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1foggy adj.有雾的;多雾的,Fog is the sailors worst enemy.,雾是船员最大的敌人。,词语辨析,同样是指“雾,fog最浓;mist居中,haze最薄;smog专指“烟雾,由smoke加fog而来。,即学即用,翻译句子,那天是个雾天。,_,答案:,That was a foggy day.,2,crash,1),v,t,.&,v,i,.(,使,),猛撞;坠毁,She crashed the plates angrily down on the table.,她生气地把盘子摔到了桌子上。,2),v,t,.&,v,i,.(,使,),突然发生意外,The car crashed on the bend,killing its driver and two passengers.,汽车在转弯处发生意外,司机与两名乘客遇难。,3),v,i,.,猛冲;猛撞,The angry elephant crashed through the forest.,愤怒的大象冲过树林。,4),v,i,.,隆隆地响,The lightning flashed and the thunder crashed.,闪电过后,雷声隆隆。,知识拓展,crash into/onto.,撞到,上,crash sth.down,把,打到,上,go crashing into.,撞入,中,crash out,很快入睡;过夜,The car crashed straight into a tree.,这辆汽车一头撞在了一棵树上。,His face went bright red and he crashed his fist down on the table.,他的脸涨得通红,砰的一拳打在桌子上。,He lost his balance and went crashing into the crowd.,他失去了平衡,撞入人群中。,I was so tired last night that I got home and just crashed out on the sofa.,昨天晚上我太累了,回到家倒在沙发上就睡着了。,即学即用,完成句子,The tree fell _ _ _ _.,那棵树哗啦一声倒了。,答案:,with a great crash,3furthermore adv.而且;此外,Furthermore,my aim is to provide the best service possible under these difficult circumstances.,此外,我的目的是在这样困难的情况下尽可能地提供最好的效劳。,Mr Brown has earned the respect of farmers everywhere.Furthermore,they know they can trust him.,布朗先生赢得了各地农民的尊敬,而且,他们知道可以信任他。,知识拓展,furthermore常在句中作插入语,其作用相当于whats more“而且。,即学即用,_,he had not even contacted her.Which one is wrong,AFurthermore,BMoreover,CWhats more,DAny more,答案:D,4,cross n.&v.,1),n,.,十字架;十字形,You will find a big red cross at the gate of any hospital.,在任何一所医院门口,你都会发现一个大的红十字。,2),v,.,穿过;横过;跨过;渡过;划掉,The forces led by Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping crossed the Yellow River on June 30,1947.,刘邓大军于,1947,年,6,月,30,日渡过了黄河。,知识拓展,cross out,划去;勾销,Two of the words had been crossed out.,其中两个字被划去了。,cross.off.,把,从,中,(,上,),划去;去掉,I crossed his name off the list.,我把他的名字从名单上划掉了。,即学即用,Look around when_the street.,A,acrossing,B,crossed,C,to be crossing,D,crossing,答案:,D,Dont run_the street.Before you_the street,you should look right and left.,A,cross;cross,B,across;across,C,cross;across,D,across;cross,答案:,D,1become blocked withbe blocked with/by 被所阻(挡),句中的block是及物动词,意为“阻滞;阻挡。,All roads were blocked by the heavy snowfall.,所有道路均被大雪所阻塞。,The plan to build a new nursery school was blocked by local residents.,建一所新幼儿园的方案受到当地居民的阻挠。,知识拓展,1)block in,堵住,(,某人的汽车,),block off,封锁;封闭,block out,挡住;遮住,(,光线或声音,),When I came back to the car park,my car was blocked in.,当我回到停车场时,我的车被堵住了。,Snow had blocked off several streets.,大雪阻塞了好几条街道。