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Defect rate of this process will be higher than single plating process.,“PVD” process 2: use stainless steel material to replace Zinc material, use PVD to replace normal plating to achieve gun metal color.,Use plastic part replace metal part, use PVD to get gun metal color.,改善建议:,1,、锌合金用水镀真空电镀避免使用钴;,2,、不锈钢真空电镀部门使用钴;,3,、用塑胶代替五金件。,“Cu + Sn + Co” Process,“PVD” Process 1,Organic Film,PVD Ti,Base Substrate Stainless Steel,1.,水镀,Normal Plating,9,2.,真空电镀,PVD,真空电镀:,PVD,(,Physical Vapor Deposition,物理气相沉积),是指在真空条件下,采用低电压、大电流的电弧放电技术,利用气体放电使靶材蒸发并使被蒸发物质与气体都发生电离,利用电场的加速作用,使被蒸发物质及其反应产物沉积在工件上。,真空电镀分类:真空蒸镀、真空溅镀、真空离子镀。,NCVM,真空溅镀:,Non-Conductive Vacuum Metallization,真空溅镀原理主要利用辉光放电,(glow discharge),将氩气,(Ar),离子撞击靶材,(target),表面,靶材的原子被弹出而堆积在基板表面形成薄膜。,真空溅镀薄膜的性质、均匀度比蒸镀薄膜好,但是镀膜速度比蒸镀慢。,涂层类型:,TiN,,,ALTIN,,,TiALN,,,CrN,,,CrCN,,,TiCN,和,ZrN,复合涂层包括,TiALYN,或,H/DLC,。,工艺温度,:,PVD,涂层加工温度在,250 ,450 ,之间,在有些情况下依据应用领域和涂层的质量,,PVD,涂层温度可低于,70 ,或高于,600 ,进行涂层。,涂层厚度一般,0.51um,,有些情况下,涂层薄至,0.3um ,厚至,15um,。,涂层种类和厚度决定工艺时间,一般工艺时间为,36,小时。,10,2.,真空电镀,PVD,真空蒸镀、真空溅镀、真空离子镀对比,Item Compared,Vacuum Evaporation Coating,蒸镀,Vacuum Sputtering Coating,溅镀,Vacuum Ion Coating(PVD Coating),离子镀,Pressure (Torr),10 -5 -10 -6,0.15-0.02,0.02-0.005,Energy of Particle,Neuter,0.1-1eV,1-10eV,0.1-1eV,Ion,Hundreds to Thousands,Deposition Rate ( m /min),0.1-70,0.01-0.5,0.1-50,Turn around property,not good,good,better,Adherence power,not good,good,better,Compactness of coatings,low density,high density,high density,Air hole in the coating,more,less,less,Internal Stress,tensile stress,compressive stress,compressive stress,11,Besides normal zinc alloy gun metal plating (contain: Co), there are another two PVD methods to avoid using Co for gun metal color.,避免使用钴的真空电镀方式:,PVD method A:,Use stainless steel to replace Zinc alloy, use PVD to replace normal plating to achieve gun metal color.,- PVD plating quotation is about 20% 40% higher than normal plating. Defect rate is about 2%5% (normal plating defect rate is about 3%8%). Price of stainless steel is about 30%200% higher than zinc alloy.,方式,A,:使用不锈钢,用真空电镀代替水镀(钴)。但费用会比锌合金水镀贵。,PVD method B:,plating one Cr or Sn layer at base substrate Zinc, then arrange the part for PVD.,- As method B need,normal plating + PVD,plating quotation is 80%100% higher than normal plating. Defect rate will be increased to 10%20%.,方式,B,:使用锌合金,先水镀再做真空电镀。但费用会比单独水镀贵。,PVD Method A,Organic Film,PVD Ti,Cr (Cr+3) or Sn,Base Substrate Zinc,PVD Method B,Organic Film,PVD Ti,Base Substrate Stainless Steel,2.,真空电镀,PVD,12,Advantage:,优点,More color can be chosen with PVD plating process.,真空电镀颜色选择多。,PVD is more friendly for environment.,真空电镀更环保。,PVD coating is stronger, and the PVD coating is more harder. The PVD coating also has better wear resistance, better corrosion resistance and better chemical stability.,真空电镀镀层硬度及强度较水镀高,耐磨性好,具有更稳定的化学性能。