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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit8 SectionB2a-2d,Stonehenge-Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There,learning target,知识目标:,1.,熟练掌握以下词汇,:,express, circle, Britain, receive, leader, medical, prevent, energy, position, victory, enemy, period,理解以下词汇及短语:,not only but also , midsummer, burial, honor, ancestor, mystery,2口、笔头掌握以下句型:,1However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this cant be true.,2Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar.,3Most historians believe it must be almost 5,000 years old.,理解以下句型:,We do know they must have been hard-working and great planners.,技能目标:能借助对连接词意义的理解来理解所读的篇章。,情感态度:通过对大自然神秘现象的了解增长见识,体会古文化的伟大之处。,连词是一种连接词与词、短语与短语以及句与句的虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接作用。,表示前因后果的连词有:so(所以)等;,表示原因的连词有:because, since, as等;,表示意义转折的连词有:but, however, though;,not only but also表示递进意义,“不仅而且;,表示选择关系的连词有:or (或者;还是);,表示两个动作同时进展的连词有:when, while等。,2a,Match each linking word or phrase,with its purpose.,Linking word or phrase,Purpose of linking word or phrase,so,as, because, since,but, however, though,not only but also,or,when, while,expressing a difference,giving a choice,expressing a result,expressing two things happening at the same time,giving reasons,adding information,Read the article quickly and underline the sentences with linking words or phrases . Then try to understing the meanings,Paragraph1 not only but also as,Paragraph2 however because,Paragraph3 but or,Paragraph4 because and but,Where is the Stonehenge(Para.1),2. How many people visit Stonehenge every year(Para.1),3. Who is Paul Stocker(Para.2),4.Does anyone know who built the Stonehenge (Para.4),Read the article and answer the questions.,More than 750,000 visitors.,He is a historian.,In Britain.,No.,1. a temple: communicating with the gods,3. have a medical purpose: can prevent illness and keep people healthy,2. a kind of,calendar,What Stonehenge,might have been used for,4. A burial place or a place to honor ancestors,5. to celebrate a victory over an enemy,Read para.3 and complete the mind map,Who built it,_,_,_,When was it built,How was it built,Why was it built,Mysteries about Stonehenge,Read again and find these phrases.,1,.,see the sun rising,2,. the longest day of a year,3,. communicate with,4. point out,5,.,in a certain way,6,.,shine into,7,.,keep healthy,8,.,move up,9. honor ancestors,10. celebrate a victory,看日出,一年中最长的一天,指出,和,交流,以某种方式,照进,保持安康,提升;向上移动,祭祀祖先,庆祝胜利,Complete the sentences using the words from the chart in,2a,.,Midsummer day is in June _ a lot of people go to Stonehenge during this month.,The sun shines straight into the Stonehenge _ the stones were put in a special position.,so,as,3. Some people think the rocks can _ stop people from becoming ill _ keep them healthy.,4. We dont know who built Stonehenge _ how it was built.,5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; _, they are not sure.,not only,but also,or,however,Practice,1.The young is full of_. They are _(energy).,2.You can feel the energy from your feet _,(,向上,) your body.,3.The sun,shines,_ (direct) into the center of the stones.,4._(history) believed the,G,reat,W,all is one of,China,s greatest mysteries.,5.The trees prevent the wind from _ (move) to the west.,directly,energy,energetic,move up,Historians,moving,Homework,1.熟记新单词和短语,并应用它们。,2.熟读文章。,Read the sentences below, paying attention to the underlined parts.,It was snowing, and,so,I could not go out.,As,I am very tired, I am going to bed.,I studyhard,because,I want to enter university .,Since,it is late, I shall go home now.,The watch is cheap,but,it goes quite well.,We all tried our best.,However, we lost the game.,7.,Though,the task was difficult, they managed to finish it on time.,8. We must,not only,finish our task,but also,do it well.,9. You can go by air,or,by train.,10. I was reading a magazine,when,he came in.,11.,While,Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.,


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