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教 学 设 计 单元unit1课题School is great fun!课时1课型教学内容part1,2ab教学目标Can answer the questions.Can read about Lake School.Can do the groupwork.情感目标:重点难点学情分析Can understand the text.Can answer the questions.Can repeat the text. 教学准备PPT, a tape-recorder, a tape教 学 过 程 设 计调整与随感I. Warm- upShow pictures and ask questions:1.Which school do you go to?2.How many pupils are there in your class?3.How many subjects do you have at school?4.What is your favourite subject?S:I go to _School.There are _pupils.There are _subjects.My favourite subject is _.II. Presentation1.Read about Lake School.T:Who is this girl?Where is she?What does she introduce?Learn to say:North Island2. Listen and read again.Finish part2bTry to understand the new words:Lake School,North Island,Drama,History.pop music,most pupils,half of the boys3.Check the answer.4.Learn to read the text.5.Try to repeat.III. Consolidation 6.Try to read out the questions:Which school does Mary Chen go to?How many pupils are there in Marys class?What new subjectswill she have this year?What does she write about her Drama teacher?Do the pupils like their teachers?7.Groupwork:Ask and answer questions about Mary Chen.8.Check the answer.板书设计 School is great fun!She goes to Lake School.There are 23.She will have 2 new subjects.She is her fan.Yes,they do.作业 教学反思教 学 设 计 单元unit1课题School is great fun!课时2课型教学内容part3,4a,b教学目标Can read and write the words.Can play a game about subjects.Can write own timetable in English.情感目标:重点难点学情分析Can master the words about subjects.Can do the listening exercise.教学准备PPT, a tape-recorder, a tape教 学 过 程 设 计调整与随感.Warm- upFree talk: What subjects do you like?S:I like_and _.PresentationListen and learn the words for subjects.1.Listen then point2.Try to read Try to write: Ch_n_s_ M_th_ _ _gli_ _Sc_ _ n_ _ M_s_ c _ _t H_ _ t_ry P_Dr_m_ Fr_n_ _ G_ _gra_ _y _ CT3.Introduce Kevin and Christine.4.Listen and fill in the days.5.Check the answer.Learn to read:1st -6st 6.What information do you get from the timetable?e.g. The first lesson begins at 5to8.Pupils discuss.Consolidation Play a game.Guess what day it is.T:Theyve got French and History.S:Its Monday.Free talk.Task:Write your own timetable in English.Finish part8板书设计 School is great fun!What subjects do you like?I like _ and _.timetable作业教学反思教 学 设 计 单元unit1课题School is great fun!课时3课型教学内容part5教学目标Can understand the sentences.Can read the sentences.Can do pairwork.情感目标:重点难点学情分析Can understand the sentences.Can answer the questions.教学准备PPT, a tape-recorder, a tape教 学 过 程 设 计调整与随感.Warm- upreview the words about subjects.Free talk:What do you often do in your art lessons/music lessons?review the phrases:draw pictures, listen to music, play games,sing songs.Presentation1. Read and guess.What are their favourite subjects?Then write out the words.answer:Alison loves Music. Jeff loves Art. Mark loves PE. Claire loves Maths. Sue loves Chinese. Simon loves ICT. Tom loves Science. Kate loves Drama.2. Learn to read the sentences.3. PairworkLearn to askDo pairwork:ask and answerCheck the answer.Consolidation Disscuss what we often do in our class.Task:Do a survey about your classmates favouite subjects.板书设计 Alison loves Music. I love _. Jeff loves Art. She loves _. Mark loves PE. I love_. Claire loves Maths. He loves _. Sue loves Chinese.作业教学反思教 学 设 计 单元unit1课题School is great fun!课时4课型教学内容part6a,b教学目标Can understand the text.Can read the text.Can complete the sentences.情感目标:重点难点学情分析Can understand the text.Can repeat the text.Can use“she,her,he,his,hs,have,like,likes,think,thinks”.教学准备PPT, a tape-recorder, a tape教 学 过 程 设 计调整与随感.Warm- upFreetalk.Presentation1.Read the text .2.Answer the questions:Who are they?How many pupils are there in Sandras class?Whats their teachers name?What does he like?What is Marios favourite day?What lessons has she got?What does she like?What does she think about English?3.Listen and learn to read.Consolidation 1.Try to repeat.2.Finish part 6b.read again then complete the sentences.Answer: 1.has her likes 2.has his likes His likes thinks Task:Introduce yourself.板书设计 Alison loves Music. I love _. Jeff loves Art. She loves _. Mark loves PE. I love_. Claire loves Maths. He loves _. Sue loves Chinese.作业教学反思教 学 设 计 单元unit1课题School is great fun!课时5课型教学内容part7a,b教学目标Can read the sentences.Can tell what Mario likes doing in English.情感目标:重点难点学情分析Can understand the sentences.Can read the sentences.Can talk what you like doing in English.教学准备PPT, a tape-recorder, a tape教 学 过 程 设 计调整与随感.Warm- upwatch photos and listen to recording.Presentation1.Match the photos :singing songs working in groups practicing dialogueslearning new words saying chants reading stories watching cartoons acting in plays2.Ask and answerWhat does Mario like doing in English?He likes_./3.Learn to read the sentences.Consolidation 1.Oral practice.2.Ask and answer:What else do you do in English?such as: write words, listen and repeatTalk about:What do you like doing in English?Task: Show a timetableTalk in class:In _,I like _ _. In _,she likes_ _.In _,he likes_ _.板书设计 What does Mario like doing in English?He likes_.In _,I like _ _. In _,she likes_ _.In _,he likes_ _.作业教学反思


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