unit 6Give me liberty or give me death

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death,Patrick Henry,Patrick Henry (1736-1799),a prominent figure in the American Revolution,one of the Founding Fathers of the US,served as Governor of Virginia during 1776-1779,speech made to the,Virginia Convention, 1775, in,Richmond, Virginia,;,Helped convince the,Virginia,House of Burgesses,to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the,Revolutionary War,.,Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!,“难道生命如此珍贵、和平如此甜美,竟值得以镣铐与奴役为代价来换取吗?全能的上帝,禁止这笔交易吧!我不知道别人将选择什么道路;但是对我来说,不自由,毋宁死!,Keep in mind,What is the purpose of the speech?,What is the speakers perspective?,What is the tone of speaking?,What rhetorical devices are used?,What effect does the speech produce among,audience?,Subject matter,Peace and liberty and independence,Tone of speaker,Patriotic/ passionate/ bold/,Purpose of speaker,To fight for freedom; no more petitions/ remonstrance/ arguments/ illusions of hope,Effect of speech,“To arms! To arms!,The War of Independence,Time,Who is involved,: The Kingdom of Great Britain and 13 former British colonies in North America,Results,:,Declaration of Independence,Sovereignty svrinti of a nation,The American Revolution,Causes,Control and restriction of American trade and industry resentment,The “Stamp Act (1765) hostility and protest,Boston Massacre (1770),Boston Tea Party (Dec 16,1773),Motive of the Speech (para 1),Why does the speaker express his sentiments boldly?,What is the speakers attitude?,A Painful Truth (para 2-4),What is the reality that America is faced with?,UK received our petition with a cunning smile; but their armed forces are all over our land.,What is UKs attempt?,To attack/ subjugate/ conquer/ subdue,Our strategies (para5-7),What have we done in the struggle for peace? How were our efforts returned by the British ministry?,We have petitioned, remonstrated, supplicated, prostrated, implored.,Reinforcement (para 8),What did America have so as to be confident in winning the war?,Three millions of people,A just God + friends to join us,Fighting for the holy cause of liberty,The battle is not to the strong alone: it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.,Detailed Study of Para 1,Why does the speaker think that he should express his opinions boldly?,To the speaker, America is at a critical juncture, and he thinks he is duty-bound to save his motherland and that he should be faithful to God. Should he hold back his opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, he should consider himself as guilty of treason toward his country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which he reveres above all earthly kings.,Language Work,address, t. to make a speech to a person or an audience, esp. formally,E.g.(1),The chairman will now,address,the meeting.,(2) The President is now,addressing,the nation.,house,n. a group of people who meet to discuss or pass laws,e.g.(1) In this speech,the house,refers to the House of Burgesses, the representative assembly of colonial Virginia.,And here,the house,is used as a case of metonymy. See more examples below.,No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house.,No man admires more than I do the patriotism and abilities of the noble gentlemen who have just delivered speeches to the house.,sentiments,n. points of view, opinions; an attitude or opinion usually influenced by emotion,e.g.(1)W,hat are your,sentiments,on this issue?,(2)She made a speech full of lofty,sentiments.,entertain,vt. to hold sth. in the mind or feelings,e.g.(1)She,entertains,some doubts about our scheme.,(2)They,entertain,prejudices against us.,The question before the house is one of awful moment to this country.,The question the house is faced with is an issue of vital importance to this country.,And in proportion to the magnitude of the subject.,in relation to the importance of the subject / / in relation to the significance of the topic,It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country.,Only in this way can we hope to reach the truth and perform the great commitment for which we are responsible for the sake of God and our country.,magnitude,n. a large size,e.g.(1) The,magnitude,of the epidemic was unexpectedly frightening.,(2) You dont seem to appreciate the,magnitude,of her achievement.,treason,n. treachery to ones country; a treacherous act, i.e., an act of betraying ones country,e.g.