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sing- make-,read - cook- see-,dance- sit- swim-,put- get- hop-,run-,doing,singing,making,reading,cooking,seeing,dancing,sitting,swimming,putting,getting,hopping,running,What does he/she do,?,He/She is a ,Ask and answer drill.,reporter actor singer pilot scientist police officer businessman writer fisherman coach,factory worker,postman,sad,angry,bored,excited,tired,happy,B:,I feel _.,A:,How do you feel?,B:,Because I _.,A:,Why?,Pair-work:,get a new comic book,won the football game,fail the math test,fight with ,did too much housework,has nothing to do,have a headache/cold,What should I do?,1) I have a cold.,2) I see some students in a poor village.,3) You mum is ill and your dad is not at home.,4) A little girl falls to the ground at school.,Where is?,How can I get to ?,Go straight.,Go ahead.,Turn right / left.,Turn right / left at the cinema . ,It is on the right / left.,指路用语,新课标第一网,on foot,by ferry,by plane,by sled,下周,今天上午,今天下午,今天晚上,今晚,明天,next week,this morning,this afternoon,this evening,tonight,tomorrow,Phrases,方位短语汇总,In front of,behind,near,next to,between,方位介词:,1. at,表示,在,.,处,,一般指较小的比较具体的地点。如:,He isnt at school. He is at home.,他不在学校,他在家。,2. in,表示,在,.,内部;在,.,里面,的意思。如:,What is in the box?,盒子里有什么?,3. on,表示,在某物的上面,,但两者互相接触。如:,My books are on that table.,我的书在那张桌子上。,4. under,表示,在某物垂直的正下方,,两者之间不接触。如:,My cat is under my chair.,我的猫在我的椅子下。,5. behind,表示,在某物体的后面,。如:,The broom is behind the door.,笤帚,在门后。,6. in front of,表示,在,.,的前面,,正好与,behind,相反。如:,There are some big trees in front of our classroom.,我们教室前面有几棵大树。,7. near,表示,在某物体的附近,,意为,接近、靠近,。如:,The ball is near the door.,球在门旁边。,介词,in, on, under, behind,是表示静态位置的介词。,1. along,:沿着,,顺着, Im walking along the river.,我正沿河而行。,2. across,:从一边到另一边,在,那边,There are many trees across the river.,河对岸有很多树。,3. towards,:向,,朝, Im walking towards the,house,.,我正朝房子走去。,4. in front of,:在,的前面,There is a fruit tree in front of the,house,.,房子前面有一棵果树。,5. behind,:在,之后,There is another fruit tree behind the,house,.,房后还有一棵果树。,6. into,:到,里,进入内部,I want to go into the house.,我想走进房子。,7. inside,:在,的里面,在,内部,I am inside the house now.,我正在房子里。,8. outside,:在,外面,Now I am outside the house.,我现在来到房外。,9. in,:在,里,表示在含有空间感的范围或物体之中,There is nobody in the house.,房子里面没有人。,10. above,:在,之上,表示高于,不是垂直的,There are lots of,apple,s above my head.,我的头顶上有很多苹果。,11. under,:在,正下方,强调垂直在,之下,I want to have a rest under the tree.,我想在树下休息一会儿。,12. off,:从,脱落,从,掉下,on,:在,之上,与,表面相接触,An,apple,falls off the tree and hits me on the head.,一只苹果从树上掉下砸在我的头上。,频率副词(表示次数的多少),never nev,从不,sometimes smtaimz,有时候,often fn,经常,usually ju:uli,通常,always :lwei,总是,一直,少多,小学一般现在时,当我们谈论以下几种情况时,用一般现在时。,1,、表示经常性,习惯性的动作,(,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。,),2,、表示现在存在的状态。,3,、表示客观事实或普遍真理。,标志词(时间状语):,always, uauslly, often,sometimes,never,every week (day, year, month) at, on Sunday,.,一、肯定句(看主语),主语第一,二人称单复数,第三人称复数和复数总是加动原;除非主语是三单,三单动词变一变,s/es.,例如:,I/We/You/You / They/Boysand girls like reading books.,Amy /She/ He likes reading books.,新课标第一网,一般现在时动词“单三”的变化规则,1.,一般在动词结尾直接加,s,e.g. help - helps climb - climbs,talk - talks sing - sings,2.,以,s, x, ch, sh, o,结尾的动词加,es;,e.g. teach - teachesguess - guesses,wash - washes watch - watches,go - goes do - does,3,如果词尾已有,e,直接加,s,e.g. close - closes dance - dances,love - loves like - likes,4.,以辅音字母,+ y,结尾的动词,变,y,为,i,后,加,es,e.g. study - studies fly - flies,5.,以元音字母,+ y,结尾的动词,结尾加,s;,e.g. play-plays,say -says.,stay-stays,新课标第一网,go,( ),watch,(,),read,(,),teach,(,),live,(,),do,(,),你知道他们的第三人称单数形式吗?,goes,watches,reads,teaches,lives,does,I