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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,M3 U1 Revision,The world of our senses,Step1: Words,1. Check the following words.,1). 预测 vt/n._ 2). 咬 v._,3). 抓紧 vt._ 4). 惊慌,恐慌 vi/n._,5). 嗅,闻 v._ 6). 松动的,松开的 adj/v._,7). 挥手,摆动 v._ 8). 不像 prep._,9). 缺陷,伤残 n._,10). 观察,评论 vt._ n._,11). 轻松,宽慰 n._ v._,12). 分析 vt._ n._ adj._,14). 使连在一起 vt._ adj._ n._,1). 预测 vt/n.,2). 咬 v.,3). 抓紧 vt.,4). 惊慌,恐慌 vi/n.,5). 嗅,闻 v.,6). 松动的,松开的 adj/v.,7). 挥手,摆动 v.,8). 不像 prep.,9). 缺陷,伤残 n,.,1). forecast,2). bite,3). grasp,4). panic,5). sniff,6). loose,7). wave,8). unlike,9). disability,10). 观察,评论,vt.,observe,n.,observation,11). 轻松,宽慰,n.,relief,v.,relieve,12). 分析,vt.,analyse,n.,analysis,adj.,analytical,13). 焦虑的,忧虑的,adj.,anxious,adv.,anxiously,n.,anxiety,14). 使连在一起,vt.,attach,adj.,attached,n.,attachment,15). 迷惑,使困惑;迷,vt./n,puzzle,adj.,puzzled,/,puzzling,2. Fill in the blanks with proper words.,1). We are (感谢的) to you for your cooperation.,2).The driver i the traffic lights and had an accident.,3). Studies show that people are (可能的),to suffer from back problems if they always sit,before computer screens for long hours. 2021陕西,=It people,will suffer from back problems if they always sit,before computer screens for long hours.,grateful,gnored,likely,is likely/possible/probable,that,4). My hometown changed a lot and I,couldnt recognize it.,=My hometown changed beyond,.,5). Peter did not hesitate about leaving his,family.,=Peter left his family without,.,recognition,hesitation,6). Thousands of foreigners were (吸,引) to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.,(2021江苏),=The Shanghai World Expo,thousands of,foreigners the day it opened.,=The Shanghai World Expo was to,thousands of foreigners the day it opened.,=The Shanghai World Expo was a great,tourist the day it opened.,attracted,attractive,attracted,attraction,/appealed to,Step2: Phrases,1).相反,2).帮助某人,3).卷起来,4).把错当成,5).瞥一眼,6).令某人宽慰的是,7).保持镇静,8).在视力范围之内,9).伸出手,10).留心,密切注意,1).相反,2).帮助某人,3).卷起来,4).把错当成,5).瞥一眼,6).令某人宽慰的是,7).保持镇静,8).在视力范围之内,9).伸出手,10).留心,密切注意,1). on the contrary,2). come to ones aid,3). roll up,4). mistake for,5). glance at,6). to ones relief,7). keep calm,8). in sight,9). reach out,10). watch out for,2. Complete the following sentences, using the above phrases.,1)., her son was found by the police.,2). One of the station staff saw he was in difficulty and,.,3). -You seem to show interest in cooking.,- What?, I am getting tired of it.,4). Pedestrians should,cars while crossing the street.,To her relief,came to his aid,On the contrary,watch out for,Step3: Sentences,1. Translate and analyse the following,two,noun clauses.,1). 现实情况是雾太浓了,公交车跑不了那么远。,_,_,2). 她感到她正被一个穿着黑色大衣的高个子男人注视着。,_,_,The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.,that,that,She had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.,conj. 连词,adv. 副词,高考链接,1.【2021江苏】The notice came around two,in the afternoon the meeting would be,postponed.,A. when B. that C. whether D. how,2. 【2021江苏】-I prefer shutting myself,in and listening to music all day on Sundays.,-Thats I dont agree. You should have,a more active life.,A. where B. how C. when D. what,2. 一走到街上,她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。,_,_,Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.,规那么一:在状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词,那么可把从句的主语和be动词一起省略。,eg. 1). 除非有必要,你最好不要查字典。,_,_,2). Generally speaking,when taken,according to the directions, the drug has no,side effect.,Unless it is necessary, youd better not refer to the dictionary.,规那么二:在状语从句中,如果从句的主语为it,且含有be动词,那么不需要考虑与主句主语是否一致,可直接省略。,一般来说,当按照说明吃药时,药物没有副作用。,the drug is,高考链接,1.【2021安徽】When for his views about,his teaching job, Philip said he found it,very interesting and rewarding.,A. asking B. asked,C. having asked D. to be asked,2.【2021全国卷II】It was a nice meal, a,little expensive.,A. though B. whether C. as D. since,Philip was asked,though it was,3. 【2021山东】The school rules state that,no child shall be allowed out of the school,during the day, _ accompanied by an,adult.,A. once B. when C. if D. unless,unless,the child is,3我们知道只有约30种鲨鱼攻击过人类。,_,_,用it作形式主语改写:,_,_,It is known that only about 30 types have attacked human beings.,Only about 30 types (of sharks) are known to have attacked human beings.,据说 /据报道 /人们相信 / 众所周之 / 人们认为,1. It,1). It is said/ reported/ believed/ known/ thought that sb,2. Sb,2). Sb be said/ reported/ believed/ known/ thought,to do sth/ to be doing sth/ to have done sth,1.,It is said that Tom studied abroad.,2.,It is said that Tom is studying abroad.,3.,It is said that Tom will study abroad.,Tom is said,to,have studied,abroad.,Tom is said,to,be studying,abroad.,Tom is said,to,study,abroad.,1.已发生过,2.正在进展,3.将要发生,3.或动词不定式表示的动作与主句的动作同时发生。,It is said that Tom is an artist.,Tom is said,to be,an artist.,1. The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of,Liu Xiang, who was reported,the world,record in the 110-meter hurdle race,Abreaking Bhaving broken,Cto have broken Dbreak,2. All the books and clothes donated by our,students are reported,to the faraway,villages.,A. being sent B. to be sent,C. to have been sent D. having being sent,Step4: Writing,Now look at the following,pictures and describe what,happened to you and your,friend Tony on your way home,from school.,simple past tense 一般过去时,1,2,3,4,Once out in the street, Tony and I walked home as usual. We were walking when we heard someone shouting.,We had a feeling that something terrible happened.,Once out in the street, ; hear sb doing sth; We have a feeling that,1,2,find sb doing sth; It is likely that;,She is believed to do sth; watch out for;,ignore; when省略句,When we,looked around to see what had happened, we,found,a woman lying on the ground, covered in blood. It,was,likely that the woman ignored the traffic lights when crossing the road.,/ The woman was believed to have ignored the traffic lights,3,come to ones aid; hesitation; grateful,We came to her aid without hesitation. However, a man stopped us. He said he was grateful to us for our help.,4,see sb doing sth;,to ones relief,; on the contrary; The truth is that,He asked us to turn around to see a man carrying a video camera on his shoulder. To our relief, the woman just pretended to be knocked down.,The truth was that,they were making a film,!,Step5: Homework,1. Memorize important and,difficult points.,2. Finish the relevant exercises,in your workbook.,


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