,No.,(,number,), therefore,#,1,is read as,No.1,.,Example:,重拨(,redial,)按,#,号键,(key),。,For redialing, press the # key.,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,2. (Para. 3),I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation.,Translation:,最近我和一位朋友正在公园里散步,突然他的手机响起来,打,断了我们的谈话。,Analysis,:,Interrupting our conversation,in the sentence is,a,present participle phrase,used as,an adverbial of result,.,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,Unit |,Three,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,3. (Para. 3),There they were, talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day and I became invisible, absent from the conversation.,Translation:,在一个阳光明媚的日子,他们在那儿谈啊谈,而我却被遗忘,成了谈话的局外人。,Analysis,:,Talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day,is,a present participle phrase,used as,an adverbial of attendant circumstance.,Example:,她坐在扶手椅(,armchair,)上,阅读报纸。,She sat in the armchair, reading a magazine.,Back,4. (Para. 5),There we were, four friends zooming down the highway, unable,to talk to one another because of a gadget designed to make,communication easier.,Analysis:,Four friends zooming on the highway,is,a present participle phrase,with four friends,as the logical subject of,zooming on the highway,.,The whole phrase serves,as,an adverbial of attendant,circumstance,.,Designed to make communication easier,is,a past,participle phrase used as an attribute, modifying the antecedent,gadget.,Translation:,我们四位朋友坐在车里,飞驰在高速公路上,却因为有了那个被,设计来方便通信的小玩意儿而不能互相交谈。,Example:,My room is on the fourth floor, its window overlooking the beach.,Trucks and buses were driven on gas carried in large bags on,the roof.,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,5. (Para. 6),Why is,it,that the more connected we get, the more disconnected,I feel?,Translation:,为什么我们联系得越多,我却越感到失去了联系呢?,Analysis:,In this sentence, the antecedent it stands for,the subject that-,clause,(that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I,feel), where the comparative .,structure is used. Similar structure,can be found in What is it that .?,Example:,为什么你知道的这么多呢?,Why is it that you know so much?,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,6. (Para. 7),As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up.,Translation:,随着人们之间几乎每一种可以想到的联系都变得自动化起来,疏远指数上升了。,Analysis:,As,is a,conjunction, meaning at the same time that.,Example:,They smiled as their eyes met.,As he entered, the hall burst into thunderous applause.,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,7. (Para. 8),Pumping gas at the station?,Translation:,你在加油站加油吗,?,Analysis:,This is an elliptical sentence. The complete sentence should be,Are you pumping gas at the station?,Example:,(Are you) Making a deposit at the bank? (Para. 9),Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,8. (Para. 8),Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?,Translation:,既然你可以用信用卡在加油泵旁自动刷卡,免除与人打交道的麻烦,何必还要对加油站的工作人员打招呼呢?,Analysis:,In this sentence,why,is used as an interrogative adverb, followed by a bare infinitive to form a rhetorical question, which can also take a negative structure such as,Why not do something,? The,former means why should we do something or we dont need to do,something, while the latter means the opposite: lets do something.,Example:,Why smoke when you know it is so unhealthy?,Why not try to train your character when you have the opportunity?,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,Unit |,Three,9. (Para. 11),I am no Luddite.,Translation:,我并不反对自动化,。,Analysis:,In this sentence,no,means not at all.,Example:,不要欺骗她,她一点也不傻。,Dont cheat her. Shes no fool.,Language Points,1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences,Back,10. (Para. 11),Giving them up isnt an option they are great for what they are intended to do.,Translation:,放弃他们并不可取,人们赋予它们的功能太美妙了。,Analysis:,The clause,They are great for what they are intended to do,serves to explain why giving them up isnt an option.,Great for means very good for. What they are intended to do,means what they are designed to


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