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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,那珀商贸葡萄酒简介,1,那珀公司简介,那珀商贸有限公司是由多个公司组成的企业集团,在美国加州拥有自营葡萄园及生产基地,是加州知名的葡萄酒出口商,业务遍及美国,中国和新西兰。,我们提供的葡萄酒,主要来自阳光明媚的加利福尼亚州,还有景色靓丽的新西兰,以及世界著名的葡萄酒产地法国。,加利福尼亚葡萄酒因成熟水果的香醇和浓郁丰厚的口感显得高贵优雅,而新西兰葡萄酒充满着清爽,细腻和典雅的风格,法国的葡萄酒则因其无法匹敌的气候条件而成为世界著名的葡萄酒产地。,目前拥有40多家酒庄的产品,中国市场我们主要提供来自加州纳帕谷本公司自营的达克霍恩庄园、ETC葡萄酒公司,以及兰卡斯特、爱丽丝等庄园的葡萄酒。,2,大卫达克霍恩DAVID DUCKHORN,那珀商贸公司董事长-大卫,出生于葡萄酒酿造世家达克霍恩庄园,是公司的创始人。2008年在美国加州与马克贝林哲等四人共同创立ETC葡萄酒酿造公司,开创ETC品牌优质葡萄酒,并于同年在中国上海投资设立那珀(上海)商贸有限公司,将美国美酒引入中国大陆。,3,那珀(上海)商贸公司西北、西南办事处,那珀(上海)商贸于2011年在陕西西安及四川成都分别设立西北办事处和西南办事处,主要负责中西部地区葡萄酒推广,为各区域经销商提供服务,并对市场进行监管。,公司及办事处主要人员合影,西北办事处,西南办事处,地址:西安市高新路80号望庭国际1-2-501,固定电话:,手机:,地址:成都市高新区天鹅湖花园小区19-1-1604,固定电话:,手机:,联系人:李先生,联系人:王小姐,4,一、达克霍恩-DUCKHORN,纳帕谷波尔多葡萄酒的主要制造商丹和玛格丽特在纳帕谷建立杜克霍恩葡萄园,苦心经营了四分之一个世纪,终于确立了在北美波尔多葡萄品种葡萄酒的领先地位。从1978年第一次收获葡萄,酿造出800箱赤霞珠红葡萄酒和800箱美乐红葡萄酒以后,杜克霍恩又在1982年推出了长相思白葡萄酒,并把将质量和卓越品质的传统保持不辍。,DAN DUCKHORN,MARGRIT DUCKHORN,5,专注美乐,自从电影杯酒人生中喊出“不要美乐”,20多年美乐一蹶不振,但随着时间的澄清,美乐已回归主流市场,现已为北美地区最畅销的葡萄酒品种。,美国是老世界最新,新世界最老的酒。同样美乐既可以是最普通的餐酒,也可以是最高端的美酒。,6,Duckhorn Vineyards Napa Valley Merlot 2007,杜克霍恩纳帕谷美乐红葡萄酒,Medium-bodied and well balanced. The aromas are red currant and blueberry, while the palate shows flavors of blackberries, ripe cherry and a hint of herbs. The finish is long and persistent.,酒精含量适中、味道融合。有红醋栗和蓝莓的香味,入口隐隐有黑莓、成熟樱桃和香草的味道。回味悠长持久。,92 points,Wine Enthusiast,葡萄酒爱好者,12/15/2010,91 points,Wine Review Online,葡萄酒在线评论,09/21/2010,7,长相思 与 黄金眼黑品乐,达克霍恩纳帕谷长相思白葡萄酒和安德森谷黄金眼黑品乐红葡萄酒被选为2009年美国总统奥巴马就职典礼午宴用酒,他们在葡萄酒爱好者杂志上的评分都在95分以上。,长相思, 90分,葡萄酒爱好者,12. 15, 2008.,黑品乐, 92分,葡萄酒观察家, 7. 31, 2008.,8,We are honored to announce that the 2007 Duckhorn Vineyards Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc and the 2005 Goldeneye Anderson Valley Pinot Noir were selected by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies to be served at the 2009 Inaugural Luncheon on January 20th.,Approximately 200 guests including the new President, Vice President, members of their families, the Supreme Court, Cabinet designees, and members of the Congressional leadership attended the event in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol.,大家好!,我很荣幸的告诉大家来自我们那珀商贸有限公司的纳帕谷的杜克霍恩2005年长相思白葡萄酒和来自安德森山谷的歌登艾黑品乐红葡萄酒在2009二月二十号被选定为国会委员会就职典礼的午餐葡萄酒。,在美国国会大厦内,大约有200名嘉宾,包括新的总统,副总统及其家庭成员,最高法院院长,内阁指派,和国会成员的领导参加了此次的活动。