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I prefer music that has great lyrics.,(,From,:,Unit 9/Section A,),我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。,prefer,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1What a heavy rain!,So it is.I prefer _ rather than _ on such a rainy day.,Astaying at home,go out Bto stay at home,go out,Cgoing out,stay at home Dto go out,stay at home,2Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV,Sometimes.Its an interesting program,but I _ Sports News.(2021 ,白银),Aprefer Bwant Cknow Dreview,B,A,3Some parents prefer _ the wall blue for their children_ them a feeling of harmony.(2021,镇江),Ato paint,to give Bpainting,giving,Cto paint,giving Dpainting,to giving,4Many old men prefer _ in a peaceful countryside.(2021,白银),Ato live Bliveing,Clive Dlived,A,A,.,按要求完成句子。,1,My friends prefer walking to riding a bike.(,改同义句,),My friends _ walking _ _ riding a bike.,2,Betty likes taking a bus to work.She likes taking an underground to work better.(,合并句子,),Betty _ taking an underground _ taking a bus to work.,3,I dont like riding a bike.I like walking.(,改同义句,),(1)I _ walking _ riding a bike.,(2)I like walking better _ _ a bike.,like,better,than,prefers,to,prefer,to,than,riding,(1)prefer是及物动词,意为“更喜欢,相当于likebetter,其过去式和过去分词均为preferred。,(2)prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事。,(3)prefer A to BA和B相比,更喜欢A。,(4)prefer doing sth.to doing sth.喜欢做某事而不喜欢做某事。,(5)prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。,2. Youre supposed to shake hands.,(,From,:,Unit 10/Section A,),你应该握手。,be supposed to,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1In France you _ put bread on the table.Youre not supposed to put it on the plate.(2021,枣庄),Ashouldnt Bare supposed to,Cwould like to Dwill,2Usually people in Japan and Korea _ when they meet for the first time.,Aare supposed to kiss Bare supposed to bow,Csuppose to kiss Dsuppose to bow,B,B,3The students ought_to wear school uniforms when theyre at school.(同义转换)(2021,黔西南)_,Aare supposed to Bare allowed to,Cwould like to Dlove to,4Animals are our close friends.We are supposed _ them.(2021 ,崇左),Ato protect Bprotecting,Cprotect Dprotected,5You are _ to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.(2021,菏泽),Asuggested Bsupported,Ctaught Dsupposed,A,A,D,.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。,1青少年应该敢于质疑。(2021,兰州),Teenagers are _ _ be brave enough to ask questions.,2学生在校期间应该穿校服。,Students are _ _ wear school uniforms on school days.,3你应该找份兼职多赚点钱。,You _ _ to find a parttime job to earn more money.,4每个中学生都应该为自己感到自豪,因为每个人都有优点。,Every middle school student _ _ to take pride in themselves because each of them has good points.,supposed,to,supposed,to,are,supposed,is,supposed,(1)be supposed to意为“应该,被期望(做)某事,后面跟动词原形。,(2)be supposed to do sth.用来表示根据规定、制度或按照法律人们必须要做的事情或期待将要发生的事情,主观性强些,相当于should。,(3)其否认形式是在be动词后面加not,常表示制止做某事。,3. Were the capital of clocks and watches,,,after all.,(,From,:,Unit 10/Section A,),毕竟我们是钟表之乡。,after all,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1Im afraid the boy cant deal with the problem.,Me,too._,he is only 8 years old.(2021 ,绍兴),AIn general BSo far,CAfter all DFor example,C,2Im sorry,sir.Ive made a lot of mistakes in the exam.(2021 ,呼和浩特),Never mind._,the exam is a little difficult.,AIn all BFirst of all,CAfter all DAbove all,3The ship sinking of Korea teaches us to care for ourselves and the people around us.(2021,山西),So it is._,life is the most important to everyone.,AFor exampleBAt lastCAfter all,C,C,.,根据汉语完成句子,,,每空一词。,1,彼得突然感到紧张,,,毕竟这是他第一次登台。,Peter suddenly felt nervous. _ _,,,it was his first time to go on stage.,2,不要生气,,,毕竟他很努力的。,Dont be angry,,,_ _,,,he is hardworking.,After,all,after,all,after all意为“毕竟;终究;终究,既可用于句首,也可用于句末。,(1)用于句首时,意为“不管怎么说;毕竟,带有“we mustnt forget之意。,(2)用于句末时,含有“虽然有前面说过的话或“与预料中的情况相反之意。,bring/take/fetch,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1Exercising more is good for us.,So,Id rather _ an hours walk to school than consider _ a bus.(2021,黔南州),Atake,take Btaking,taking,Ctake,taking Dtaking,take,2Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning.,It doesnt matter.Dont forget _ it here this afternoon.(2021 ,达州),Aleft,to take Bforgot,bringing,Cleft,to bring Dforgot,to bring,C,A,3Sam,my iPhone is in my bedroom.Could you _ it for me,No problem.(2021 ,荆门),Abring Bfetch Ctake Dcarry,4Ive left my keys in the meeting room.Please _ them for me.,All right.(2021 ,绍兴),Abuy Bpaint Cwash Dfetch,B,D,.