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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Guessing game,What animal cant take a color photo forever,ourselves.,big bamboo zoo popular cute,black and white Sichuan famous,endangered,beautiful forest,protect,2a,Reading Strategy,Skimming,Scanning,The main,idea,Specific,information,特定信息,Look quickly to find the main idea without reading every word.,快速浏览找到文章中心大意而不必逐字逐句读完全文。,Move your eyes quickly down the page to find the specific information.,快速移动眼睛找到特定信息。,浏览,略读,扫读,Match the main idea of each part.,Skimming,Para 1-Para2,Para 3,Para 4,Why are pandas,endangered,Ways,of saving,pandas,Daily,life of pandas,2b,1.Whats Lin Weis job,2.What are the keepers preparing for the baby pandas breakfast,3.What do the baby pandas do when they see the keepers,4.Why are pandas a symbol of China,Read Paras1-2 and answer,A panda keeper.,Milk.,They,run over to,them,with excitement,and some of the young pandas even,walk into,their friends and,fall over,.,Because pandas have become,so,popular,that,they are a symbol of China.,Careful Reading,1.,Lin Wei is a panda(visitor,keeper)who always washes,feeds,and plays with pandas.,2.At 9:00 a.m.,most pandas are already(awake,asleep),and hungry.,3.When the babies see the keepers,they run over to them with(surprise,excitement).,4.Baby pandas(eat bamboo,drink milk)for breakfast.,Scan part 1,Circle the correct words.,Paragraph 1-2,Read part2 and,underline,what these numbers mean:,10,12,300,2,000,.,10,12,300,2000,Scanning,Adult pandas eat about,10 kilos of bamboo,a day.,Adult pandas spend,more than 12 hours a day,eating.,Another,300 or so,pandas live in zoos or,research centers in China and other countries.,Scientists say there are,fewer than 2000 pandas,living in the forests.,or so=about/around,大约,2b,Adult pandas,spend,more than 12 hours a day,eating,about,10 kilos of bamboo,a day.Scientists say there are,fewer than 2000 pandas,living in the forests.,Another,300 or so,pandas live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.,Why,Humans _,the forests.,cut down,Baby pandas,_,die from,illnesses.,Pandas _,dont have,many babies.,Scan part 2,Why are pandas endangered,die of(,内因,),Reason1:,Pandas dont have babies very,maybe one_.,Reason2:,The babies often,.,and do not live very long.,Reason3:,Humans started to _,so pandas have fewer babies.,Scan part 2,Paragraph,3,Why are pandas endangered,often,every two years,die from illnesses,cut down,the forests,Who,An education program,Scientists,What,teach children about,the importance of,saving the animals,doing,research,to,better understand,the habits of pandas,.,The Chinese,government,Read Para4 and fill in the chart,Careful Reading,trying hard to,help save pandas,The panda,_,at the Chengdu Research Base are _ early in the morning to _ breakfast _ the baby pandas.In fact,pandas have become so _ that they are now a _ of China.Pandas are endangered.Adult pandas dont have babies very _,and some of the babies live for a short time because of _.And humans _ _ the forests.In order to save pandas.A special program in Chengdu teaches _about why pandas are _.The Chinese government is helping to _the pandas.Scientists also want to better _the habits of pandas.We all hope that in the future there will be a lot_ pandas.,After Reading,keeper,awake,prepare,for,popular,symbol,often,illnesses,cut,down,understand,endangered,save,children,more,What other ways do you think we can,help to save the pandas,Learn,more,about,pandas.,Make,some,posters,or,signs,.,Put,them,up,or,hand out,notices to let people know.,2.,Volunteer to,help plant more bamboo trees,use,the bamboo products(,产品,),less,.And,protect,pandas living,environment,.,3.Help pandas to,give birth to,more baby pandas,4.Help pandas to,cure,(,治愈,),their illnesses.,5.Make some more,bans and laws,to protect pandas.,Discussion,2e,Animals are our friends,We should protect them.,


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