牛津上海高一下第一单元more reading

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Do you know what is architecture?,What do you think of the type of architecture in Shanghai? Old or modern?,Do you know some classic buildings in Shanghai?,The concert hall which moved,1.The Shanghai Concert Hall was _ used for showing films. It was crowded with old neighborhoods, so it was difficult to figure it out.,2. After an _ road was built, the _ noise _ out the concerts.,originally,elevated,traffic,drowned,3._ it was one way of saving the it. Workers used _ to _ the hall in to the air.,4. They then pushed it along _ to a new location_ meters away.,Moving,machinery,lift,rails,66.46,5.The hall was completely _ after being moved. It was made larger to _ more people.,6.It was _ with a concert. With new paint and a new location, the charm of it was _.,restored,seat,reopened,brought back to life,Language point,lift,vt./n,.,Vt.,抬起;举起;提升,lift a box into a lorry,He stood there with his arm_ above his head.,A. lift B. lifting C. lifted D. to be lifted,lift /raise a flag,lift/raise,sb,. to manager,lift,强调物体的沉重,raise,指提高价值、名誉、地位、税率等。,c,n.,With a graceful,lift,of her hand, she dismissed him.,He took the,lift,to the top floor.,He gave me a,lift,to the station.,The promotion gave her a real,lift,.,originally,这幢楼原先是座歌剧院的。,The building was originally used as an opera house.,我们原先打算只待几天。,We originally intended to stay for just a few days.,我原打算向微软申请这个职位,但我错过了最后期限。,Originally, I had planned to apply to Microsoft for the position, but I missed the deadline.,origin,1. the origin of civilization,a word of Chinese origin,2. He is of Chinese origin.,original a.,original music,drown out,机器声将他的声音淹没了。,The noise of the machines,drowned out,his voice.,drown vi./,vt,.,The man,drowned,in the river.,The man,drowned himself,in the river.,drowning a.,How,much machinery,is going to be installed here?,How,many machines,are going to be installed here?,restore,I wonder if this picture can be restored.,我很想知道这幅画能否修复。,restore to,The government promised to,restore,the economy,to,full strength.,She hoped the climate would,restore,her,to,full health.,recover,Vi.1.,恢复健康,;,恢复原状,;,恢复,(+from),It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.,bring to life,他们使溺水的游泳者苏醒过来。,They brought the drowning swimmer back to life.,有天赋的老师可以将文学作品栩栩如生的呈现给学生。,Gifted teachers can bring literature to life for their students.,come to life,The wounded soldier came to life again.,


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