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课时,6 More practice,Culture corner,牛津沪教版七年级下,Unit 1 Helping those in need,1,2,3,4,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,11,12,13,6,7,8,9,10,support,smell,strict,members,paragraphs,forgot,remains,probably,successful,A,A,14,15,B,D,D,cooks,答案呈现,16,17,18,all day and all night,give up,19,20,the time for,基础巩固练,doesnt go to work,make fun of,21,22,23,C,A,24,25,D,26,27,28,C,A,29,30,B,B,C,B,C,能力提升练,答案呈现,能力提升练,36,37,38,E,B,39,40,A,C,F,31,32,33,C,B,B,34,35,D,A,一、根据句意、首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词。,1. My mother often,_(,做饭,) for,us at home.,2. The government gave people lots of _,(,支持,) to,make their life better.,3. There is a strong _,(,气味,) of,cooking coming from the kitchen,.,support,smell,cooks,4. Are both your father and your mother,s,about your studies?,5. We became,m,of the school basketball team two years ago.,trict,embers,【,点拨,】,考查,member,。其意思为“成员”。由,we,可知用复数形式。易误用单数。,二、根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,6. There are five,_(,paragraph) in the article.,paragraphs,7. Both of us _ (forget) the time and the place of the meeting yesterday.,forgot,8. A lot of new restaurants appear, but the Happy Restaurant _ (remain) the best.,remains,【,点拨,】,考查,remain,。其意思为“保持不变”。由主语,the Happy Restaurant,可知谓语动词用单数。易误用原形。,9. Li Ming _ (probable) works hardest in our class.,probably,10. You cant be _ (success) if you continue to be so careless.,successful,三、单项选择。,11.【,中考,怀化,】I often help my parents with housework,_ Sundays,.,A. on,B,. in,C,. at,A,12. My mother usually makes a big cake me,_ on,my birthday.,A. of,B,. at,C,. to,D,.,for,D,13,. Why not _,a,party for your brother?,A. have B,. having,C,. to have,D,.,had,A,14,. (,易错题,) They,are very good at English and _,football,.,A. play B,. to play,C,. played,D,.,playing,D,【,点拨,】,考查,be good at,。其意思为“擅长”,后接动词时动词要加,-ing,。易受,English,的影响而,play,用原形。,15,. Do you know how to _,“,Good morning” in French?,A. guess,B,. say,C,. tell,D,. talk,B,四、根据汉语提示完成句子。,16.,这些天,叔叔都在夜以继日地忙着他的课题。,These,days, my uncle is busy with his project,_,_.,all day,and all night,17.,爸爸今天没有上班,因为他生病了。,Father _ today,because he is ill,.,doesnt go to work,18,.,什么时候你会放弃这种奇怪的想法呢?,When,will you,_ the,strange idea,?,give up,19,.,那些孩子总是喜欢取笑别人。,Those,children always like to,_ others.,make fun of,20,.,春天是植树的时候。,Spring,is _,planting,trees.,the time for,五、完形填空。,Fathers Day,Dads work hard every day. Fathers Day is the time,_21,us to say “,_22,” to our dads,.,21. A. to,B,. on,C,.,for,D.,of,22. A. Hello,B,. Thank you,C,. Youre welcome,D,. All right,C,B,【,点拨,】,for,意为“对,对于”。,【,点拨,】,分析句意可知这里是表达感谢。,Many countries, including the UK and the USA,_23,Fathers Day on the third Sunday in,June.,23,. A. celebrate,B,. attend,C,. take,D,. give,A,【,点拨,】,这里指庆祝父亲节。,Some,countries celebrate,Fathers Day on different days, and,_24,at the same time as other,holidays.,24. A. the,other,B. other,C,. others,D,. another,C,【,点拨,】,some. . . others. . .,意为“一些,另一些,”。,On this day, people visit and,_25,time with their,dads.,25. A. have,B,.,cost C,. find,D,.,spend,D,【,点拨,】,spend,意为“花费”。这里指和爸爸一起度过父亲节。,Dads dont usually like flowers,_26,people often,buy them,other gifts, and make some nice food and funny cards. When they open them, they will often,_27.,26. A. but B. and C. so D.,for,27. A. love,B,. laugh,C,. enjoy,D,. cry,C,B,【,点拨,】,分析前后文可知表示因果关系。,so,意为“因此”。,【,点拨,】,结合前文的内容可知他们打开有趣的卡片后会大笑。,Fathers Day, like Mothers Day, is the perfect time for us to,_28,our love and thanks to our,parents.,28. A. show,B,. see,C,. say,D,. like,A,【,点拨,】,show,意为“展示”。,_29 dont you,give your dad a surprise,_30,saying “Thank you” on the coming Fathers Day,?,29. A. How,B,. What,C,.,Why,D. If,30,. A. of,B,. by,C,. at,D,. in,B,C,【,点拨,】,Why dont you,意为“你为什么不,”。,【,点拨,】,by,意为“通过”,表示方式。,六、阅读理解。,31. What can be a treasure to your parents?,A. A,pencil,.,B. A good life.,C,. A picture.,D,. A dinner.