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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2011-11-03,#,The names of the British,University of Oxford,1,Harry James Potter,哈利,詹姆,波特,2,组成:,教名,+,自取名,+,姓,According to the tradition of English people,babies got their given names(or first names)when they were given the,infant,baptism(,洗礼)。,The first names are,always given by the priest(,牧师,)or childs parents or its parents friends.,And,one can choose his own name later on .,按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼时,由牧师或父母亲朋为其取名,称为教名。以后本人可以再取第二个名字,排在教名之后。,3,First names,Ada (,艾妲,) :,增光的人。,Alexandra (,亚莉珊卓,) :,男人的保护者。,Alice (,艾丽丝,) :,和善的。,Amanda (,阿曼达,) :,可爱的。,Amy (,艾咪,) :,心爱的人。,Angela (,安琪拉,) :,天使般的。,Anna (,安娜,) :,优雅;上帝是仁慈的。,April (,艾普莉儿,) :,鲜花开放;四月。,Barbara (,芭芭拉,) :,外来的;陌生人。,Betty (,贝蒂,) :,上帝的誓约。,Camilla (,卡蜜拉,) :,圣餐侍者。,Carmen (,卡门,) :,上帝的花园;歌唱。,Caroline (,凯洛琳,) :,欢快之歌 。,Catherine ; Catharine (,凯瑟琳,) :,纯洁的。,Christine (,克莉丝丁,) :,受洗礼者。,Cindy (,辛蒂,) :,来自,Cynthus,山的。,Claire (,克莱儿,) :,灿烂的。,Cleopatra (,克丽奥佩特拉,) :,其父的名声。,Columbia (,哥伦碧雅,) :,鸽子。,Daisy (,黛西,) :,黎明之目;雏菊花;珍珠。,Elizabeth (,伊莉莎白,) :,献身於上帝誓约的人。,Emily (,艾蜜莉,) :,和蔼可亲的;劳动者。,Emma (,艾玛,) :,无所不能的。,4,Eva (,夏娃,) :,生命;生气蓬勃的。,Gill (,吉儿,) :,林木繁茂的峡谷;溪流。,Gloria (,葛萝莉亚,) :,荣耀的;赞美上帝之歌。,Grace (,葛蕾丝,) :,感恩;神的恩典。,Helen (,海伦,) :,光彩照人的姑娘。,Hilary (,希拉蕊,) :,快乐的。,Isabella (,伊莎蓓拉,) :,上帝的誓约;灰黄色。,Jenifer ; Jennifer (,珍妮佛,) :,白色的波浪。,Jessica (,洁西卡,) :,耶和华正观看。,Judy (,茱蒂,) :,备受赞扬的。,Juliet (,茱莉叶,) :,年轻的。,June (,茱,) :,年轻的;六月。,Lily (,莉莉,) :,百合花。,Linda (,琳达,) :,蛇;柔软的。,Louisa (,露薏莎,) :,著名斗士。,Lucy (,露西,) :,光。,Lulu (,露露,) :,珍珠。,Maria (,玛丽亚,) :,想要孩子的;反叛。,Martha (,玛莎,) :,夫人;主妇。,May (,梅,) :,山楂;少女;五月。,Melody (,美洛蒂,) :,美妙旋律。,Michelle (,米雪儿,) :,谁像上帝。,Monica (,莫妮卡,) :,独自一人。,Natalie (,娜塔莉,) :,生日。,Nicole (,妮可,) :,民族的胜利。,Olivia (,奥莉薇雅,) :,橄榄树。,Rachael ; Rachel (,蕾秋,) :,母羊。,Rebecca (,芮贝卡,) :,母牛;套索;陷阱。,Rose (,萝丝,) :,玫瑰。,5,Ruby (,露比,) :,红宝石。,Sally (,莎莉,) :,公主。,Sophia (,蘇菲雅,) :,智慧。,Stella (,史黛拉,) :,星。,Susan (,蘇珊,) :,百合花。,Teresa (,泰瑞莎,) :,收获。,Victoria (,维多莉亚,) :,胜利。,Vivian (,薇薇安,) :,有活力的。,Wendy (,温蒂,) :,白眉毛的。 常见男子教名,Abraham (,亚伯拉罕,) :,尊贵的父亲。,Adam (,亚当,) :,用红土做的男人,;,人类始祖。,Albert (,艾伯特,) :,尊贵显赫的。,Alexander (,亚历山大,) :,男人的保护者。,Allen ; Allan (,艾伦,) :,和谐融洽。,Amadeus (,阿玛迪斯,) :,热爱上帝。,Andrew (,安德鲁,) :,有男子气概的。,Anthony ; Antony (,安东尼,) :,力量。,Arno ; Arnold (,阿诺,) :,鹰。,Arthur (,亚瑟,) :,熊;尊贵的负重者。,Austin (,奥斯丁,) :,威严的。,Benjamin (,班杰明,) :,右手的儿子,(,好运气的,),;南方之子。,Brian ; Bryan (,布莱恩,) :,强健的。,Byron (,拜伦,) :,来自村舍的。,Calvin (,喀尔文,) :,光头的。,Carl (,卡尔,) :,男子汉。,Charles (,查尔斯,) :,有男子气概的。,Christopher (,克里斯托福,) :,护送救世主。