,Disadvantage:,缺点,To achieve different testing requirement, price of PVD plating will be double or triple of normal plating.,为满足不同的测试要求,电镀费用是水镀的两倍以上。,Using PVD method A for gun metal color, unit price will be increase about 50%100%, or more.,使用真空电镀实现枪色,产品单价会增加,50%100%,。,Using PVD method B for gun metal color, defect rate will become a bottleneck.,水镀真空电镀工艺,不良率将是一个显著问题。,Using PVD method B for sampling, lead time has to extend about 23days.,水镀真空电镀工艺,打样周期将会增加,2,3,天。,2.,真空电镀,PVD,13,水镀与,PVD,对比,- Frank.Long,14,电泳工艺,:,分为阳极电泳和阴极电泳。若涂料粒子带负电,工件为阳极,涂料粒子在电场力作用下在工件沉积成膜称为阳极电泳;反之,若涂料粒子带正电,工件为阴极,涂,料粒子在工件上沉积成膜称为阴极电泳。,阳极电泳一般工艺流程为:,工件前处理(除油热水洗除锈冷水洗磷化热水洗钝化)阳极电泳工件后处理(清水洗烘干)。,1,、除油:溶液一般为热碱性化学除油液,温度为,60,(蒸汽加热),时间为,20min,左 右。,2,、热水洗:温度,60,(蒸汽加热),时间,2min,。,3,、除锈:用,H2SO4,或,HCl,,加清洗剂,1.5%,;室温下洗,10,20min,。,4,、冷水洗:流动中冷水洗,1min,。,5,、磷化:用中温磷化(,60,时磷化,10min,)。,6,、钝化:用与磷化液配套的药品,室温下,1,2min,即可。,7,、阳极电泳:电解液成分:,H08-1,黑色电泳漆,固体分质量分数,9%,12%,,蒸馏水质量分数,88%,91%,。电压:(,7010,),V,;时间:,2,2.5min,;漆液温度:,15,35,。,8,、清水洗:流动冷水中洗。,9,、烘干:在烘箱中于(,1655,)温度下烘,40,60min,即可。,Die Casting,压铸,Polishing,抛光,Process:,Electrop,Horesis,电泳,3.,电泳,Electrophoresis,15,3.,电泳,Electrophoresis,操作条件及物理性质,电泳,电镀,被涂物极性,阴极,/,阳极,阴极,电压,20-400volt,2-10volt,电流密度,20-150A/m,2,50-500A/m,2,时间,0.5-3min,2-60min,耗电量,1-10Kwh/kg,3-50kwh/kg,槽内浓度,5-20%solid,10-50%solid,电导率,200-2000s/cm,5000s/cm,pH,4.0-7.5(,阳离子,)6.5-9.5(,阴离子,),0.4-12,温度,15-30,o,C,10-80,o,C,槽液组成,树脂、颜料、溶剂等,各种盐类及助剂,补充料,同上,金属板及盐类助剂,粒子大小,10,-6,10,-4,cm,10,-8,cm,电泳与电镀之比较表,16,3.,电泳,Electrophoresis,阴极电泳漆之优点,原漆,色浆细度,5m,以下,、电泳槽不易产生沉淀而造成水平降、易搅拌、涂膜较平坦细致,槽液性能,pH,值,6.0-6.6,槽液之稳定性较佳,沉淀性,24,小时静置槽液不分颜料沉淀,5ml/L,、易搅拌、不易造成沉淀、水平而不易有水平沉淀,泳透率,90%,、内层之防锈之增强、内外之膜厚较平均,再溶性,6%,因种种因素停产时,再溶于电泳槽之涂膜量较小,产生颗料量较少,筛余物,5mg/L,、水平沉淀之机会减少、增长滤袋之寿命,涂膜性能,膜厚,20-30m,厚膜型,柔轫性,1mm,延展性及耐曲性强,杯突性,9.2mm,延展性及耐曲性强,耐盐雾性,1200hr,防蚀能力特强,17,4.,电铸,Electroform,1,清洗不锈钢底板,2,凉干不锈钢底板,3,涂感光材料,4,曝光,5,清洗曝光后底板,6,进行电铸,7,清洗产品轮廓以外感光涂层,8,凉干电铸成品,9,品质全检,10,复膜、换离形纸,11,背胶,1,、电铸层厚度:,0.030.12mm,,常用厚度:,0.050.08mm,;,2,、背胶厚度:,0.010.02mm,;,3,、基层材料:镍、铜;,4,、表层材料:铬、金、钴、锳等;,18,Stamping,冲压,Polishing,抛光,Process:,Plating,电镀,The sample is made by stainless steel, after high quality polishing, then arrange vacuum plating.,1/. Polish requirement:,mirror polish, any scratch and dent can not be accepted, so the yield rate is low (about 80% at polish process).,需要镜面抛光,不良率较高。,2/. Big and flat part is suitable for mirror polish, one small round will be made after polished (R0.2 R0.3mm). So the edge will not be too sharp.,3/. After polished, arrange PVD to make different color what we want.,此样板的材质为不锈钢,高质量的抛光后,再安排真空电镀以实现不同的颜色。,5.,抛光,Polishing,19,5.,抛光,Polishing,Design: Surface is not flat, there is a positive curve at the surface of casting part. (Figure 1),此形状的部件,抛光不会影响产品功能。