牛津Unit 7 Poems

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 7 Poems,U7 Poems,知识梳理,Text,Notes,真题连连看,知识梳理,1.n,2.v.,3.ph.,n.,advice,crowd,group,order,height,seller,rhyme,feeling,site,superman poem,shower,well,1.advice,n.,劝告,忠告;(商业)通知;建议;(政治,外交上的)报导,报告,u.c.n a piece of advice,或,some advice,advise v.,1. The information and advice are boiled down to bare essentials.,各种资料与建议缩短为极简单的要点。,2. She is one of those vain people who never take others advice.,她属于那种自负得从不听别人劝告的人。,3. You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter.,你应该征求你的律师对这件事的意见。,4. He gave me a piece of advice on how to learn genetics.,他就如何学好遗传学给我提出了一条建议。,5. Hes his own man, but he doesnt ignore advice.,他虽然有主张,但并不轻视别人的意见。,give advice,劝告,忠告;参谋,take advice,(尤指向专家)咨询,Can you give me any advice on getting into advertising?,你能指点我如何涉足广告业吗?,He should take advice from his accountant.,他应该向他的会计师咨询。,take someones advice,按某人劝告行事,He took my advice and put his house up for sale.,他按我的劝告把房子拿出来卖。,2.crowd,c.n.,人群;群众;一群,vi.,拥挤,聚集,vt.,挤满;将,塞进;,1. The crowd enjoyed a diving display before the swimming races.,大伙儿在游泳比赛前欣赏了跳水表演。,2. The crowd quickly melted away when the storm broke.,暴风雨袭来时人群很快地四散了。,3. The crowd drowned his last few words in cheers.,人群的欢呼声淹没了他的最后几句话。,a crowd of,一群,n.,组,团体;群,批;,vt.& vi.,使成群,集合,vt.,分类,归类,1. There is a group of figures on the left of the painting.,这幅画的左方是一群人像。,2.,We want to encourage them to,group,together to act as a big purchaser. 我们想鼓励他们组成一个大的采购团。,3.,The students,work in groups,on complex problems. 学生们分组研究复杂的问题。,3.group,group,: 普通用词,通常指,有,组织、,有,秩序的一群人,也可指无意汇集在一起的一群人。,crowd,: 常指,无组织,地乱哄哄地挤在一起的人群。,4.order,n.,命令;秩序;规则,制度;次序,vt.,命令;订购;整理,vi.,下订单,I dont take orders from him any more.,我不再听他差遣。,He ordered the women out of the car.,他命令这些女人下车。,The waitress appeared. Are you ready to order?.,女侍者走上前来,“您准备好点餐了吗?”,in order to do sth.,为了,以便,He slouched into his seat in order to avoid drawing attention to himself.,他蜷缩着坐到自己的座位上以免招人注意。,5.height,n.,高度,海拔;高地;身高;绝顶,顶点,Her weight is about normal for her height.,按她的身高,她的体重基本正常。,Im not afraid of heights.,我不恐高。,high adj.,high,: 普通用词,指本身高出地面之上,与,low,相对,不用于人。也可指程度、地位、声音等的高,还可作引申用。,tall,: 仅指人或物的高度,指物的,高,时,可与,high,换用,6.seller,n.,卖者,卖方;销售者,销售商;销售物,a flower seller.,a match seller,sell v.,1. The deal was seen as a union sell-out to management.,这项协议被视为工会背叛己方,投向资方。,2. Investors are set to make a killing from the,sell-off.,投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。,3. Do not,sell on,any account until further advice.,在另行通知前切勿出售。,4. You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk.,不能既想卖乳牛,又想喝牛奶。,5. My father commissioned a real estate agent to sell our house.,我父亲委托了一名房地产经纪人来卖我们的房子。,sell off,廉价销售;卖掉,on sell,出售,sell out,出售股份;脱销; 卖掉;,The next day the bookshops sold out.,第二天书店就卖断了货,sell up,变卖财产,卖光,She will feel having to sell up her old home.,卖掉她的旧住宅,这会使她难过的。,v.,agree,disagree,rush,smile,1.agree,vt.& vi.,同意,赞同,He,agreed to,pay me for the drawings.,他答应向我支付这些画的钱,I dont,agree with,what theyre doing.,我不赞同他们正在做的事情。,同根词,adj.,agreeable,符合的,;,一致的,;,欣然同意的,;,令人愉快的,n.,agreement,协定,;,协议,;,契约,;,达成协议,;,同意,一致,v.,disagree,有分歧,;,不一致,2.disagree,vi.,不同意;不一致;不适合;不符,He likes to fight it out whenever others disagree with him.,当别人与他意见不一致时,他总喜欢争个明白。,2. I disagree with you, but dont lets make a thing of it!,我不同意你的观点,但是我们不要把这点看得过重。,3. Shell probably disagree, though its worth trying.,她很可能不同意,但不妨去试一下。,n. disagreement,dis-,disable vt.,使无能力;使残废,使伤残;,disappear,不见,消失;不复存在,灭绝,3.rush,vi.,(使)急速行进,仓促完成;猛攻;急速流动,奔腾,vt.,突袭;(使)仓促行事;催促;(为物色、招募目的)特别关注,n.,冲;匆忙;繁忙的活动;涌动,1. Dont rush into marriage; you might regret it later.,不要匆匆忙忙结婚,不然你以后也许要后悔的。,2. The rush to get hold of their fathers money seemed positively indecent.,他们争夺父亲的钱财,实在是丧尽天良。,3. We must not rush into anything without careful planning.,任何事情我们没有经过仔细筹划就不可贸然行事。,4. Ive had a frantic rush to get my work done.,我急急忙忙地赶完工作。,5. Im sorry to have to rush off like this.,我就这样匆忙走掉了,很抱歉。,rush out,仓促地跑出;赶着生产出;冲出,1. What do you want to,rush out,for this way? ,你这么冲出去有什么好处呢?,2. He could,rush out,an edition a few hours in advance of his rivals.,他能比同行抢先几个小时出版。,3. Thirty factories were organized to,rush out,the high-tension ground lights.,组织了,30,多家工厂来赶制高压地灯。