,奥巴马就职典礼午宴用酒,那珀商贸董事长,大卫达克霍恩,9,Duckhorn Vineyards Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2008,杜克霍恩纳帕谷长相思白葡萄酒,This Sauvignon Blanc seamlessly combines lush, mouth-filling fruit with refreshing acidity. The aromas highlight bright citrus notes of lemon zest, grapefruit and kaffir lime, underscored by subtle hints of pear and dried apricot.,此款长相思完美的结合了满口的水果与青草的香味,带着使人清爽的酸度。酒的芳香中,柠檬味、葡萄和酸橙尤为突出,同时还带有微妙的香梨和干杏仁味。呼应其香味,在品尝过程中,酒体更带来不同层次的热带水果口感,类似香蕉,椰果和荔枝。,94 Points,Wine Review Online,葡萄酒在线评论,11/03/2009,90 points,Wine Enthusiast 葡萄酒爱好者,12/15/2008,87 points,Connoisseurs Guide to California Wines 加州葡萄酒鉴赏家,9/2008,*The 07 Sauvignon Blanc was poured at President Obamas inauguration.,*2007年杜克霍恩长相思白葡萄酒被用作奥巴马就职典礼午餐葡萄酒,10,Goldeneye Vineyards黄金眼品牌,In 1990, after nearly 15 years of making world-class Bordeaux style wines, Dan and Margaret Duckhorn embraced their growing passion for Pinot Noir. Their vision for Goldeneye was simple: to craft a distinctively Californian Pinot Noir of equal stature to their acclaimed Duckhorn Vineyards Merlot. The winery is located on the North Coast of California in the Anderson Valley. This winery is very proud to say that the Goldeneye Pinot Noir was poured at President Obamas Inauguration luncheon.,1990年,在全力生产世界级波尔多型葡萄酒15年之后,丹杜克霍恩和玛格丽特杜克霍恩又把精力转移到黑品乐葡萄酒的酿造上。,歌登艾是其中的代表作:不但继承了加州黑品乐葡萄酒的风味,也赢得了与杜克霍恩美乐红葡萄酒齐名的声誉。酿酒厂位于加利福尼亚北部海滨的安德森山谷。,11,Goldeneye Anderson Valley Pinot Noir 2006,黄金眼安德森谷黑品乐红葡萄酒,The Pinot Noir shows flavors of strawberries, plums and star anise, with underlying flavors of cinnamon and clove. The wine is elegant with persistent velvety tannins. The finish is rich and satisfying.,该款黑品乐葡萄酒入口时有草莓、洋李和八角茴香的味道,同时又隐含着肉桂和丁香的香味。酒味典雅,含有柔和的丹宁酸。回味浓厚而长久令人满足。,4 Stars,Decanter,品醇客,03/01/2010,90 points,Wine Spectator,葡萄酒观察家,09/30/2009,91 points,Wine Enthusiast,葡萄酒爱好者,09/01/2009,*The 05 Pinot Noir was poured at President Obamas inauguration.,*2005年黄金眼黑品乐红葡萄酒被用作奥巴马就职典礼午餐葡萄酒,12,迪考尔-DECOY,20年来,迪考尔一直专注于餐酒的酿制,凭借其在以惊人的价格提供高质量的信誉,迪考尔在达克霍恩葡萄酒公司的占据重要地位。迪考尔强调一开瓶就能表现出自身的全部魅力和复杂性。,惊人的价格 优良的品质-达克霍恩酒庄性价比最高的葡萄酒,13,This wine was fermented exclusively in stainless steel to preserve its lively aromas of lemon, lime, grapefruit, kiwi and fresh-cut grass. On the palate, refreshing acidity carries flavors of guava and citrus peel through to a long, crisp finish.,这款酒经过在不锈钢材料里发酵,很好的保留了柠檬、柚子、猕猴桃、绿草清新活泼的芳香。口感清新,番石榴和柑桔皮的酸味回味悠长,使人神清气爽。