usually,(get up) at 6:00am.,2. She usually,(get up) at 7:00 am.,3. I,(like) playing the violin.,4. Sarah,(like) collecting stamps.,5. I like,(dive).,6. She likes,(make) kites.,7. He likes,(ride) a bike.,8. They like,(swim).,get up,gets up,like,diving,用下面单词的正确形式填空,likes,making,riding,swimming,( ),- What does your mother do ?,-,.,A. She is a teacher.,B. She likes singing.,C. Yes, she does.,(,),- How does your father go to work ?,-,.,A. She goes by subway .,B. He go to work by car.,C. He goes to work by bus.,A,请选择,C,( ),- Where does your pen pal live ?,-,.,A. Yes, he does.,B. He lives in the city.,C. He live in the country.,(,),- What is your hobby ?,-,.,A. I like read newspapers.,B. I likes making kites.,C. I like making kites.,B,请选择,C,( ),- When does Sarah go to school?,-,.,A. She goes to school at 7:00.,B. She goes by bike.,C. No, she doesnt.,(,),- Does John go to work by bike?,-,.,A. Yes, he doesnt.,B. Yes, he does.,C. No, he dont.,A,请选择,B,看图把句子补充完整。,He,newspapers everyday.,reads,He,home at 5:00.,goes,看图把句子补充完整。,Bill,math.,He,TV at night.,teaches,watches,English she does teach,she yes does,your is what hobby,Read and arrange,.,连词成句。,Does she teach English?,Yes, she does.,What is your hobby?,4. he collecting likes too stamps,5. doesnt no she,6. riding like bike I a,Read and arrange,.,连词成句。,He likes collecting stamps,too.,No, she doesnt.,I like riding a bike.,( ),1,、我有时乘火车,应该说:,A,、,I always go by train. B,、,Sometimes I go by train.,( ),2,、,How can I get to Zhongshan Park,?,A,、,You can go by bus. B,、,I can go by bus.,( ),3,、,You can go there,.Its not far from here.,A,、,on foot B,、,by ship,( ),4,、,So many,.,A,、,bike B,、,bikes,选择正确的答,.,B,A,A,B,( )6.Dont go_ the red light!,A.by B. at C,on,( )7.Please pay attention _ English class.,( )8.Yellow light means _,A.Go B.Stop C.Wait,( )9._ can I get to the zoo?,A.What B.How C.How old,( )10.How _ Lily go to school?,B,B,C,B,C,B,B,A,A,C,What are you going to be ?,I am going to be a /an,课堂练习,:,一,.,选择正确形式填空,.,1.What are your_(hobbies, hobbys),2.I like_(dancing, dancing).,3.She likes_(playing the football, Playing football.,4.Peter_(doing, does) kung fu every day, and he likes,_(do, doing) kung fu.,二,.,抄写下列单词和词组并背诵,.,reading stories dancing singing playing football doing kung fu,_,1.,根据提示完成句子,(,1,),I like,.,(集邮),(2) My mother likes,.,(制作风筝),绿色圃中小学教,(3) She likes,.,(拉小提琴),(4)His hobby is,.,(跳水),(5)My hobby is,.,(骑自行车),2.,写出中文。,(,1,),I like swimming.,(,2,),He likes diving.,(3)My father likes reading newspapers.,课堂练习,:,一,.,选择正确形式填空,.,1.What are your_(hobbies, hobbys),2.I like_(dancing, dancing).,3.She likes_(playing the football, Playing football.,4.Peter_(doing, does) kung fu every day, and he likes _(do, doing) kung fu.,二按要求,完成句子,1. I like,making kites,.,(就划线部分提问),your,?,2. collecting, too ,he, likes, stamps (.),(连词成句),I like,making kites,.,(就划线部分提问),What,is,your,hobby,?,2. collecting, too ,he, likes, stamps (.),(连词成句),He likes collecting stamps, too.,作文,制定一个简单的下周计划,运用,be going to,短语加以交流。,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,Sarah is my good friend. She lives in Baishi. Her father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He goes to work by bus. He likes playing football.,Her mother is teacher. She works in a school. She goes to work on foot. She likes listening to music and watching TV.,This is my friend. Can you tell me something about your friend?,My Friend,Thank You,世界触手可及,携手共进,齐创精品工程,


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