用bring,take或fetch的适当形式填空。,1Thanks a lot for _ me the notebook I left in the lecture hall.(2021,烟台),2Dont _them away.They should be put here.,3Dont worry,but you should _ your homework here tomorrow.,fetching,take,bring,bring表示“带来,拿来,指把某物(人)从别处带到说话人处。,take与bring方向相反,表示“带走,拿走,把某物(人)从说话处带到别处。,fetch指到别处把某物(人)再带来,口语中常用get。,carry只表示“携带,搬,扛,没有方向性。,except/besides,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1Everybody except Mike and Linda _ there when the meeting began.(2021 ,泰安),Ais Bare Cwas Dwere,2Were all here _ Lily.Wheres she,Shes gone to the library.(2021,襄阳),Abeside Bbesides Cexcept Dof,3Its too late to invite any more people._,you know how Tim hates parties.(2021,杭州),ABesides BHowever CStill DInstead,C,C,A,4All the people went home _ Mr.Wang,for he had to finish his work.(2021,德州),Awith Bbesides,Cexcept Dwell done,5George,how can you prove the earth is round,I cant,sir._,I never said it was.(2021,河南),AThen BHowever CBesides DInstead,C,C,.,根据汉语意思完成句子。,1,Everyone else in my class was invited _ (,除了,) me,,,and I dont know why.,2,I can speak English very well _ (,除了,) Chinese.,except,besides,考点,词义及用法,except,except,意为“除,之外,(,不包括在内,)”,,指从整体中除去,except,所带的人或物,常与,all,,,every,,,any,以及其他复合词连用。,besides,besides,意为“除了,(,包括在内,)”,,常与,other,,,another,,,a few,,,any other,,,else,等词连用。,relax/relaxed/relaxing,【题组训练】,.单项选择。,1Our English teacher is always very _ and makes us feel _,Akind,relaxed Bkind,relaxing,Cstrict,to relax,2Where would you like to go on vacation,Id love to go _,Asomewhere relaxing Banywhere relaxed,Csomewhere relaxed Deverywhere relaxing,A,A,3Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination.(2021,鄂州),Why not _ music?It can make you _,Alisten to,relaxed Bto listen to,relaxed,Clisten to,relax Dto listen to,to relax,4Its _ to listen to light music when you feel tired.(2021,温州),Adangerous Bscary,Crelaxing Ddifficult,A,C,.根据括号内所给提示完成句子。,1I like cooking.I think it is a good way to _ (使放松) myself.(2021,荆门),2I felt _(relax) lying in the sun.What a good time!(2021 ,遵义),3He usually _(放松) 20 hours every day.Can he succeed?(2021 ,枣庄),relax,relaxed,relaxes,考点,词性及词义,例句,relax,动词,,,意,为,“,放松;使,放松,”,。,I often listen to music to relax myself.,我,经,常听音,乐,放松自己。,relaxed,形容,词,,,意,为,“,(,某人,),感到,轻,松、放松、不受,约,束的”。,The song can make you relaxed.,这,首歌曲能,够,使你放松。,relaxing,形容,词,,,意,为,“,(,某事,),是令人,轻,松的,”,。,Lying on the beach is really relaxing.,躺在沙,滩,上确,实,令人放松。,备考跟踪训练,一、单项选择。,1Dont point_anyone_your chopsticks.Its not polite.,Aat,by Bat,with,Cto,by Dout,with,2The light in his room is still on.Do you know _?,Maybe at midnight again.(2021 ,鄂州),Awhats he doing,Bwhy he stays up so late,Cif he is busy studying,Dwhen he will stop working,B,D,3We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday,but Bob didnt _ until 12:00.(2021 ,安徽),Ashow up Bgive up,Cstay up Dgrow up,4I_ in London now,but it was hard at the beginning.,Aused to driving Bam used to drive,Cam used to driving Dused to drive,5Is this _ ruler,No._ is over there.(2021,黔西南州),Aher,Her Bher,Hers,Chers,Hers Dhers,Her,6I asked Danny to _ me my book,but he brought me his book.,Atake Bfetch Ccarry Dmatch,A,C,B,B,7Tommy,dont make any noise!If you have any questions,please _ your hands.(2021,达州),Sorry,Mr.Smith.I wont do it again.,Aput on Bput up,Cput off Dput out,8Do you often_your friends home on your way home,Yes,we do.,Adrop by Bvisit to,Ccome at Dcome over at,9She _ to give a talk about how to save water yesterday.(2021 ,长春),Awas invited Bis invited,Cinvite Dinvited,B,A,A,10Mrs.Wang always asks us to _ conversations in the English classes.,Amake up Bturn up Cend up Dlook up,11Do you know anyone _ can repair the bike,Yes.You can ask the man _ Peter for help.(2021 ,达州),Awhich,call Bthat,to calling,Cthat,called Dwhich,calls,12Would you like to go swimming with me,Id love to.But Im busy _ my homework.(2021 ,河池),Ado Bto do Cdoing Ddone,13We go to school every day _ Saturdays and Sundays.,Abeside Bbesides,Cexcept Dexcept for,A,C,C,C,14,Hurry up.Its almost time for school.,Dont worry.We are sure to be at school _,A,on time B,at times,C,all the time D,by the time,15,Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,,,Mrs.Wang.,_,A,Oh,,,Im afraid I didnt cook very well,B,Im glad you enjoyed it,C,Come again when you are free,D,Its not necessary for you to say so,A,B,二、完形填空。