,Decoy Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2009,迪考尔纳帕谷长相思白葡萄酒,92 points Best Buy,Wine & Spirits,葡萄酒及烈酒杂志,12/01/2010,90 points,Wine Review Online - Tina Caputo,葡萄酒在线评论,10/05/2010,Very Highly Recommended,Dan Bergers Vintage Experiences,丹博格葡萄酒品鉴,08/05/2010,88 points,Wine Spectator,葡萄酒观察家,07/31/2010,90 points,Wine Review Online - Robert Whitley,葡萄酒在线评论,07/13/2010,14,Decoy Napa Valley Merlot 2008,迪考尔纳帕谷美乐红葡萄酒,Rich yet subtle, this merlot offers flavors of plums, raspberries and black cherry; the finish is long with vanilla and toast notes.,饱满的,入口有李子,覆盆子和黑樱桃的味道,回味持久并带有香草和烤面包的味道。,88 points,Wine Review Online - Paul Lukacs,葡萄酒在线评论,10/19/2010,Very Good (88),Kens Wine Guide 肯葡萄酒指南08/30/2010,89 points,Wine Review Online - Robert Whitley,葡萄酒在线评论,07/13/2010,15,Decoy Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2009,迪考尔纳帕谷赤霞珠红葡萄酒,Robust and fine, the palate offers flavors of red cherries, tobacco, dates, and spice. The tannins are present but not over bearing, while the finish is full and lasting.,味道浓郁的,口感中带有红樱桃,烟草,枣子和香料的味道。单宁酸适中,回味浓郁持久。,88 points Best Buy - Years Best Cabernets and Blends,Wine & Spirits,葡萄酒及烈酒杂志,12/01/2010,89 points Very Good,Kens Wine Guide,肯葡萄酒指南,09/23/2010,91 Points,Wine Review Online - Robert Whitley,葡萄酒在线评论,July 13, 2010,16,Decoy Napa Valley Zinfandel 2009,迪考尔纳帕谷仙芬岱红葡萄酒,The aromas are ripe and lifted, offering layers of strawberry jam, vanilla, sweet oak and white pepper. These elements are echoed on the palate and underscored by round, resolved tannins and notes of raspberry, cinnamon and nutmeg.,草莓酱、香草的成熟果香,甜橡木和白胡椒的元素集中在一起慢慢升华。入口有柔滑单宁酸,覆盆子、肉桂和肉豆蔻的香味。回味无穷。,91 points Best Buy,Wine & Spirits,葡萄酒及烈酒杂志,12/01/2010,92 points Editors Choice,Wine Enthusiast,葡萄酒观察家,10/25/2010,88 points One Puff,Connoisseurs Guide to California Wines,加州葡萄酒鉴赏家,09/01/2010,Very Highly Recommended,Dan Bergers Vintage Experiences,丹博格葡萄酒品鉴,08/05/2010,17,二、ETC(译缇希)葡萄酒,ETC主席大卫达克霍恩,ETC,ET CETERA,18,ET Cetera Wine CompanyETC葡萄酒酿造公司,2008年,由大卫杜克霍恩和马克贝林哲领头,四位来自纳帕谷和索诺玛县的挚交好友,碰巧也是第二代的葡萄酒酿造者/制造者/销售者,创立了译缇希葡萄酒公司。,Led by David Duckhorn and Mark Beringer; in 2008, four lifelong friends from Napa and Sonoma counties, who also happen to be second-plus generation winegrowers/makers/sellers, formed Et Cetera Wine Company. With varied wine-industry backgrounds and concentrations, the four work to produce a range of wines that are not bound by variety or geography but are focused solely on quality and value.,拥有不同葡萄酒工业聚焦度、背景和工作环境的四位创始人,他们立志生产出一系列不再单单受品种或地里位置的限制,而是更加专注于品质和价值上的葡萄酒。