,That tree in the neighbours garden blocks out a lot of light.,邻居花园里的那棵树挡住了很多光线。,2)block,n,.,(1),块;木头;石块;金属块,a block of ice,一大块冰,(2)(,美,),街区,The office is four blocks from here.,办公室距离这儿有,4,个街区。,(3)(,英,),大厦;大楼,a block of flats,一幢公寓大楼,(4),阻塞,(,物,),;阻碍,(,物,),a block in traffic(a traffic block),交通阻塞,即学即用,翻译句子,城市的主干道被封锁了。,_,答案:,The main roads of the city have been blocked off.,2be named after“以命名;是常用的英国用法,美国人多用be named for。,The child was named after his grandfather.,这个小孩是以他祖父的名字命名的。,知识拓展,name sb.after(for),以,的名字给某人,(,物,),命名,name names,点出,(,参与某事者的,),名字,name sb.as,任命某人为,name sb.to sth.,选某人进入,name ones price(,自己,),出个价,高考直击,(2021江西34)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients _ name,not case number.,A.of,B.as,C.by,D.with,解析:考察介词。方式方法可以用by也可以用with,by n(方式),with修饰词 n(工具)。,答案:C,即学即用,英译汉,I had no hesitation in naming him as captain.,_,答案:,我毫不犹豫地任命他为队长。,1,In the dry Egyptian desert lies the Aswan High Dam which harnesses the worlds longest river,the Nile.,阿斯旺大坝坐落于干旱的埃及沙漠中,它利用世界上最长的河,尼罗河的河水发电。,这是一个倒装句,句中主语是,the Aswan High Dam,,谓语动词是,lies,in the dry Egyptian desert,是地点状语。英语中,当表示地点的词语位于句首或强调地点概念时,句子常用全部倒装的形式,即句中谓语全部提前至主语之前。需要注意的是,这时谓语常常是,stand,lie,come,等不及物动词。,Between the two buildings stands a big tree.,在两座大楼之间有一棵大树。,注意:,此类倒装句要特别注意主谓一致问题。,East of the city lie/stand two chemical works.,城东有两家化工厂。,高考直击,(1)(2021山东)So sudden_that the enemy had no time to escape.,Adid the attack Bthe attack did,Cwas the attack Dthe attack was,解析:此题考察倒装,so.that.,such.that.的句子构造中,假设so,such 和与其所修饰的词置于句首,主句局部倒装,又因为sudden是形容词,作表语,需要将系动词提前,所以选C。,答案:C,(2)(2021重庆33)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _,one of the ten largest cities in China.,A.lies Chongqing,B.Chongqing lies,C.does lie Chongqing,D.does Chongqing lie,解析:考察倒装。表示方位的地点状语提前,句子完全倒装,所以选A项。,答案:A,即学即用,At the foot of the mountain_.,A,a village lie,B,lies a village,C,does a village lie,D,lying a village,答案:,B,2The airport is within five hours flying time of half the worlds population and is designed to accommodate 80 million passengers a year.,香港国际机场在世界一半人口的5个小时的飞行范围之内,按照设计每年能接送8千万乘客。,five hours flying time“5个小时的飞行时间。是名词所有格的表示方法之一,在名词后加“s表示“的,假设名词是复数名词,那么只加“。如:ten minutes walk“步行10分钟的路程。,知识拓展,名词所有格的3种表示方法,1)用s表示:有生命的人或物的所有格用s表示,有时也可用of表示。例如a mans voicethe voice of a man。此外,还需注意以下4点:,(1)以s结尾的名词后只加“。例如:Mr Jones car“琼斯先生的汽车,the teachers office“教师办公室等。,(2)假设是几个人共有的,在最后一个姓名后加s。例如:Tom and Mikes room“汤姆和迈克共住的房间等。,(3)表示时间、距离、金额、天体、国家或城市等的名词所有格也用“s表示。例如:todays news“今天的新闻,Hong Kongs future“香港的前途等。,(4)s所有格后的名词假设是不言而喻的时,或者是某人的住所、店铺、诊所等时,这些名词通常省略。例如:at my aunts“在我姑母家,at


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