THE WAR 关于战争的

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,THE WAR,Lets know the war,社一 何龙斌,whats mean of the war ?,Let us know the war:,The so-called war,refers to the large scale bloodshed affairs. As an ordinary people all of us feel so terrible .,The world war ,New weapons appear such as tanks, planes, make the war the size of the cold weapon age much more than before. War has a very big again, scope also expanded significantly, on the Internet, the number of more.,坦克,飞机等新型武器出现,使得战争的规模比以前冷兵器时代要大得多。战争的惨烈程度也很大,范围也大幅扩大,上网的人数更多。,many people was died in the war,The greatest loss is innocent civilians in the war, they are all innocent people,For the originators of the war, they have their own respective reasons, it is difficult to determine the nature of the war.,对于那些战争发起者而言,他们各自有各自的理由,所以难以判断战争的性质。,Weapons of war of the world war I,The world war of ,The second world war situation map,The photo about the second world war.,1945 Japan declared unconditional surrender to China, the second world war, the biggest in China, the longest war came to an end. 1945,年日本宣布向中国无条件投降,第二次世界大战中国这个最大,持续时间最长的战场宣告结束,With Germany as the axis of fascism defeated countries surrender, mean the end of the second world war.,以德国为轴心的法西斯战败国投降,意味着第二次世界大战的结束。,The second world war, the number of Internet is several times of world war I, China theater alone killed 35 million people. This is a massive global war, war again to the world of war.第二次世界大战的上网人数是一战的数倍,光中国战区就伤亡3500万人。这是一次大规模的全球战争,战争的惨烈程度到达世界战争史之最。,Stealth fighter ,stealth bomber role during the war significant states about them personally.,Everyone yearning when the peace of the world, people need human cooperation around the world, and jointly safeguard.,世界和平时每个人都向往的,者需要全世界的人类合作起来,共同维护。,we love peace !,Thats end ,thanks everyone appreciate.,


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