,19,ETC Sauvignon Blanc 2009,绎缇希长相思白葡萄酒,Clean and refreshing, with ripe fruit flavors. Forward pineapple, lime, and Meyer lemon are followed by a lingering mineral and crisp finish.,清脆爽口,多汁的水果味,入口有明显的菠萝味,柠檬和柠檬叶的味道,回味悠长,清香久远。,ETC Cabernet Sauvignon 2009,绎缇希赤霞珠红葡萄酒,Rich, ripe, and jammy. Cassis, dark plum and sweet berry aromas; soft entry with plum and berry flavors with a long rich fruit finish.,饱满和浓厚,有果酱味,入口带有黑醋粟,黑李子和甜浆果的香味,回味持久,余韵中留有浓郁的水果味。,ETC Zinfandel 2009,绎缇希仙芬岱红葡萄酒,These elements are echoed on the palate and underscored by round, resolved tannins and notes of raspberry, cinnamon and nutmeg.,入口有柔滑单宁酸,覆盆子、肉桂和肉豆蔻的香味。回味无穷。,20,ET Cetera Cabernet Sauvignon 2008,绎缇希精选赤霞珠红葡萄酒,ET Cetera Sauvignon Blanc 2009,绎缇希精选长相思白葡萄酒,The nose is tropical with hints of pineapples and a floral essence. The palate offers a slightly creamy feel with flavors of lemon, and Thai white blossoms. The finish is crisp with lingering flavors of mango.,闻起来有热带水果的香味,有隐约的菠萝味和花香的味道。口感中带有些微的奶油和柠檬的味道,有泰国百花的香味。回味清爽,悠长并带有芒果的味道。,The bouquet offers blackberries with cassis, while the palate brings full flavors of cranberries, caramel and red dates. The finish is sharp yet pleasing with lasting impressions of dried black plums,有黑莓和黑醋粟的香味,丰盛的口感中带有红莓,焦糖的味道。余韵中带有黑李子的味道,令人愉快。,21,三、LANCASTER ESTATE WINERY兰卡斯特庄园,Lancaster Estate is located in the southernmost tip of the Alexander Valley. Situated near Knights Valley and Chalk Hill appellations in Sonoma County, the vineyard benefits from diversity in soils and microclimates, this diversity creates optimal growing conditions for Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petite Verdot and Malbec.,兰卡斯特庄园位于亚历山大谷的最南端,紧挨着索诺玛县的骑士谷和白垩山。葡萄园得益于多样化的土壤和小气候,这种多样化又是赤霞珠、美乐、品丽珠, 小维铎和马尔白克等葡萄品种的最佳生长条件.,Lancaster Estate is committed to cultivating its land with an integrated approach to winegrowing and producing wines that characterize their topography and are uniquely identifiable to Lancaster Estate.,兰卡斯特庄园把注意力放在葡萄种植上,而酿造出的葡萄酒也因此反映出兰卡斯特庄园独特的地理风貌。,22,Fruit forward, with flavors of vanilla, clove and anise. The wine is full-bodied, with a lingering licorice finish.,入口有水果味,还有香草、丁香和茴香的香味。葡萄酒酒精含量较高,余韵中留有甘草味道。