,If you are planning to travel to India,,,it is almost_,16,_to learn all about India,,,but it would be helpful to know the following_,17,_,You should not_,18,_any love in public when walking down the street,,,_,19,_ to your loved ones.As a traditional country,,,India does not_,20,_public displays of love.,Hugging,(,拥,抱,),and_,21,_are out of the question,(,毫无可能的,),_,22,_Indian peoples eyes are big and considered the most beautiful in Asia,,,it is not _,23,_to look straight into a persons eyes while talking.Indian people make_,24,_eye communication than Western people do.However,,,this does not mean that Indian people are not honest or are less_,25,_,It is just the way of their culture.,Another custom that you should_,26,_is that Indian women are very sensitive,(,敏感的,),about who touches them._,27,_,,,only their sons can touch them in public.When it comes to other people,,,however,,,a friendly knock_,28,_the back between people of the same gender,(,性,别,),is allowed.However,,,_,29,_ you do,,,stay away from the head.According to Indian culture,,,the_,30,_is the most sacred,(,神圣的,),part of the human body,,,and no one can touch it.So if you touch another persons head by accident,,,say sorry as soon as possible to prevent any trouble.,( ),16.,A.important B,necessary,C,impossible D,particular,( ),17.,A.customs B,emotions,C,sights D,places,( ),18.,A.say B,talk C,show D,send,( ),19.,A.just B,even C,only D,maybe,( ),20.,A.notice B,refuse,C,hold D,welcome,( ),21.,A.typing B,chatting,C,running D,kissing,( ),22.,A.Although B,If,C,Because D,Since,( ),23.,A.proper B,embarrassing,C,rude D,strange,C,A,C,B,D,D,A,A,( ),24.,A.more B,less C,simpler D,quieter,( ),25.,A.shy B,funny,C,confident D,attractive,( ),26.,A.take care of B,pay attention to,C,take pride in D,make fun of,( ),27.,A.By the time B,In fact,C,In time D,By the way,( ),28.,A.by B.with C,on D,into,( ),29.,A.whichever B,wherever,C,whenever D,whatever,( ),30.,A.head B,mouth C,face D,neck,B,C,B,B,C,D,A,三、阅读理解。,Do you have the experience of taking music lessons against your wishes,?,Perhaps you have complained about it because you thought it took you much playtime.But now youd better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical training.A recent study suggests music lessons can make children have better memories than their peers,(,同,龄,人,),The Canadian study showed that after one year of musical training,,,children did better on a memory test than those who didnt take music lessons.,The researchers made the children aged between 4 and 6 into two groupsone group of children took music lessons outside school,,,and the other didnt take any musical training.In one year,,,they took four tests in different times.The results showed brain development changes at least every four months.,The children taking music lessons not only did better in musical listening but also made faster progress in other ways,,,such as reading,,,writing,,,math and IQ.,People say music is the good medicine for a broken heart.Now it seems music can help us to improve our memories.We are sure to find more and more in the wonderful world music.,31,Youd better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your musical training because_,A,you get well after you take music lessons,B,you will make faster progress in every way,C,music can help you to improve your memories,D,music lessons have taken up most your free time,32,The researchers made one group of the children aged 4,6 take music lessons for_,A,six months B,a year,C,two years D,four years,C,B,33,The Canadian study showed that brain development changes_,A,once a week,B,twice half a year,C,four times a year,D,at least every four months,34,According to the last paragraph,,,most people think music can make us_,A,happy B,worried,C,smart D,confident,35,What does the passage mainly tell us,?,_,A,How to become cleverer.,B,Music does us much good.,C,What to find in wonderful music.,D,Everyone should receive music training.,D,A,B,四、词汇运用。,A)根据句意、首字母及汉语提示补全单词。,36Li An is the _ of the film “Life of Pi which is really worth watching.,37Li Na is a successful tennis player now.But her way to success isnt _,38When Im _,I often chat with my friends on the Internet or listen to some soft music.,39In France,people are supposed to _(亲吻)when they see each other.,40Washington DC.is the _ (首都) of the USA.,director,smooth,down,kiss,capital,B),从方框内选单词并用其适当形式填空。,41,Where did you buy the _ toothbrush,?,Its so interesting.,42,Edison_ to his experiments and in the end he invented the light bulb.,43,Little kids are_ to go


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