,4. The reporter was given the bums,rush out of,the club.,记者被驱逐离开俱乐部。,5. But the Germans,rush out of,the ball to the goal.,但德国队队员都冲出了禁区,打了一个反越位。,4.smile,n.,微笑,笑容,vt.,以微笑表示;以微笑完成,vi.,微笑;赞许;不在乎,1. He quickly donned a welcoming smile as his guests arrived.,客人一到,他立刻笑脸相迎。,2. He has a forbearing nature; he accepts trouble with a smile.,他天生容忍,遇到麻烦都能一笑了事。,3. His jokes didnt even raise a smile, which was embarrassing.,听了他讲的笑话,都没人笑一下,真是太尴尬了。,4. The ghost of a smile played round her lips.,她嘴角露出一丝微笑。,Ph.,a crowd of,一群,(not) at all,一点也(不),完全(不),newspaper stand,报摊,rush out,冲出去,(be)worried about,担忧,担心,A crowd of people gathered on the playground.,Lets go on swimming, Im not tired at all.,Dont be worried about me. I can take good care of myself.,U7 Poems,1.What do you know about ?,我的爸爸,我的爸爸,我的爸爸喜欢发呆,我的爸爸喜欢做榜样,我的爸爸喜欢讲道理,我的爸爸喜欢听广播,我的爸爸喜欢我,我喜欢我的爸爸,1 My dad,He comes home, has a shower.,And eats dinner ,every day.,Now hes sitting in his favourite chair.,Too tired to laugh or play.,He reads his book or newspaper .,To learn whats new today.,Soon hell go to bed .,Hes a boring man, my dad.,Then I see him working . On the building site. Hes high up in the clouds . Higher than a kite. Hes walking on a narrow piece of wood. Not worried about the height. Not afraid, not afraid like me. Hes a superman, my dad.,Notes,1. He comes home, has a shower.,他回到家,洗个澡,have a shower,意为“洗淋浴。,=take a shower,例如:,In summer, I have a shower every day. = In summer, I take a shower every day.,2.,Now hes sitting in his favourite chair.,Too tired to laugh or play.,现在,他坐在他最喜欢的椅子上,累得既不笑也不玩。,too to do sth.,意为“太,而不能做某事”这是一种用不定式表示结果的结构。,He is too tired to move.,3.,Then I see him working . On the building site.,之后,我看见他工作,在建筑工地上。,see sb. doing sth.,意为“看见某人正在做事。”,I saw Jack playing basketball with his father when I passed the playground.,Building site,意为“建筑工地”,4.,Hes high up in the clouds .,他高高在云霄。,high up,意为“离地面高地;高高在上地”。,例如:,Birds fly high up in the sky.,5. Hes walking on a narrow piece of wood. Not worried about the height.,他走在狭窄的木板上,高也不心焦,,(,be,),worried about,意为“为,担忧”。,其中,worried,是一个形容词,做,be,的表语,意为“担忧的,担心的”,2 The old newspaper seller,Hes sitting at the newspaper stand . Near the bus stop. And hes smiling. The Sun is shining. Its very hot. But hes smiling. A bus stops, and the people rush out. Theyre hurrying to work. They dont have much time to smile. They take their papers quickly, And put down some money. But hes a patient man, And hes still smiling. A crowd of people. All very busy, with tired faces. And just one smile. Is there just one smile in this city?Or will you make it two ? Lets make a million smiles!,1. Hes sitting at the newspaper stand near the bus stop.,他坐在公交车站旁的报摊边。,介词,at,意为“在(某处)”。,例如:,at the airport;,at the railway station;,at the bus stop;,at home ;,at the concert.,2 . Theyre hurrying to work.,他们匆忙去上班。,hurry to do sth.,意为“赶快,匆忙,急忙(做某事)”与,rush,相似,3. A crowd of people. All very busy, with tired faces,and just one smile.,一群人,都很忙碌,面带倦容,只有一个微笑。,省略句,省略了谓语动词,be,和,there be,。,A crowd of people are all very busy, with tired faces, and there is just one smile.,真题连连看,2005,年沈阳市中考英语试题,10. In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to_people about sharks in the water.,A. prevent B. allow,C. warn D. advise,(,2010,吉林省通化市,,38,,,1,),We need to come up with a/an_and make a decision at once.,A.information B.advice,C.ideaD.news,【,答案,】C,(,2010,湖北省武汉市,,35,,,1,),Why are you still waiting in line?,-Ive missed my _ .,A. place B. order,C. turn D. time,【,答案,】C,(,2010,山东省聊城市,,33,,,1,),Why not go to Qingdao on May Day,Jim?,-Im afraid its not a good _.I have been there several times.,A.wayB.place,C.adviceD.idea,【,答案,】D,(,2010,新疆省阜康市,,24,,,1,),Mr Black gave us _on how to learn English well.,A.an adviceB.many advices,C.some adviceD.some advices,【,答案,】C,(,2010,湖北省黄石市,,36,,,1,),Look , your clothes are wet through. It must be raining _.,A. loudly B. heavity,C. clearly D. normally,【,答案,】B,(,2010,湖北省荆门市,,34,,,1,),Another new fiction by HanHan is being printed and it will soon,.,come out,B. set out,C. sell out,D. work out,出来;出现;出版;出狱,动身; 出发;着手;安排,出售股份;脱销; 卖掉;,解决;作出;锻炼,See you!,


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