,Version: there are two versions - silver and gun metal color.,After polishing and plating (Figure 2):,Polishing: as the,curve is positive, polishing thickness,can,be kept consistent, which will no affect assembly.,Plating: use,normal plating method,can achieve silver and gun metal color.,After stamping: as polishing and plating have not affected stamping process, surface quality is good. (Figure 3 & 4),Casting Part,After Polishing and plating,After Stamping,Positive Curve,Figure 1,Figure 2,Figure 3,Surface Effect,Figure 4,20,Casting Part,After Polishing and plating,After Stamping,Negative Curve,Figure 1,Figure 2,Figure 3,Surface Effect,Figure 4,Figure 5,Design: Surface require flat, there is a negative curve at the surface of casting part. (Figure 1),此形状的部件,抛光后会影响产品功能。,Version: there are three versions - silver, gun metal color, topaz brown.,After polishing and plating (Figure 2):,Polishing: as the,curve is negative, polishing thickness,can not,be kept consistent, middle thickness (5.45mm) is bigger than the end (5.35mm), which will affect assembly.,Plating: use,normal plating method,for silver and gun metal color,use normal plating + PVD for topaz brown.,After stamping:,Silver and gun metal color: as polishing will affect stamping process, surface will have a slight marking at the middle of part. (Figure 3 & 4),Topaz brown: as PVD layer is brittle, one small crack can be seen after stamping. (Figure 5),5.35mm,5.45mm,Surface Crack,5.,抛光,Polishing,21,5.,抛光,Polishing,NOKIA Sonja,存在问题点,5.3mm,5.6mm,1,、产品中间的位置厚度较大,压合后中间比两头要大,0.20.3mm,。(图,1,),2,、由于表面不平整,压合后,正、反表面都有一道压痕(图,2,),影响外观。,5.3mm,图,1,图,2,22,5.,抛光,Polishing,不能抛光区域,Figure 2,Figure 1,粗糙区域,针对抛光不到位的区域,如果我们需要消除其粗糙的表面,需要额外增加工序,如:细抛、手工抛,增加夹制具,导致相应的费用也会增加。,23,Stamping,冲压,Polishing,抛光,Process:,Etching,蚀刻,Plating,电镀,Etching process is frequently used at stainless steel, aluminum, copper, glass material. It has been a mature process.,1/. Special figure or regular pattern can be achieved at surface of part.,2/. The size is not limitative.,3/. The cost is base on the etching requirement, the size of etching, the difficulty of etching.,蚀刻工艺可以应用在:不锈钢、铝材、铜材、玻璃等材料上。,6.,蚀刻,Etched,24,Stamping,冲压,Polishing,抛光,Process:,Plating,电镀,Laser,雷射,Laser Carved process is using laser to remove surface material of part.,雷射工艺是使用激光将部件表层材料去除后,到达需要的图案或,Logo,。,1/. THe process can be achieve at stainless steel, Zinc, Copper, Aluminum, etc.,2/. The size is not limitative.,3/. The cost is base on the logo size and depth.,7.,雷射,Laser Carved,25,Stamping,冲压,Polishing,抛光,Process:,Oxidation,& Dyeing,氧化,The color sample is made by aluminum, through oxidation and dyeing disposal to achieve different color.,1/. The color can be adjusted, but can not achieve gradual change effect at one surface.,2/. Currently, oxidation process can pass salt spray test, but no all the parts can pass wearing vibration test.,3/. This process can be used for logo tage which is wanted to achieve different color.,4/. Yield rate will be reduced if we want to make differenct color at one part, for instance: first round oxidation yield is 95%, after second round oxidation yield rate will be reduced to 90% or below.,氧化的颜色选择性很强,可以在一个部件上实现不同的颜色,但相应的不良率会增加。