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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How do you get to school,Unit 3,Unit 3,How do you get to school,Listen and guess what transportation it is.,car,motorbike,train,bus,plane,ship,听一听是什么交通工具,How do you get to school,walk,to school.,ride my / a / the bike,to school.,take a / the bus,to school.,I,take the plane,take the car,take the train,How do you get to Beijing,I _to Beijing.,TAXI,take the bus,take the plane,take the taxi,take the,train,take the car,take the,subway,ride the bike,walk,A: How do you get to school,B: I _to school. How about you,A: I _ to school.,Pair work,Match the words with the pictures.,2. take the bus_,3. take the subway_,4. ride a bike_,5. walk _,1. take the train_,a,d,e,b,c,1a,She,ride,s,her/ a bike,to school.,How does she get to school,He,walk,s,to school.,How does he get to school,How does she go to work,She,take,s,the train,to work.,Guess:,He,ride,s,the bike,.,to school,How does he get to school,He,walk,s,to school.,How does she go to work,She,take,s,the taxi,to work.,She,take,s,the ship,to work.,How does he go to work,He,take,s,the subway,to work.,subway,Guessing game!,How does he get to school,He,take,s,a car,to school.,How does she get to school,She,ride,s,a bike,to school.,TAXI,take the bus,take the plane,take the taxi,take the,train,drive the car,take the,subway,ride the bike,walk,A: How do you get to school,B: I take the bus to school.,C: How does he/she get to school,D: He/She takes the bus to school.,AB问答交通方式,,CD复述,1b,Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture.,1. Bob,2. Mary,3. John,4. Paul,5. Yang Lan,6. Jim,2,3,4,5,6,1. 112,: (,记住每个单词,),2. 1319:,-teen,(thir-, fif-, eigh-),3. 20-90:,-ty,(twen-, thir-,for,-, fif-,six- eigh-nine-),4. 2199:,十位,_,个位,5. 100900:,_ hundre,d,6. 101999:,_,hundred,and,_,个位,十位,_,_,个位,Review Numbers,Have a competition,32,44,55,63,94,108,115,216,345,454,999,Write the correct number next to the word.,sixty-one _ seventy-two _,eighty-four _ ninety-nine _,one hundred and five _,two hundred _,61,72,84,99,105,200,2a,Listen and repeat the numbers.,84 105 99 200 72 61,Listen and Write,minutes,25,A: How long does it take,B: It takes twenty-five minutes.,A: How does she get to school,B: She,walks,to school.,A: How do they get to school,B: They _ to school .,8:00_8:30,A: How long does it take,B: It takes _ minutes.,thirty minutes,take the subway,take the subway,thirty,7:15_7:30,take the bus,fifteen minutes,6:45_ 7:20,thirty-five minutes,ride a bike,How does she/he get to school,How long does it take,5 kilometers公里,-How far is it from my home to school,-(Its) about 5,kilometers,.,-(Its) about,kilometers,.,home,school,-How far is it from my home to school,A: How do you get to school,B: Well, I _.,A: How far is it,B: About_.,A: How long does it take,B: It takes _by bus.,Home to school:,take the bus,10 kilometers,10 minutes,take the bus,10 kilometers,10 minutes,Pairwork,20 minutes/,2 km,35 minutes/,80 km,15 minutes/,6 km,30 minutes/,50km,5 minutes/,20 km,50 minutes/,9 miles,练习2d对话,根据图文信息,How,How long (minutes),How far (kilometers),Tom,Jane,Listen and complete the chart.,take the bus,walk,20 minutes,2b,Listen again. Check your answers in 2b.,2c,on hour and 30 minutes,60 kilometers,2 kilometers,


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