(1)The traitor committed,treason,during the Anti-Japanese War.,(2) The patriot would rather die than commit an offence of,treason.,Should I hold back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.,If I should withhold my opinions at such a moment for fear of causing offence, I should think myself a traitor who has committed a treachery to my country and who is a sinner of disloyalty toward God, whom I respect more profoundly than all earthly kings. / If I should remain silent at such a critical time, for fear of offending others, I should consider myself to be a man who has betrayed his own country and who has committed a sin of betraying God, whom I venerate more deeply than all kings on Earth,.,Detailed Study of Paras 2-4,(1),According to the speaker, what should the wise gentlemen do?,The wise men should neither shut their eyes against a painful truth nor listen to the song of that siren till she transforms them into beasts. They ought to see and hear the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation. Whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, the wise men should be willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst and to provide for it.,(2) W,hat is the actual situation America is confronted with?,America is confronted with warlike preparations, which cover their waters and darken their land. British fleets and armies are in battle array, ready to overwhelm the Americans. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon them those chains which the British ministry has been so long forging.,Language Work,illusion,n. a false idea, belief or impression; false perception,e.g.(1) I have no,illusions,about my ability. (= I know that I am not able at all.),(2) In the hot sun the surface of the road seems wet, but that is only an,illusion.,(3) I was under the,illusion,that he was honest.,Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope.,Mr. President, it is quite normal that man should allow himself to entertain delusive or false hopes./I It is in agreement with human nature that man should take pleasure in cherishing fond illusive hopes.,be apt to do sth.,: to be likely or have a tendency to do sth.,e.g.(1) She,is apt to,be forgetful, careless, and quick-tempered.,(2) My pen,is,rather,apt to,leak.,siren,n. (in Greek mythology) one of a number of winged women whose songs lured sailors to their destruction; woman regarded as fascinating and dangerous,e.g.(1) This sentence is actually an allusion to Homers,Odyssey,in which the enchantress Circe charms men with her song and turns them into swine.,We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.,We tend to turn a blind eye to a painful reality, and listen to the song of that sea nymph until she changes us completely into beasts.,be disposed to: to want or be prepared to do sth.,e.g.(1) I,am,not,disposed to,meet them at the moment.,(2) You are most welcome to join us if you,feel,so,disposed.,their temporal salvation:,salvation of their reality; salvation of their life and destiny,temporal:,relating to practical matters or material things; earthly, worldly,e.g.(1),Temporal,power and wealth are more important to some people than a spiritual promise of life after death.,Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes see not, and having ears hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?,Do we want to be among those who pretend neither to see nor to hear the things that are concerned with the salvation of their own reality? II Are we prepared to be among those who turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the things that are so closely related to the salvation of their own destiny?,Para.3,I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience.,I have only one lamp that guides my way forward, and that lamp is none other than that of experience.! / Experience is like a lamp that guides my way forward.,I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.,As far as I know, there is no way to judge the future except by the past. / In my opinion, there is no means of judging the future except by history.,solace,vt. to comfort or relieve from pain, distress, trouble, etc.; give comfort or relief,e.g.(1) She was distracted with grief and refused to be solaced.,(2) The mayors words solaced the grief-stricken widow.,snare,n. a,trap,for catching small animals and birds, esp. one with a noose made of rope or wire; (fig.) sth. that is apt to trap or injure sb.,e.g.(1) The rabbits foot was caught in a snare.,(2) Pride is a snare we must all try to avoid.,Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet.,Do not believe in it, sir; it may turn out to be something that will trap your feet and make you fall.,Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss.,Do not allow yourself to be betrayed by somebody who kisses you to show affection.,suffer,vt. to allow (By the way, this usage is rare now!),e.g.