,8.,氧化,Oxidation,26,Stamping,冲压,Sand,Blasting,喷沙,Process:,Oxidation,& Dyeing,氧化,Sand blast process is using one sand gun to spray small sand at part surface, to achieve smatt surface.,1/. Part can not too soft.,2/. There is special sand blast machine.,喷沙是使用沙枪在产品表面喷上一层细沙,从而使产品表面形成磨沙感。,9.,喷砂,Sand blast,27,Etched,蚀刻,Process:,Oxidation,& Dyeing,氧化,Shiny,Logo,批花,Shiny logo process will be arranged after plating or oxidation, use milling cutter to remove the plating or oxidation surface and show inherent metal color.,1/. One fixture is required to fix the part which planed to mill.,2/. Different milling directions can be achieved.,3/. Use etching or stamping process to make emboss Logo. Aluminum material is easier to achieve this process than stainless steel.,批花使用铣刀切除部件表面的电镀或氧化层,使部件局部爆裂原材料的加工工艺。,10.,批花,Shiny Logo,Logo Polishing,28,Stamping,冲压,Process:,Polishing,抛光,Draw,Bench,拉丝,Drawbench process will be arranged after polished, use sandbag or flax to polish part surface at one direction.,1/. Need one simple drawbench machine.,2/. Different directions can be achieved.,3/. Stainless steel, Zinc, Copper, Aluminum can arrange this process after polished.,拉丝是使用砂轮或麻轮对产品表面在固定的方向上进行滚磨,使产品表面形成一定纹路的加工工艺。,11.,拉丝,Drawbench,29,Stamping,冲压,Polishing,抛光,Process:,Cutting,切割,Oxidation,氧化,Use cutting machine to form regular line, arc, circle on metal surface, this process is called CD line cutting.,1/. The process is easier to achieve at aluminum material than stainless steel. Rigid cutter is required if we want to cutting at stainless steel.,2/. This process can dispose curve surface, normally method is: cutting at flat surface, then forming the metal part to special shape, to achieve curve surface.,3/. One fixture is required to fix the part which planed to cut.,CD,纹是使用切刀在产品表面形成规则的线,弧线,圆等的加工工艺。,12. CD,纹,CD Line,30,喷丸:消除产品,塑性变形,。,达克罗:,锌铬涂层 ,是一种高耐蚀涂层,生产过程对环境基本无污染 。,13.,其他,Other,31,14. R&D,相关产品工艺,32,A. CWM Identifier - N series,Process: stamping,polishing,oxidation aluminum,surface printing,logo printing.,工艺:冲压,抛光,铝材氧化, 表面,丝印,丝印,Logo,。,33,B. NOKIA Sonja Strap Metal Piece,Process: casting,polishing,plating,laser carved.,工艺:压铸,抛光,电镀,雷射,Logo,。,34,C. NOKIA,Light Saber,Process:,Metal piece: lathe,polishing,plating,laser carved.,Plastic part: injection,polishing.,工艺,:,五金件:,车屑,抛光,电镀,雷射,Logo,。,塑胶件:,注塑,抛光。,35,D. Canon Ruby Finger Strap,Process: casting,polishing,plating,laser carved.,工艺:,压铸,抛光,电镀,雷射,Logo.,36,


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