,San Francisco Chrinicle Wine Competition, Double Gold Medal,旧金山葡萄酒大赛,双金奖,Roth Alexander Valley C,ab,ernet Sauvignon 2007,罗斯亚历山大谷赤霞珠红葡萄酒,Lancaster Estate,Alexander Valley,Cabernet Sauvignon 2006,兰卡斯特庄园 亚历山大谷赤霞珠红葡萄酒,Full-flavored, with lush ripeness and deep black cherry and plum characteristics,currant and black raspberry to add complexity and elegance.,入口有水果味,还有香草、丁香和茴香的香味。口感典雅,回味中有黑醋粟和黑莓的味道交替出现。,Lancaster Estate Sophias Hillside Cuvee,兰卡斯特庄园 索菲亚红葡萄酒,This Cuve is a complex, elegant blend of 76% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Merlot,and 9% Cabernet Franc . It is a tribute to our Estates heritage as one of Californiasleading producers of Bordeaux style blends and to our daughter, Sophia.,The aromas are red currant and blueberry, while the palate shows flavors of blackberries, ripe cherry and a hint of herbs. The finish is long and persistent.,这是款复杂的混合葡萄酒,融入了76%左右的赤霞珠,15%的美乐,9%的品丽珠。它的酒体有着法国波尔多和加尼福尼亚葡萄酒相融的风格。这款酒是我们庄园珍贵的历史遗产之一。它有着红醋栗和蓝莓的香味,入口隐隐有黑莓、成熟樱桃和香草的味道。回味悠长持久。,23,Ehlers Estate Winery is a premium Napa Valley property owned by a non-profit organization whose aim is to contribute to medical research and to do so in a way that reflects the spirit of the international community. One of the foundations major benefactors is Dr. Kenneth Chen, who is an internationally recognized biologist specializing in cardiovascular science in China and the United States.,爱丽丝庄园酿酒厂由一个非盈利组织经营,说得上是纳帕谷的一份珍贵财产。该组织的宗旨,是为了医疗研究提供活动经费,同时通过这种赞助活动大力提倡国际社会精神。该组织的赞助人之一是肯尼斯Chen 博士,他是世界知名的生物学家,在中国和美国的心血管病科学研究中极富盛名。,四、Ehlers Estate Winery,爱丽丝庄园,24,The flagship wine for Ehlers Estate, has great balance and concentration, with flavors of black fruit, espresso and earth tones. The finish is silky and elegant.,这是爱丽丝庄园的极品葡萄酒,各方面性能均衡,极为浓厚。入口有黑色水果和浓咖啡的味道,并给人深沉温暖的感觉。回味柔滑典雅。,Ehlers 1886 Cabernet Sauvignon 2005,爱丽丝庄园1886赤霞珠红葡萄酒,A blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Cabernet Franc. Exciting and easy to drink. It has supple textures with complexity and depth. Shows flavors of black cherry, tobacco, and mocha with a long-lasting, firm finish.,由美乐红葡萄酒、赤霞珠红葡萄酒和品丽珠葡萄酒勾兑而成。饮用时令人兴奋,饮用方法简便。口感细腻有深度,能品味出黑樱桃、烟草和摩卡咖啡的味道,回味持久。,Ehlers Meritage Red Blend 2005,爱丽丝庄主精选红葡萄酒,Ehlers Estate Merlot 2006,爱丽丝庄园美乐红葡萄酒,The aromas are red currant and blueberry, while the palate shows flavors of blackberries, ripe cherry and a hint of herbs. The finish is long and persistent.,红醋栗和蓝莓的香味,入口隐隐有黑莓、成熟樱桃和香草的味道。回味悠长持久。,25,感谢欣赏!,由于时间关系我们仅介绍四个庄园的部分葡萄酒,更多的美酒待时机成熟时将作进一步的推广介绍,谢谢!,26,


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