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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit3 My weekend plan,B lets talk,Lets warm up!,see a film,take a trip,visit my grandparents,go to the supermarket,I have two good friends, let me show you.,She is going to buy some fruit.,No ,it isnt. Its for his cousin, Jack,Johns cousin, Jack.,2.Where are John and Jack going next week,1.Where,is,Jack,going next week,?,1.Where,is,Jack,going,next week,?,Lets watch,He is,going to,vist John next week,.,2.Where are John and Jack going next week,Lets watch,They are,going to,the cinema,.,Who is going to visit John,He is Johns cousin Jack.,_is going to _ John, next week.,What is John going to do next week,He is going to_.,see a film,What is the film,about,?,about,(关于,sp,ace,太空,sp,eak ,sp,orts,f,ace,/,speis,/,旅行,tr,a,vel,tr,ee ,tr,ip,/,trvl,/,c,a,t ,a,pple,Im going to see a film about,_,.,space travel,太空之旅,The film is,about space travel.,Lets choose,They are going to see a film about .,A. animals B. space travel C. magic 魔法,What film are they going to see,Cool! I have,lots of,comic books.,lots of=so many=a lot of,我有很多故事书,.,I have lots of storybooks.,很多的,When is John going,_ (,下星期三,),Next Wednesday.,绿色圃中小学教育网 :/ lspjy,Why not+动词原形,为何不用来提建议,1,、为什么不星期二去呢?,Why not go_,2,、为什么不去,_,?,Why not go to the cinema,Why not go to the,supermarket,on Tuesday,你也试试呗,ha,lf,p,rice,半 价,har,d,rice,T,he,questions,for,you:,2,.,Where,are John and Jack,going next week,?,They are going to the cinema.,1.Who is going to visit John,Johns cousin Jack.,3.When are they going,4.Why not go on Tuesday,They are going next Wednesday.,Because its half price.,Johns cousin is going to _John next week. Theyre going to the _and see a film about _ _. They are going _ _. But next Tuesday is better. Because its _ _ then.,Fill in the blanks.,visit,cinema,travel,space,Wednesday,next,half,price,Where,What,When,How,Places地点,nature park,science museum,cinema,bookstore,hospital,school,post office,Where,Where are you going,Im going ,Activities活动,do _,visit _,take _,clean _,play_,see a film,go to _,play football,go to the supermarket,do housework,take a trip,clean the window,visit my grandparents,What,What are you going to do,Im going to ,Time时间,next week,this morning,tonight,next weekend,tomorrow,today,Monday,When,When are you going,Im going ,way,by bus,by taxi,by train,by subway,on foot,by plane,by bike,How,How are you going,Im going ,A: Where are you going B: Im going to ,A: Where are you going B: Im going to ,A: Where are you going B: Im going to ,I am going to the cinema.,I am going to see a film.,I am going to at 3:00.,A: Where are you going,B: .,A: What are you going to do,B: .,A: When are you going,B: .,A: How are you going,B: .,tonight,on foot,Today is Sunday.,读句子,选出正确的答语。,( )1. What are you going to do,( )2. When are you going.,( )3. Where are you going,( )4. How do you go to the zoo,( )5. Are you going to use any books,A. By train. B. Take a trip,C. Yes, I am. D. At 3 oclock.,E. Im going to Beijing.,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,1.-Whats he _ (do)now He _ (write) a letter.,2.My family _(be)going to _(get) together and have a big dinner.,3.-What _ (be) Tom _ (do) next week,-He (see) a film.,4.Can you (sing)-Yes, I can.,5.Where _ (be)she going next mouth,-She is going to _(go) to Japan.,连词成句,1.weekend going this to am do I what (),_,2. some draw we to in are Renmin Park pictures going (.),_,3. space film we to a about travel going are see (!),_,4.your are lesson do what you to going in (),_,5. a will my tell Change grandma about us story (.),_,Exercises,Fill in the blank and complete the question:,1. _tomorrow,I am going to the bookstore.,2. _,I am going to buy a comic book there.,3. _,I am going at 3:00.,Where are you going,What are you going to do there,When are you going,1.Read lets talk.,2.Do the workbook Part B.,


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