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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 5,Translation of Long Sentences of English,1,英语长句之所以很长, 一般是由三个原因造成的: 一是修饰语多;二是联合成分多;三是结构复杂、层次叠出。英语长句在公文文体、论说文体和科技等文体中用的尤其多, 这主要是因为长句可以严密细致地表达多重而又密切相关的概念。这种复杂组合的概念在口语体中经常是以,分切,、,并列,、,递进,或,重复,等方式,化整为零,地表达出来的。,2,我们在翻译英语长句时应体会到长句的表意特点和交际功能, 尽量做到既能从英汉差异出发处理好长句翻译在,结构形式,上的问题, 又要尽力做到不忽视,原文的文体特征,,保留英语长句所表达的多重的致密思维特色;不要使议句产生松散和脱节感, 妥善处理议句的内在连接问题。,3,翻译,包括,理解,和,表达,两个大的阶段。,理解,包括,四个,具体步骤:,紧缩主干,(SV; SVO)、,辨析词义,、,区分主从,(,识别修饰语与被修饰语; 判断各成分之间的内在联系,)、,捋清层次,(,推断句子思维逻辑发展形式及重心,);,表达,包括,两个,步骤:,调整搭配,(,按汉语习惯形成主谓宾配列; 调整各层次语序,)、,潤饰词语,。,4,英语长句翻译可视情况采取以下方法:,包孕,、,切断,、,倒置,、,拆离,、,插入,、,重组,。,5,包孕(,embedding): 汉译时将英语后置成分(,各种词组或从句,)放在中心词(,被修饰成分,)之前。,6,The General Assembly may call the attention of the Security Council to situations,which are likely to endanger international peace and security,.,7,联合国,大会,对,可能危机国际和平与安全,之形势,须提请安理会注意。,8,包孕式可以使行文文体具有明显的节奏感, 有时虽然包孕部分相当长, 这种节奏感仍然保证了思维逻辑的连贯性, 因而不必切断原句。,9,This is no class war, but a war,in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or party,.,10,这不是一场阶级之间的战争, 而是,一,场,不分种族, 不分信仰, 不分党派, 整个大英帝国及英联邦全体成员国无不参加的,战争。,11,The Court shall be composed of a body of independent judges, elected regardless of their nationality from among persons of high moral character, who possess the qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices, or are jurisconsults(,法理学专家/法官=jurist,) of recognized competence in international law.,12,该法院须由/,以,独立法官若干人组成之。此项法官应不论国籍, 从/,就,那些品格高尚并,在其各自国家具有最高司法职位之,(被),任命资格,的法官或公认的国际法学专家中选举之。,13,切断/分切,(cutting): 英语公文文体和科技文体由于修饰/,限定,成分或名词词组太多, 每每要表达多重复杂的概念, 所以不得不使用长句。在汉译时我们可以视情况尽力将长句切断, 使议句层次一目了然, 不要象英语那样环扣相连、盘根错节。,14,Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative,(赞成的/肯定的),vote of nine members.,15,安理会关于程序事项之决议, 应/,须,以九成员国之可决票表决之。(,在主谓连接处切断,),16,Jointly or separately Council Committees and subsidiary commissions study the problems,and,submit recommendations to the Council in due time,.,17,安理会各委员会及辅助委员会可单独亦可共同研究此类问题, 并适时向安理会提出建议。,(在并列连接处切断),18,Exercises: Translate the following two sentences into English,1) The general Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.,2) Each usually has a political head-political in the sense that the appointment is by the President and subject to Senate confirmation.,19,1) 联合国大会得/,须,设立其认为于/,对,其行使职务所必需之辅助机关。,2) 每一单位通常都有一位政治首脑.这里所谓政治首脑,是因为他是由总统任命,并须,经过参议院批准的。,(在同位语从句前切断),20,倒置,(Reversing): 长句翻译中的倒置主要是指句子的前后调换问题。一般是将长复杂句包孕、切断成短句后或进行局部调整,或进行总体调整,原则是使汉语译句安排符合习惯表达法, 即符合现代汉语论理叙事的一般逻辑顺序, 结果译句恰恰是将原句的意思倒着说。根据汉语的习惯表达法, 我们在翻译时, 可以视情况按 “意群”, 进行全部倒置或部分倒置。,21,全部倒置:,22,No longer are “separate but equal” schools regarded as being permitted,under the “equal protection of the laws” provision of the 14,th,Amendment to the Constitution.,23,根据第14条,(美国,)宪法修正案关于“法律上受公平保护”的条款,所谓“分隔而平等”的学校,已不再,被,视为合法。,24,With a view to successfully maintaining a balanced system implemented by a basically even distribution of Federal resources, Federal financial aid is given only,if a state has acceptable standards of administration.,25,各州要先制定符合规章的管理标准, 联邦政府才会拨给财政援助; 这是为了使联邦政府的财源基本上得到平均的分配,以,确保实施一种平衡的财政制度。,26,A great number of,graduate students,were driven into the intellectual slum,when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.,27,五十年代后期美国出现了一个任何人都不可能视而不见的现象,穷知识分子以“垮掉的一代”这种颇为浪漫的姿态出现而成为美国典型的穷人,.正是这个时候大批大学毕业生被赶进了知识分子贫民窟,28,So it was that the farm poor were caught in their own past, the double victims of technology;,exiled from their home by advances in agricultural machinery; unfitted for life in the city because of the consequences of industrial mechanization,.,29,农民,由于机器的日益用于农业生产而被赶出自己的家园; 而由于工业机械化(的结果)他们在城里又无以为生,.