,Clinton (,克林顿,) :,丘陵围场。,Daniel (,丹尼尔,) :,上帝是审判者。,David (,大卫,) :,可爱的;朋友;受热爱的。,Dean (,迪恩,) :,林木繁茂的深谷。,Douglas (,道格拉斯,) :,深蓝色的;黑溪边的居民。,Dudley (,杜德利,) :,杜达的草地。,Duncan (,邓肯,) :,棕褐色的勇士。,Edmund (,艾德蒙,) :,幸运的保护。,6,Edward (,艾德华,) :,富有的卫士。,Floyd (,弗洛伊德,) :,灰色的。,Frank (,法兰克,) :,自由的;慷慨的。,Garry (,盖瑞,) :,持矛者。,George (,乔治,) :,耕种者。,Gilbert (,吉尔伯特,) :,显赫的抵押品,(,人质,),。,Hamilton (,汉弥尔顿,) :,光秃秃的山丘。,Harry (,哈利,) :,家族统治者。,Hugo (,雨果,) :,思想;灵魂。,Isaac (,艾萨克,) :,笑。,Jack (,杰克,) :,上帝的恩赐。,James (,詹姆士,) :,愿上帝保祐;追随者。,Jeffrey (,杰弗瑞,) :,上帝的和平;旅行者平安。,John (,约翰,) :,耶和华是仁慈的。,Julian (,朱利安,) :,毛茸茸的。,Justin (,贾斯丁,) :,公正的;正直的。,Kent (,肯特,) :,辽阔的国土。,Kevin (,凯文,) :,辉煌的出身。,Laurence ; Lawrence (,劳伦斯,) :,桂冠;胜利。,Lee (,李,) :,草地上的居民。,Leon ; Leo (,里奥,) :,狮子;勇士。,Lincoln (,林肯,) :,古罗马征服者的湖区驻防地。,Luke (,路克,) :,光。,Luther (,路德,) :,著名勇士;名望。,Mario (,马利欧,) :,苦难。,Mark (,马克,) :,源於战神,Mars;,锤。,Marshall (,马歇尔,) :,看管马的官员。,Martin (,马丁,) :,尚武的;属於战神的。,Max (,马克斯,) :,最大的;最伟大的。,Milton (,米尔顿,) :,中等或中部的家宅。,Moses (,摩西,) :,儿子;男孩。,Newton (,牛顿,) :,新市镇。,Nicholas ; Nicolas (,尼可拉斯,) :,民族的胜利。,Noah (,诺亚,) :,幸存者。,Norman (,诺曼,) :,诺曼第人。,Oliver (,奥利弗,) :,橄榄树。,Oscar (,奥斯卡,) :,神圣的持矛者。,Otto (,奥图,) :,富有的。,Paul (,保罗,) :,小家伙;幼小的。,Peter (,彼得,) :,岩石;坚强的人。,Philip (,菲利普,) :,爱马的人。,Raphael (,拉斐尔,) :,由上帝治愈的。,Richard (,理查,) :,严厉的国王;铁腕人物。,7,Roosevelt (,罗斯福,) :,玫瑰原野。,Simon (,赛门,) :,倾听;上帝已恩准。,Solomon (,所罗门,) :,性情平和的。,Steuart ; Stewart (,斯图亚特,) :,当家人。,Steven ; Stephen (,史蒂芬,) :,王冠或花冠。,Thomas (,汤马斯,) :,双胞胎之一;孪生子。,Ulysses (,尤里西斯,) :,忿怒的;怀恨者。,Vincent (,文森,) :,征服。,Wayne (,韦恩,) :,北斗七星;四轮运货马车。,William (,威廉,) :,头盔;强健的保护者。,8,Roosevelt (,罗斯福,) :,玫瑰原野,Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882/01/30-1945/04/12) was the 31st and 32nd president in the U.S He was the only president who was relected for four times (had not done with the 4th term in office) in U.S presidential history. The President Roosevelt had played a significant role in the Great Depression and World War Two as known as one of the three greatest U.S. presidents by scholars. The 26th U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt was the President Franklin Roosevelts distant uncle.,9,Roosevelt was famous for his contribution during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world two,Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.this marks the US directly involved in World War Two and it changed the pattern of WWT.Although he srffered from paralytic disease,麻痹性疾病,,since then he is a synonym of responsibility and strong.,10,Roosevelt had been president for more than 12years, longer than any other person.This means that his ability and charisma,魅力,but also on behalf of the American people choice.History has proved that.,11,Abraham (,亚伯拉罕,) :,尊贵的父亲。