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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,How to describe a person,Ivy,1.,概况:,age, sex, birth, family background,2.,外貌性格:,appearance, character/ personality,3.,教育:,education,4.,理想:,ambitions,5.,事业及成就:,career and achievements,6.,评价:,evaluation (what other people think of her),What aspects should be included?,Task 1:【useful words and expressions】,I,),personal information,1),二十岁的时候,_,2),于,1997,年,7,月,1,日出生在北京,_,3),二十世纪三十年代出生在一个富豪家庭。,_,at the age of 20 /when he was 20,born in Beijing on July 1, 1997,born in a rich family in 1930s,1) Born in _ on _, _ is a _.,2) _, the son of a _ family, was born in _ on _.,3) XXX ,_, is a beautiful girl/ handsome boy.,born in,句子模板:,钟南山年生于广州,是中国最伟大的医生之一。,Zhong Nanshan,born in Guangzhou in 1941,is one of the greatest doctors in China.,Zhong Nanshan,one of the greatest doctors in China,was born in Guangzhou in 1941.,启示:尽量用分词短语、同位语结构,使文章简洁,通顺,林肯,一个贫苦家庭的儿子,于,1809,年,2,月,12,日出生于肯德基州。,Lincoln,the son of a poor family,was born in Kentucky,on February 12,1809.,II,),appearance ,character,1) build _,1.80,米高, 150,斤重,_,2) appearance_,face _,3) character_,_,pretty/handsome/good-looking,1.8 meters tall/ in height and 75 kilograms in weight,tall/slim/short/strong/medium height,narrow/oval(,椭圆,)/square/moon/long face,a charming/mature/graceful lady,a knowledgeable/imaginative/reliable man,2,、外貌,/,性格,我的历史老师是个漂亮女人,她长着两只大眼睛,留着长发,.,My history teacher is a beautiful woman,with two big eyes and long hair.,启示:巧用,with,做定语,李志波是个近视的男生,他戴着一副眼镜,Li Zhibo is a,near-sighted /far-sighted,boy _.,杨扬很漂亮,有着长长的头发。,Yang Yang is,good-looking /ordinary-looking /funny-looking,_.,小明高高瘦瘦,浓浓的眉毛,看上去挺帅的。,Xiaoming is a,tall and thin,guy _, looking very handsome.,with a pair of glasses on his nose,.,with long hair,.,with thick eyebrows,【useful words and expressions】,2,),interests and hobbies,喜欢做某事:,_,喜欢做的事情:,喜欢看卡通,/,小说,_,喜欢摄影,_,喜欢看综艺节目,/,连续剧,_,enjoy a cartoon/reading novels,be fond of / be keen on/ take delight in,be interested in photography,be fond of watching game shows/TV series/drama,be admitted to college,被,大学所录取,graduate fromdepartment,(院系),of university,毕业,when at college, he majored in,大学主修,receive a doctors degree/a PhD degree,获得博士学位,be awarded (,奖项,),被嘉奖,go abroad for further studies,出国深造,have little schooling (education),受过很少教育,【useful words and expressions】,3,),education,1),出国留学深造,_,2),进入一所有名的大学,_,3),获得学士,/,硕士,/,博士学位,_,_,4),从东涌中学毕业,_,go abroad for further study,receive/get /obtain a bachelor,s/ master,s/doctor,s degree,graduate from Dongchong Middle School,be admitted to a famous university,3,、教育经历,【useful words and expressions】,4,),big events in his or her life,1),致力于,_,2),有,天赋,_,5,),evaluation,/,achievements,1),做出了贡献_,2),对的评价很高,_,_,_,devote oneself to,have a gift/ talent for,make great contributions to,speak/think highly of,4,、理想与信念,启示:用复合句、倒装句等,润色文章,Not only is he,interested in science, but also he has a gift for music.,他对科学极有兴趣,也有音乐天赋。,Madame Curie often said: We must work hard, and above all,we must believe in ourselves.,居里夫人常说:,“,我们必须努力工作,而且最重要的是,,我们必须对自己有信心。