(1) He knew that he must not suffer selfishness to triumph over love.,(2) He is a man that never suffer interference with his plans.,Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss.,Do not allow yourself to be betrayed by somebody who kisses you to show affection. This sentence refers to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. According to Luke 22:47-48, Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss.,Para.3 Language Points,gracious,adj.,kind, polite and generous, esp. to sb. who is socially,inferior,; (of God),merciful,e.g.(1) The,gracious,hostess demonstrated her ability to provide abundant meals in dignified surroundings.,(2)God is kind and,gracious,to all sinners who repent.,petition,n. a,formal written request, esp. one,signed by many people appealing to sb. in authority,; a formal written application submitted to a court of law.,comport with,:,agree with 一致,适合,His behavior did not comport with his office.,His remark simply does not comport with his known attitude.,他的行为与他的职务很不相称。,他的发言同他一贯的态度极不相称。,Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our,waters,and,darken our land.,Imagine how this,kind and polite,reception of our petition,agrees with,those military preparations that are extending over our seas and,threatening the security of our land.,be reconciled to,: (cause to),become friendly again, e.g. after quarrelling; (cause to),accept reluctantly,sth. unwelcome or unpleasant,e.g.(1)We,were,finally,reconciled,when he apologized.,(2)They,are,not,reconciled to,failure.,call in: summon, to summon for assistance or consultation 召来,召集 ;叫某人进来;来访;找请来,How many friends will you call in?,call in a specialist,call on 拜访,访问,call for 提倡,号召, 需要,These are the,implements,of war and,subjugation,- the last arguments,to,which kings,resort,.,These are the,tools,of war and instruments of conquering - the last means kings will turn to when all arguments fall flat.,s,ubjugation,:,bring under control; conquer,r,esort:,to have recourse (to),for help, use,etc.,to resort to violence,Para.4,3. Why does Great Britain call for all the accumulation of navies and armies?,It has accumulated its navies and armies for war against the Americans in an attempt to subdue them.,Para.6,4. How does Henry assess their petitions,remonstrations and supplications?,He thinks that their petitions have been treated rudely,their remonstrations have brought about more violence and insult,and that their solicitations have been disregarded. After they have done all can be done,Para.6,5. Why should Henry think they will have no alternatives but fight?,Para.6,They have done everything that could be done to prevent the coming war,but in vain. If they wish to be free, if they mean to preserve those inestimable rights of national independence and dignity, for which they have long been engaged in the noble struggle, they must fight.,Para.7,6. Why does Patrick Henry think that the war is envitable?,There is no way for them to retreat, or submission and slavery will be in store for them! The clanging of the chains the British colonialists have long forged for them may be heard on the plains of Boston! War has actually begun and is approching fast. If they are unwilling to be subdued and enslaved, they must get ready for a war of resistance against the British colonists!,Para.8,7. What attitude does Henry take toward life and peace according to his speech?,Sweet as peace,dear as life might be, he will give both up providing they should be won at the sacrifice of dignity and liberty.,Para.8,8. How would you describe the tone of Henrys speech?,The speech is filled with patriotic passion and urgency,severe criticism, and appealing sensation.,Para.4 Word bank,martial array,: the impressive demonstration of armed forces,s,ubmission:,a willingness to yield or surrender to sb., or the act of doing so,e.g.(1) The enemy wanted to starve the city into,submission.,(2) Some parents want their children to show complete,submission,to their wishes.,motive,: desire that acts as an incitement (煽动) to action,accumulation,: the collecting together of things over a period of time,rivet,vt.,fix, make immobile,e.g.(1) The two boards are,riveted,together.,(2) We stood,riveted,to the spot.,forge,vt. to shape sth. by heating it in a fire and hammering.,They forge swords, chains, anchors, etc.,e.g.They have forged an alliance.,Para. 5 Word bank,entreaty,: earnest request,supplication,: a humble appeal to sb.,beseech,: ask earnestly or beg sb.to do sth.,Para. 5,We have held the subject up,in every light,of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain.,We have,approached the subject from all perspectives possible,; but all our efforts have been utterly futile.,Shall we resort to,entreaty,and humble,supplication,? What,terms,shall we find which have not already been exhausted?,Shall we rely on,earnest requesting,and,humble petition,? What,words and expressions,shall we find that have not already been used?,状语从句中虚拟语气,1.