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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 6 Sunshine for all,Reading,Reading,Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games,1.读懂文章,了解有关特奥会的知识及志愿者的经历。,2.学习并能运用与运动,比赛有关的词汇。,学习目标,1.Have you ever heard the Special Olympics World Games,2.How much do you konw about this event,3.Can you tell me something about it,Free talk,Pre-reading,training,n,.,培训;训练,silver,n.,银,银牌,gold,n.,黄金,金牌,coach,n.,教练,athlete n.运发动,achieve,their dream,Expect,to win,the,gold,and,silver,intellectual disabilit,y,智力缺陷,A swimming,coach,is training a boy born with,ies,B2 Replace each of the underlined parts with a word or phrase.,Simon: Have you heard of the international sports festival for people with intellectual disabilities,Annie: Yes, and I know some people offer to help without getting paid for the event. How do they help,1._,2._,the,Special Olympics World Games,volunteer,Simon: They give up their time when theyre not working or busy to provide help and support. I read about one volunteer. He was the person who provided swimming lessons for a boy called Li Hai.,Annie: Did Li Hai win first prize,3._,4._,5._,spare time,swimming coach,a gold,Simon,: No. He finished fourth, but he feels more,sure he can do better,now.,Annie,: It,s great to help those special athletes,make,their dreams,come true,.,Simon,: Yes. Maybe that,s why this event is so,different from other usual games,!,6._,7._,8._,confident,achieve,special,While-reading,Skim the article and answer the,following questions.,1. What is the name of the volunteer,2. What do volunteers need to do for the,Special Olympics World Games,They need to provide support for the,athletes and help make the event a,great success.,Liu Ming.,Skimming,watch the flah,and,do T or F,1. Liu Ming was a volunteer in the 2007,Special Olympics World Games,. _,2. Liu Ming knew what to expect before,he became a volunteer. _,3. There were only a few events in the,2007 Special Olympics World Games.,_,T,F,F,Read the article, write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.,4. There were over 40,000 volunteers for,the 2007 Special Olympics World,Games. _,5. Li Hai was born with intellectual,disabilities. _,6. Li Hai was sure to win the swimming,competition.,_,F,T,T,join,nothing,training,fourth,confident,closely,successful,Give,scanning,Main points Paragraphs,1. An introduction to the Special Olympics,World Games _,2. Liu Mings experience _,3. Liu Mings feelings about the event _,4. What volunteers do for the event _,2,4,1,5,3,B1,Read the article carefully. Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers of the paragraphs.,What does Liu Ming think of his experience of volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games,Read paragraphs 1,&,5 and answer the following questions.,2. How do athletes and coaches feel like,3. What can volunteers do for those special athletes,He thinks it was the most amazing experience of his life.,What does Liu Ming think of his,experience of volunteering for the,Special Olympics World Games,2. How do athletes and coaches feel like,Athletes and coaches feel like part of one big family.,3. What can volunteers do for those,special athletes,They can help them achieve their dreams.,Read paragraph 2 and answer the following questions.,1.Who has a chance to show skills to the world,2. What kinds of events do they include,3. Are those events similar to those in the Olympics,Who has a chance to show skills to the,world,Children and adults with intellectual disabilities.,Such as basketball, football and swimming.,2. What kinds of events do they include,3. Are those events similar to those in,the Olympics,Yes, they are.,Read paragraph 3 and answer the following questions.,1. How many people volunteered for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games,2. Was it necessary to train the,volunteers before doing the tasks,3. What can volunteers do for the Special,Olympics World Games,How many people volunteered for,the 2007 Special Olympics World,Games,Over 40,000 people.,2. Was it necessary to train the,volunteers before doing the tasks,Yes, it was.,3. What can volunteers do for the Special,Olympics World Games,They provided support for the athletes and helped make the event a great success.,Read paragraph 4 and answer the following questions.,3.What was the result of Li Hais competition,4. How does he feel now Why,1. What did Liu Ming do for the young boy,2. Whats the most important thing to Li Hai,1. What did Liu Ming do for the,young boy,2. Whats the most important,thing to Li Hai,He was the swimming coach for him.,To Li Hai, the most important thing is to take part in the competition.,3. What was the result of Li Hais,competition,4. How does he feel now Why,He tried his best and finished fourth.,He feels more confident now.,Because of the Special Olympics World Games.,Answer the questions with the words in the report.,Amy: What are the Special Olympics World Games for,Simon: They give (1)_ and (2)_ with intellectual disabilities a (3)_ to show their skills to the world.,Amy: Where were the 2007 Special Olympics World Games held,Simon: They were held in (4)_.,children,adults,chance,Shanghai,Amy: What events are included in the Special Olympics World Games,Simon: They include many events (5)_ those in the Olympic Games, such as basketball, football and swimming.,Amy: Are there any volunteers for the Special Olympics World Games,Simon: Yes. They get to help those special (6)_ realize their dreams.,similar to,athletes,Amy: Is it interesting to become a volunteer,Simon: Yes, of course. Being a volunteer for such an (7)_ is often an amazing (8)_.,event,experience,Retell the article,.,Liu Ming _ for the Special Olympics World Games in Shanghai, back in October 2007. He thinks it was the most amazing _ of his life.,The Special Olympics World Games give _ and _ with _,_ disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world.,volunteered,experience,children,adults,intellectual,They include many events _ to those in the _,_, such as basketball, football and _. _ 40,000 people _ up their spare time for the event.,It,s _ for volunteers to receive _ before doing the tasks.,similar,Olympics,swimming,Over,gave,necessary,training,Liu Ming was the swimming _ for a young boy called Li Hai. To him, the most important thing is not to win a _,_ or a silver, but to take part.,He feels more _ because of the Special Olympics World Games.,coach,gold,confident,The Special Olympics World Games also make _ and volunteers from different _ feel like part of one big family.,athletes,backgrounds,Post-reading,1. task n. 任务,工作,e.g. How long will it take to finish this,task,完成这项任务需要多少时间,2. background n. 背景,e.g. The mountains form a background,to this photograph of the family.,这幅家庭照的背景是群山。,Words study,3. expect vt. & vi. 期待;预料,e.g. We expect writers to produce,more and better works.,我们期望作家们写出更多更好的,作品。,4. chance n. 时机,e.g. Is there any chance of getting tickets,for tonight,有可能弄到今晚的票吗?,5.,similar,adj,. 同样的;类似的,e.g. Their house is very,similar,to ours,but ours is bigger.,他们的房子和我们的十分相像,,但我们的要大些。,6.,necessary,adj.,必须的;必要的,e.g. It is,necessary,to remember these,facts.,记住这些事实是很有必要的。,7. closely adv. 密切地,e.g. We shall follow closely the,development of the situation.,我们将密切注意形势的开展。,8. achieve vt. 实现;到达,e.g. You will achieve your ambition if,you work hard.,如果你努力,你的抱负是可以实现,的。,1. Recite the new words in the article.,2. Find some information of the Special Olympics World Games.,


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