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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,A Science FictionThree Body,希尔伯特,(David Hilbert),三体问题(,Three body problem),This famous difficult problem was first proposed(,提出),by a Germany Mathematician David Hilbert,it studies the,law of motion(,运动),between three bodies.,事实上,离太阳系最近的一个恒星系就是一个三星系统,半人马座三合星,其中最小的一颗恒星比较有名,叫做,比邻星。,在小说中,正是因为三体运动的不规则、不可预测性,使,得三星系统上的行星气候变化无常而三体人却无法准确预测,气候变化,文明常常因酷热和严寒而覆灭。,The sci-fic,(英文,science fiction,的简称),Three Body,Is based on it.,English name:Liu Cixin,(刘慈欣),Born:1963.6,From:Yangquan(,阳泉),Shanxi,(山西),Liu Cixin is a,senior engineer,(高级工程师),in,Niangziguan,,,Shanxi.He is deeply interested in,astronemy when he was a little boy.And his sci-fic,was first published in 1999.,He got a lot of awards due to his unlimited imagination,and his most famous novel is three,Body.Liu Cixin is generally rated(,被公认为),as,the best sci-fic writers in China,and he raise Chinese science fiction to the world level.,During the Cultural Revolution,(文革),,astrophysicist,(天体物理学家),Ye Wenjie joins Red Coast Base(,红岸基地),a top secret Chinese military,project to establish contact with Alien civilization.,After years of,constant search,Human Beings finally,receiveds a response from an alien civilizaton four,Year-light(,光年),away on the last planet orbiting three,suns(,恒星),.,Earth,Trisolaris,Due to its unstable orbita result of the three body problem,life on,Trisolaris evolved,(进化),in an extremely harsh(,恶劣的),environment.,For a while,its a very cold and black winter and for a while its a very hot,summer.So Trisolaris alien must find a new planet to develop their civilization.,After receiving the signal from the earth,they answered quilkly.And they find,the science and technology level in Earth is lower than Trisolaris,so they,anabasis,(远征),the earth.,After 400 years,they will get to the earth,How do Trisolaris alien block human science and technology,?,三体人是如何在四光年外封锁人类自然基础科学的发展的?,Whats the law of universe society?Whats the dark forest theory?,宇宙社会中的法则是什么?什么叫做黑暗森林理论?,With the quick development of applied science and technology,Human Beings,have a lot of spaceships after 300 years.When thousands of human being warships,VS the detector of alien,what will happen?,三百多年间人类应用科技迅速发展,拥有了大量太空舰队。三体先行探测器“水滴”,首先抵达地球外太空,人类为了显示实力,出动了所有太空战舰进行拦截,这场末,日之战会发生什么?,How do Human Beings find ways to defend the earth,人类是如何威慑住三体维持短暂的和平的?,三体星系是被谁一击毁灭的?三体舰队将何去何从?,人类末日之战后仅剩的一支在逃亡舰队在宇宙中会有怎样的故事?,太阳系最终是怎样被神级文明终结的?,什么是二向箔降维打击?,You will find the answers in this novel,!,The series of Three Bodyhave three books,and it was translated into English in,2014.It made a great response in the United States and it won the Hugo prizethe,supreme prize for sci-fic in the world,(世界科幻最高奖项),.,Have to say this book in the United States is very fire,It is recommended by many,famous people like Zuckerberg(Facebook,创办人),.It also got a very high evaluation in,the Amazon.Even one of the worlds leading,(前列的),magazines Naturepublished,an article about Three Body,!,The film Three Bodyis about to be released in 2016.,And the director Zhang Fanfan plans to make six movies.,It turely made a big news!,A good sci-fic is the one making you look up at the,starry sky on the way home from night shift.,一本好的科幻,能让你在下夜班的途中仰望星空。,刘慈欣,Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe,the more,often and steadily we reflect upon them:the starry heavens above me and the moral,law within me.,康德:有两种东西,我们越是经常、持续地对它们反复思考,它们就总是以,时时翻新、有增无已的赞叹和敬畏充满我们的心灵:这就是在我之上的星空,,和在我之中的道德法则。,A great sci-fic is something that makes you look up at the nighty sky,in a whole new different way.,


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