,”,常用表达式:,1. one of the best/most important,最好的,/,重要的,之一,2. set a example to,为,树立榜样,3. be honoured as,被授予,4. win the prize,获得,荣誉,5. make great contribution to,为,作出巨大贡献,5,、事业及成就,翻译:她一生致力于科学研究,在,1903,年和,1911,年分别获诺贝尔物理奖和化学奖,成为世界上第一位两次获得诺贝尔奖的科学家。,She devoted all her life to scientific research and received Nobel prizes for physics and chemistry,which made her become the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel prizes,.,1)one of the best/ most important ,是最重要的,/,最佳之一,2)set a good example for,为,作了好榜样,3)a model teacher/worker,一个模范教师,/,员工,4)be respected by everyone,被所有人尊敬,5)speak/ think highly of,高度评价,6)be honored as (an excellent athlete),被誉为(优秀运动员),7)his hard work brought him great success,他的努力工作为他带来了巨大的成功,6,、评价,8)be famous/known as be regarded as,因,著名,/,被称为,9)become a world champion at Championships,成为世界冠军,1,)裴继升给我们作出了榜样,大家都赞扬他,Pei Jishen _,so all the people _him.,2,)鲁迅是中国最伟大的小说家之一,并且将会作为杰出人物为人们所永远记住,.,Lu Xun is one of the greatest novelists in China and will _an outstanding man forever.,sets us a good example,speaks highly of,be remembered as,1,),work hard at,在,工作努力,2,),serve as,作为,3,),devote his lifetime/oneself to,将一生投入到,4,),concentrate oneself on,集中某人注意力做,5,),do research about/ into,做关于,的研究,6,),make up ones mind to do sth.,下定决定做某事,7,),do sth with great determination and perseverance,凭着巨大的决心和毅力去做,7,、一生的事件,10,),try ones best to do sth.,尽全力去做某事,11,),encourage sb to do,鼓励某人做某事,11,),fight for/ give up ones life for sb/sth,为,而奋斗,/,为某人,/,某事放弃自己的生命,12,),win a prize/the first prize in competition,在比赛中获得奖励,/,获得第一名,13)receive/obtain/win the Nobel Prize for,因,而获得了诺贝尔奖,9,),be strict in sth.,在,严格要求,14)be crazy about / enjoy ,对,着迷,/,享受,15)make rapid progress in ,在,做出进步,16)set a new world record of ,创造一项新的世界纪录,17)equal/break the world record,平,/,打破世界纪录,18)win (won) a gold /silver/ bronze medal,获得金牌,/,银牌,/,铜牌,19)have a gift/ talent for (language),对, (,语言,),有天份,20)realize ones dream,实现梦想,Conclusion:,1.,人物简介的写作步骤,:,概,貌,育,平,评,2.,5,个句子整合语言点,:,1,)姓名性别教育经历,2,)个人特点爱好,3,)工作表现,特点,4,)业绩(荣誉),5,)评价,3.,用非谓语,/,同位语结构,;,巧用,with,做定语,;,倒装,4.,记住,常用描写人物的形容词,假设,Ms. Wang,是你的英语老师,请根据以下内容,对她进行简单的介绍。,标题自拟,年龄:四十多岁,外表:个子又高又苗条,戴眼镜,特点:从教多年,经验丰富;口语流利,(fluently),,课堂丰富多彩;不但教英语语言,而且教外国文化,(customs and cultures),;对学生耐心而又严格,深受学生欢迎,(be popular with,),注意:适当使用从句或并列句,四十多岁,in ones forties,高又苗条,tall and slim,戴眼镜,wear glasses,口语流利,speak English fluently/speak good English,丰富多彩,lively and interesting,耐心而又严格,patient and strict,深受学生欢迎,be popular with students,Ms Wang is our English teacher. She,is a very good teacher and we all like,her very much.,Ms,Wang is in her forties. she is tall and slim, and always wears glasses. She has been a teacher for many years,so she is very experienced. She speaks English fluently and her classes are very lively and interesting.,Not only does she teach us the English language, but she also teaches us customs and cultures of foreign countries.,She is very patient and strict, so she is very popular with us students. we are all proud to have such a great teacher.,


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