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,9,页原文。,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,Make a picture for them. You may think it is such a little thing, but most of you can never do such a thing. It will always be a treasure(,珍品,) to them.,可知答案。,32. Why do you need to make your room clean?,A. Because,our parents love us.,B,. Because our parents are tired every day.,C. Because we need to do things by ourselves.,D,. Because a clean room can make us healthy.,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,All these things make them busy and tired every day. So try to keep your room clean and let them do less housework.,可知答案。,33,. What does the underlined word “it” refer,to(,指,的,是,)?,A. Doing,something wrong.,B,. Saying sorry.,C. Writing a letter.,D,. Drawing a picture.,B,【,点拨,】,原句为:,If you do,it, they will know you are sorry and be more understanding(,善解人意的,).,结合前句内容,If you do something wrong, say sorry to them.,可知答案。,34. Who should read the passage?,A. Children,.,B,. Parents,.,C,. Teachers.,D,. Doctors.,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Parents love us most in the world. They take good care of us. Here are a few ways to show your love to them.,可知答案。,35. What is the passage about?,A. Our,parents love to us.,B,. Our parents daily life.,C. How to say sorry to others.,D,. A few ways to show our love to parents.,D,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Parents love us most in the world. They take good care of us. Here are a few ways to show your love to them.,可知答案。,E,七、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项多余。,Many famous people had dreams when they were young.,_36,A. However, I gave up these dreams because I was too short.,B. Then I had to give up my dream again.,C. my dream came true,D. I didnt want to be a soccer player.,E. They often worked hard to make their dreams come true.,F. Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams come true.,G. In the end, I passed the test.,When I was only 13 years old, I first thought about what I should do in the future. I used to dream about being a basketball player, a soccer player, or a baseball player. _37 Then I thought about going into music, so I bought a guitar.,A,A. However, I gave up these dreams because I was too short.,B. Then I had to give up my dream again.,C. my dream came true,D. I didnt want to be a soccer player.,E. They often worked hard to make their dreams come true.,F. Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams come true.,G. In the end, I passed the test.,But I couldnt play it very well. _38 After that I thought about being a reporter and I worked very hard at it.,B,A. However, I gave up these dreams because I was too short.,B. Then I had to give up my dream again.,C. my dream came true,D. I didnt want to be a soccer player.,E. They often worked hard to make their dreams come true.,F. Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams come true.,G. In the end, I passed the test.,At the age of 25, _39 and I became a reporter.,C,A. However, I gave up these dreams because I was too short.,B. Then I had to give up my dream again.,C. my dream came true,D. I didnt want to be a soccer player.,E. They often worked hard to make their dreams come true.,F. Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams come true.,G. In the end, I passed the test.,_40 I should never give up and I must work hard.,F,A. However, I gave up these dreams because I was too short.,B. Then I had to give up my dream again.,C. my dream came true,D. I didnt want to be a soccer player.,E. They often worked hard to make their dreams come true.,F. Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams come true.,G. In the end, I passed the test.,


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