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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,M7U1 Living well,Grammar,(the infinitives),afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, choose, claim,dare, decide, demand, deserve, determine,expect, fail, get, guarantee,hate, help, hope, hurry, intend, learn, long, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, want, wish,Which verbs can be normally followed by the infinitive,Remember,!,动词不定式(Infinitive),由 “ to + do 构成, 否认形式_,Functions of Infinitive:,主语、表语、宾语、宾补、定语、状语,not to do,1.,不定式作主语,(subject),To finish this report took him a week.,眼见为实。,To see is to believe. = Seeing is believing.,Its impossible _ humans to fly like a bird now.,Its polite _ you to greet everyone.,单个不定式作主语时,谓语动词用_。,假设不定式太长,通常将其放句后,而用it作_。,for,of,单数,形式主语,2.,不定式作表语,(Predicative),What I would suggest is,to put off the meeting,.,To see,is,to believe,. =,Seeing,is,believing,.,主语为不定式,表语也需为_.,我的工作是要帮助病人。,My job is_.,不定式常用在系动词,be, seem, appear, get, remain,等后作表语,The only thing to do now is (to) go on.,What Ill do is (to) tell her the truth.,All he did just now was (to) complete the form.,P.S:当主语含有_,作表语的不定式可省略_.,不定式,do,的某种形式,to,to help the patients,3.,不定式作宾语,(Object),I decided,to ask for,my money back.,It 作_:,我觉得他不可能在这么短的时间内完成任务。,I,feel,it,impossible for him_ in such a short time.,+,it,+ adj./ n.+(for sb.)+,to do,sth.,形式宾语,to finish the job,think/consider/,find/feel/believe,suppose/ make,4.,不定式作宾补,(Object Complement),1) 带to的不定式作宾补 构造:,动词: allow, order, force, permit, tell, want, wish, forbid, advise, persuade, warn等后皆带_作宾补。,2)不带to的不定式作宾补:,He made a face and made us laugh.,类似用法的动词还有:,使役动词make, have, let;,感官动词see, watch, observe, hear, listen to, notice,被动语态,He made a face and we _.,were made,to,laugh,假设上述构造变为被动语态, to要复原。,V.+sb.+to do,1. They saw the boy,fall,suddenly from the tree.,The boy was seen,to fall,suddenly from,the tree.,2. Mother made John,wash,the car for a week.,John was made,to wash,the car for a week.,5.,不定式作定语,(Attribute),Could you lend me a pen _(write),He is looking for a room _(live).,Please pass me some paper _ (write).,假设to do与被修饰的词为_关系时, 不定式后介词不可省。,to write,with,to live,in,to write,on,动宾,5.,不定式作定语,(Attribute),1. Autumn is,the best time to travel,.,2. She is always,the first to come,and,the last to leave,.,P.S:,当名词被the first ,the last等序数词以及adj.最高级修饰时,通常用不定式作定语。,something, anything, nothing, everything,等不定代词常用不定式做后置定语。,Do you have anything _(send),I have nothing _(say) .,to send,to say,6.,不定式作状语,(Adverbial),1),目的,状语 (,to do, in order to, so as to do,),I stayed there,to see,what would happen.,He spoke loudly,in order to,be heard.,2),结果,状语 (,tooto do, so/ such as to do,),He lay in the bed only _ his feet exposed.,He got there only _ (find) the train gone.,3),原因,状语 (,be + adj. + to do,),sorry, surprised, happy, glad, eager, angry, foolish, right, wrong, slow, quick, rude, cruel,We were very excited,to hear,the news.,I have to say goodbye now. Im happy,to meet,you.,to find,to find,辨析,doing/ to do,作结果状语,I went to see my aunt,only to find her out,.,I went to see my aunt,finding her out,.,He donated a lot of money _ (enable) the orphans to go to school.,He donated a lot of money, _ (enable) the orphans to go to school.,to enable,enabling,动词不定式的时态和语态,to do,to have done,to be doing,to have been,doing,to be done,to have been,done,(1) They pretended not,to see us,.,(2) He pretended,to be sleeping,.,(3) She pretended,to have known it before,.,(在谓语动词发生的同时,不定式的动作也正在进展。),(,完成式表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。,),(4) Were happy,to have been working with,you,.,(完成进展式表示谓语动作发生之前,不定式的动作一直在进展而且可能之后也继续。),It is an honor for me _ (invite) to attend the meeting.,He wants the house _ (repair) at once.,to be invited,to be repaired,stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事,doing sth. 停顿做某事,forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事,doing sth. 忘记已做了某事,remember to do sth.,记得去做某事,doing sth.,记得曾经做某事,注意:一、几对易混淆的词组,一些动词不定式可用作独立成分,表示说话人的态度。,to tell the truth 说实话,to be honest 坦率地说,to begin with 首先,not to say 更不用说,注意:二、不定式做插入语,1 爱和被爱都是最大的幸福。,_ are both great happiness.,2 据说他已经完成了他的工作。,He is said _,_.,3 根据报道他们已平安到达。,They are reported _.,To love and to be loved,to have finished/completed,his work,翻译下面的句子。,to have arrived safely,4,我想叫人立刻修理这辆自行车。,I want this bike _,_.,5,玛利仿佛已经被告知此事了。,Mary seemed _.,6,众所周知,奥运会上他被授予了一枚,金牌。,He is known _ a gold medal at the Olympics.,to be repaired at once,to have been told about it,to have been given,/immediately,


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