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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,本单元以“Fun places为话题,运用have/has been to讨论已去过好玩的地方。随着经济飞速开展,人们的生活水平日益提高,人们经常到处旅游、放松。好玩的地方不仅可以放松身心,而且还可以开阔视野。具体到书面表达中,要求同学们运用本单元已学过的知识,介绍一些好玩的地方。,教材中出现的相关句型:,Lets go somewhere different today.咱们今天去某个不同的地方吧。,Its a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.那是度过周六下午的好方法。,The most interesting museum Ive been to is the American Computer Museum.我去过最有趣的博物馆是美国计算机博物馆。,Its a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake.那是一个令人放松的、平静的离湖较近的地方。,This small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.这个位于东南亚的小岛是一个很棒且平安的度假地。,The temperature is almost the same all year round.气温一年到头是一样的。,In Singapore,youll find a lot of food from China.在新加坡,你将会找到许多中国食物。,句型拓展:,I have been to Beijing recently.,最近我去过北京。,Hangzhou is also a good place to go shopping.,杭州也是购物的天堂。,Its unbelievable that you can try food all around the world in Singapore.,令人难以置信的是你能在新加坡尝到全世界的食物。,One great thing about Xiamen is that it is a very clean city.,关于厦门做得很好的一点是它是一个很干净的城市。,On the one hand.on the other hand.,一方面,另一方面,香港地处华南地区,人口约724万,多数人会讲英汉两种语言,有维多利亚港(Victoria Harbour)、迪士尼乐园等著名景点。假设你是香港的一名导游,请根据提示写一篇短文介绍香港。70词左右。,Hey,friends!Welcome to Hong Kong.Its a wonderful place to take a holiday.Its in South China.It has a population of about 7.24 million.Most of them can speak Chinese and English,so you wont have problems with the language.Of course,you wont have any problem getting Chinese food.In this place therere also many interesting places such as Victoria Harbour and Disneyland.The weather here is fine all year round so you can visit it at any time.,【点评】开门见山地提出了自己的观点:香港是度假的好地方。详细介绍香港的地理位置、人口、语言。of course使用恰当,起到加强语气的作用,更加突出香港适合度假。have problems with,such as,all year round等短语的恰当使用,使文章增色不少。首尾照应,点明主题。,(2021,黔南州),在黔南州建州六十周年到来之际,请你以志愿者Li Hua的身份向中外友人宣传我们的家乡黔南,并倡导大家做文明市民,让家乡变得更加美丽。,要点提示:,1介绍你的家乡,美丽的风景;宜人的气候;传统的工艺;悠久的茶文化。,2倡导:,老实友善;乐于助人;保护环境,低碳生活。,要求:1.必须包含以上信息,可适当发挥;,2要求句子连贯,语意通顺,书写标准;,3词数不少于80词,文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;,4文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。,参考词汇:traditional arts citizen (市民);,lowcarbon (低碳),Hello,!,My name is Li Hua.Im a middle school student.Welcome to my hometown,Qiannan.It lies in the south of Guizhou Province.,There are many beautiful places,,,such as Xiaoqikong,,,Doupeng Hill and so on.Its popular,w,ith people not only for its fantastic,w,eather but also for its fresh air.It also has many traditional arts,w,ith their o,w,n national forms.Whats more,,,its famous for tea,,,such as Duyun Maojian,,,Guiding Yun,w,u,,,etc.,As a citizen in Qiannan,,,its our duty to make our hometo,w,n better.I think,w,e should be honest and kind.We are ready to help others.Its necessary for us to protect the en,v,ironment and,w,e should li,v,e a lo,w,carbon life.,In my opinion,,,if e,v,ery one tries his best to do something for our hometo,w,n,,,it,w,ill become more and more beautiful.,Thank you!,


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