让步状语结构,(1) 让步状语连词结构even if/ though, although/though. 引导的虚拟让步从句Though/ even if he should fail a hundred times in the experiment, there would still be hope.(2) whatever (whoever, wherever 及no matter how what, who where )引导的虚拟让步从句eg: Whichever be the case, his situation remained the same.,Whatever be the consequence of my experiment, I am resolved to judge with my own eyes .Wherever she may live, she will always find friends.(3) 用Whether-or 引导虚拟让步从句Whether he,succeed or fail, it will not matter to me.,原因状语结构 (1) Im sorry,We were surprised ,They were disappointed. 等结构后的从句用虚拟式。eg: I am sorry that he should be in such poor health. 认真难过他身体这在差。I am still not quite convinced that she should have done so much in such a short time.(2) 以lest, for fear that, in case.引起的虚拟从句,也看作目的状语从句。eg: I had to restrain him lest he should give us away.,目的状语结构由that, in order that, so that 引起的虚拟结构。(1) He got up (cautiously, so that he might not wake the sleeping boy.)(2) She averted her face so that the child should not see her tears.,虚拟语气用于主语从句的动词结构(1) 以it is a pity ( a shame ) thatit is no wonderit is incredible (advisable, appreciate, best, strange better, compulsory, crucial desirable, imperative, vital, important, obligatory, preferable) that.主句表示说话人的态度和愿望,即说话人认为从句的内容是必需的,重要的适当的,希望实现的that引导的主语从句的谓语动词should be或 should have been虚拟形式。,eg: It is strange that she should have failed to see her own short comings. 真奇怪,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。It is necessary that every member inform himself of these rules. 每位成员必须知道这些规那么。,(2) 其他一些以-ed分词为表语的结构。如it is desired (suggested/ requested ordered, proposed settled, recommended) it has been decided.eg: It is requested that we (should) unite with all that can be united in the struggle.It has been decided that the meeting (should) be postponed to next day.一些动词结构用于表示说话人的某种感情如吹标懊悔,欣慰,扶望等。,如:extraordinary ,awkward, annoying, curious, disastrous, dreadful fortunate, improper, incredible, improper, irrational, odd, peculiar, queer, regrettable, remarkable, frightening, irritating, perplexing, pleasing, shocking surprising, upsetting.,eg: It is extraordinary to me that you should have seen this in the portrait. 你居然在画像上看到这一点,这对我来说真不寻常。It is awkward that he should be late .他居然来晚了,真叫人为难。,Para.6 Word bank,avert:,prevent,. averted an accident by turning sharply.,remonstrate,: make protests,prostrate: to put or throw flat with the face down, as in submission or adoration,tyrannical,: despotic and oppressive,slight,: to treat (sth. or sb.) rudely by deliberately ignoring (it or him or her),disregard:,to pay no attention or heed to; ignore,spurn:,to reject,inviolate,: kept pure, untouched, or unblemished,e.g.(1) We must preserve these sacred principles,inviolate.,(2) Our promise remains inviolate.,inestimable,: of immeasurable value or worth; invaluable,privilege,: a special advantage, immunity, permission, right,contend:,fight with,struggle against,e.g.(1) Our fighters,contended,with the enemy for control of the fort.,(2) That excellent student is,contending,for the first prize.,basely,: in a way lacking proper social values or moral principles,pledge,: to offer or guarantee by a solemen binding promise,We have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.,We have been,humble and submissive in front of the British king, and have,begged his Majesty to intervene and stop the cruelty and injustice of the British colonial,ministry and Parliament.,Para.7 Word bank,formidable,: difficult to undertake,surmount, or defeat,adversary,: an opponent; an enemy,irresolution,: the state of being unsure and unable to make decisions,inaction,: lack or absence of action 无行动,effectual,: producing or sufficinet to produce a desired effect; fully adequate 有效的,supinely,: in the state of lying on the back with the face upward 仰卧地,delusive,: leading to belief in sth. untrue or unreal 欺骗的;迷惑的,phantom: sth. elusive or delusive 幻影,vigilant: watchful and alert 机敏,base: mean-spirited, or selfish, lack of human decency 卑劣的,clanging: the act of giving off a loud, resonant, metallic sound 叮当地响,Para. 7,Language points,1. .,until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?,.defeated us and held us captive,2.,hath placed in our power,.,.,has given us at our disposal,.,3.,.,armed in the holy cause of liberty,.,.,with liberty as our ultimate aim to fight for,6.,There is a,just,God who,presides over,the destinies of nations and who will,raise up,friends to fight our battles for us.,There is,a,righteous,God who,controls the fates of nations,and who will,gather,friends to join us in our battles


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