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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,G5-U1-W5,2,Revision,advance N. progress 进步,开展,This is one of the great technological advances of the 20th century.,5. advance V.,define: when you advance, you,move forward,or,make progress.,A line of US tanks slowly,advanced,.,move,forward,Many citizens have marched on Washington to,advance,peoples rights.,make,progress,How do you advance your study skills,6. cite V.,Define: when you cite something, you mention it as proof or evidence.,Do not forget to cite the sources in your research report.,When doing research, it is important to cite sources of information.,7. counterpoint N.,Define: a counterpoint is an opposing, or disagreeing, point of view.,My moms opinion on the TV series is,in counterpoint to,mine.,Paris provides the perfect,counterpoint to,the peace and quiet of Reims.,Paris is,busy and bustle, but Reims is a,quiet and peaceful,city.,The positive review from one critic was,in counterpoint to,anothers bad review.,Suppose that there are 2 critics (,评论家,).,One thinks that the movie is good, but the other thinks that it is bad.,Thus,The positive review from one critic was,in counterpoint to,anothers bad review.,Please use “counterpoint to to make a sentence.,8. drawbacks,define: drawbacks are problems and disadvantages.,The main drawback to the product is that it is too,salty,.,The drawback of this apartment is that it is too small.,Limited room for passagers and little trunk space are drawbacks of a small car.,What are the drawbacks to use computer so often,1. bad for our eyes.,2. a waste of time.,3. easy to get addicted to it.,9. reasoning N.,Define: reasoning is having the ability to think in a logical way.,He doubted about,the reasoning behind,the decision.,Those who have powers of reasoning can become philosophers.,James used his reasoning skills before deciding on his next chess move.,What other situations require good reasoning,1. solving philosophical or,mathematical problems.,2. writing code (,写代码,).,3. Shelock Holmes investigating a case.,and etc.,Homework,1. Copy advance, cite, counterpoint, drawbacks and reasoning,5 times, and the example sentences twice.,2.,read,the words and sentences twice. Preview the,first text,in,Literature Book,.,


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