农村中的穷人就这样变成了技术发展的双重牺牲品, 又陷入了往昔遭受的困境。,30,部分倒置,:,31,We have already seen the effect of this in Congress,where party plays a relatively minor role in the majority of issues and where, almost without exception, a large percent of each party is found on each side of issues on which there are differences of opinion.,32,在大多数问题上,政党所起的只是次要的作用;遇到意见有分歧的问题,每个,政,党,内,几乎无不例外地有大批人士分属争论双方.,我们已在国会中见到这种情形. (,我们在国会中已见到如下情形:),33,Such is human nature in the West,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.,34,许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资,待遇,以换取成为白领工人的,社会地位 /特权,;,这在西方倒是人之常情,.,35,拆离(splitting),: 拆离就是将英语长句的某些成分(句子,词组或词)从句子主干中拆开,另行处理,以利于句子的总体安排.常见的情况是英语长句中有某些成分很难切断或顺翻译,也很难将它们包孕在句中;切实可行的办法是将它们拆开, 放到句子主干之首或句尾,以免造成行文上的阻塞.,36,拆离单词:,37,An outsiders success could even,curiously,help the two parties to get the agreement they want.,38,说来奇怪,一个局外人取得的成功竟然能促使双方达成一项他们希望,取得,的协议.,39,In recent years, it has,ominously,outfitted(,装备,) its divisions along its western border for a lightning lunge(,猛冲,) westward.,40,近年来,这个国家装备了沿西部边境部署的,陆军,师,以便向西发动闪电战.,这是个不详之兆.,41,The number of the young people in the United States who cannot read is,incredible,-about one in ten.,42,大约有四分之一的美国人没有阅读能力.,这简直令人难以置信.,Your salary will be,incredibly,high.,43,拆离词组:,44,At the opening banquet, Nixon,seemed to have paraphrased his hosts position,by saying: “There are of course some who believe that the mere act of saying a statement of principles or a diplomatic conference will bring lasting peace. This is nave.”,45,尼克松在欢迎宴会上说: “当然, 有些人认为只要发表一项原则声明或举行一次外交会议就能带来持久和平.这种想法,很,天真.” 尼克松,这段话似乎是在 阐述东道国的立场.,46,拆离从句,:,47,This land,which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacation, a land of magic and wonder.,The total expenditures of the US government for the so-called Fiscal Year 1970,that is the period from July 1, 1969 to June 10, 1970, were about 195 billion dollars, of which about 80 billion was for national defense.,48,这个地方现在已成,了/为,冬夏两季的休闲胜地,风光景物蔚为奇观;,而从前精疲力竭的旅游者只能到此止步,.,美国政府1970年财政年度的总支出为1,950亿美元,其中800亿左右为国防开支,;,所谓1970年财政年度系指1969年7月1日至1970年6月10日这段时间/这一期间.,49,插入式(Inserting):,古汉语没有破折号,也没有使用括号的句子.使用破折号或括号插入成分是借鉴外语发展起来的新句式.使用插入式是一种不得已的手段,在段落翻译中不宜多用.,50,The snow falls on every wood and field,and no crevice is forgotten,; by the river and the pond, on the hill and in the valley.,51,雪,在四处飘落着. 雪花撒在树上,撒在田野里;撒在河边,湖畔,山上,谷底,-没有一条岩缝墙隙里不飘,满,雪花.,52,雪花撒落在树上,撒落在田野里,撒落在河边,湖畔,撒落在山峦和山谷,中,/山坡和峡谷.,大雪纷飞,连小小的岩隙中都飘进了雪花.,53,雪花飘落在树上,飘落在田地里;飘落在河边,池旁,飘落在山坡和低谷.雪花飘飘,飞进每一道裂缝.,54,In 1582 Richard Mulcaster,one of the earliest English grammarians who paid attention to this problem, wrote “the English tongue is of small reach, stretching no further than this island of ours(England), nay, not there over all”.,55,1582年,理查德.迈尔卡斯特-,一位最早注意到这个问题的英语语法学家之一,-写到: “英语的流行范围很,小/窄,充其量只,用,在我们这个英格兰岛, 甚至还没有遍及全岛.”,56,重组(Recasting):,重组就是将长句结构完全理清,将英语原意完全弄懂以后按汉语叙事论理的习惯重新组合句子, 基本上脱离了原句的层次和结构安排.,57,Only rarely does a coherent picture emerge; in a sense coherence must be imposed on events by the decision maker, who seizes the challenge and turns it into opportunity by assessing correctly both the circumstances and his margin,(余地,),for creative action.,58,决策人要能对自己采取独到行动的情势作出正确的估计,对自己采取这种行动的回旋余地作出正确的估计,而后才能抓住时机,将危机,/挑战,转化为良机,/机遇,;这时才能出现事态的顺利发展.有条不紊的景象自行出现的情况是十分罕见的.,59,Decision must be made very rapidly; physical endurance is tested as much as perception, because an enormous amount of time must be spent making certain that the key figures act on the basis of the same information and purpose.,60,必须把大量时间花在 /,必须花大量时间以/,确保关键人物均已根据同一情报和目的行事(上面),而这一切对身体耐力和思维,/洞察/,能力都是一大考验.因此,一旦考虑成熟,决策者就应该迅速作出决策.,61,


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