,Abraham Lincolneibrhm likn,Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)served as the 16,th,president of the USA.he successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis,the Amecican Civil War,preserving the Union and ending slavery.Before his election in 1860 as the first republican president,lincoln had been a country lawyer.He introduced measures that resulted in the abolition of slavery.six days after the large scale surrender of confederate forces Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated.,12,The mixed reputation of Lincoln among African-Americans is a demonstration of dashed hopes and the failure of expectations. The failures of Reconstruction and the suppression of African-Americans lowered the stature of Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. When looked at from a genuine abolition viewpoint,Lincoln was cold and indifferent and did not move fast enough.,However, when measured by the sentiments of the country, which Lincoln was bound to consult, he was swift, radical, and determined. And for that Lincoln,should and does have a special place in the hearts of all Americans,13,On Good Friday, April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated at Fords Theatre in Washington by John Wilkes Booth, an actor, who somehow thought he was helping the South. The opposite was the result, for with Lincolns death, the possibility of peace with magnanimity ,mgnnmt,宽大,;,雅量,died.,14,“,伊丽莎白,”,这个名字起源于希伯来语人名“以利沙巴” ,在,旧约,中这是,亚伦,的妻子的名字。,“,以利沙巴,”,一词的字面意思是,“,以上帝的名义起誓,”,。,伊利莎白一世,15,我还要介绍一个赫赫有名的人物,伊丽莎白。伊丽莎白一世(,Elizabeth I,),,1533,年,9,月,7,日出生于,格林尼治,,是,都铎王朝,最后一位君主。她也是名义上的法国女王。她终身未嫁,因此被称为,“,童贞女王,”,。也被称为,“,荣光女王,” “,英明女王,”,。,她即位时英格兰处于内部因宗教分裂的混乱状态,但她不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成为欧洲最强大, 富有的国家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如许多著名的人物,包括剧作家,威廉莎士比亚,、;桂冠诗人爱德蒙将,仙后,献给她;吉伯特爵士在北美建立了英国殖民地。她的统治期在英国历史上被称为,“,伊丽莎白时期,”,,亦称为,“,黄金时代,”,。,16,英国人的姓氏,在英国,最普遍的是以职业为姓。例如,古代的铁匠为居民制作、修理家 具、钉换马掌,是一种不可或缺的行业。于是,史密斯(,Smith,)就成了这 样人家的姓。其他如泰勒(,Tailor,),库珀(,Cooper,),巴伯 (,Barber,),贝克(,Baker,),卡彭特(,Carpenter,),克拉克 (,Clerk,办事员或书记员),库克(,Cook,厨师)等,也都是这样形成的。,铁匠,裁缝,制桶工,理发师,面包师,木匠,17,还有一些姓,原是父亲的名字,加一个“逊”字(,son,),意为某人的“儿 子”,就成这一家后代的姓。例如,托马斯(,Thomas,)的后代姓托马森 (,Thomason,),或汤姆森(,Thomson,),;,杰克(,Jack,)的后代姓杰克逊 (,Jackson,),;,威尔(,Will,)有后人姓威尔逊(,Wilson,);威廉(,William,)的后 代威廉森(,Williamson,)等。,18,资料来源,19,Thank you for listening!,20,


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