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We found the ticket on the floor .,5. Last year we built a library in our,school.,A library _ _ in our school last year.,6.Now people can use computers to help them.,Now computers _ _ _ to help them.,was built,can be,used,7. Did you plant many trees at this time last year?,_ _ _ _ at this time last time?,8.Must we finish our work today?,_ our work_ _ today?,Were many trees planted,Must be finished,Have a try(笔头练习),1. The emperor invented tea by accident.,2. Many Chinese can speak English.,3. They dont wash their clothes every day.,4 Did Mary finish the work?,.,Tea was invented by the emperor by accident.,English can be spoken by many Chinese.,Their clothes arent washed by them every day.,Was the work finished by Mary?,(四)被动语态的特殊情况:,1.,在主动语态中,make, let, hear, see, watch, notice(使役动词感官动词,)等词,其后跟省略,to,的动词不定式(动词原形),在变为被动语态时,必须,还原动词不定式符号to,.如:,1) We,heard,him,sing,this song in the room.,He,was heard,to sing,this song in the room.,2) The boss,made,him,work,14 hours a day.,He,was made,to work,14 hours a day.,3) I see him,walk,to school.,He,is seen,to walk,to school.,主动省to,被动加to,2.A )含有双宾语的动词,award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach, tell,在变为被动语态时,既可把,间接宾语(指人),变为被动语态的主语,也可把,直接宾语(指事物),变为被动语态的主语,而在间接宾语前加,to,或,for,(到底用to还是for,与所搭配的动词有关),。比较:,She,was given,some money,Some money,was given,to,her.,.,He,gave,her,some money,.,主 谓 间接宾语 直接宾语,2.,He will give us a big surprise,.,We _a big surprise( by him).,A big surprise_ us (by him).,1. He bought her a watch.,She _a watch (by him).,A watch _her (by him).,was bought,was bought,for,will be given,will be given,to,B ).,含有复合宾语(宾语+宾补)的主动句变被动,只需把宾语变成被动句的主语,宾补部分不变,。,We asked,him,to speak,at the meeting .,He,was asked,to speak,at the meeting,.,He asked me to go to his birthday party.,I_ _to go to his birthday party.,was asked,.I heard Jane,playing the piano,in her room.,Jane,was heard,playing the piano,in her room.,.I see him running on the road every morning.,He,_,running on the road by me every morning.,is seen,表示主语的,属性特征的动词,+副词well/ badly/easily/smoothly,用主动式表被动义,3.,作“,需要,”讲的,need,want, require,的被动形式:,need,doing,=,need,to be done,需要被,Your jacket needs,to be washed,/,washing,.,4.表示“开始、结束、运动”的动词用主动式表被动义。,begin, open, start, stop, end, finish, shut, run,.),The shop,opens,at 6 am. every day,A traffic accident _(happen) just now.,happened,2.,连系动词,(Link.v.),如:be, look, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, turn, become,Peking Opera _ (sound) beautiful.,sounds,3. 当此动词表示,事物的自然属性,的时候,(物做主语,且动词在此为不及物动词),The pen _ (write) very fast.,writes,This kind of sweater _ (sell) well.,sells,1.,不及物动词,(vi.),如:happen, take place, appear, disappear, ,5. 不用被动语态的动词:,6. be worth doing 表示被动,值得,This book is worth _(read),reading,(动词,表示主语的自然属性特征,),+,副词,(,well/ badly/easily/smoothly),常见动词:,read, write, sell, wash, clean, wear, lock, open, cook, shut, dry, eat, drink,The books _ well,A. were sold B. sell,C. have sold D. are being sold,This kind of cloth _ easily,A. has washed B. was washed,C. washes D. is washed,挑战中考,中考被动语态考题,1.The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty thing into it.(南京市中考题),A be stopped to throw,B be stopped from throwing,C stop to throw,D stop from throwing,2.This book _ often _from the library.(北京市),A arent; take away B taken away,C isnt; taken away D be taken away,3.He _ _ (tell) to return his books to the library yesterday. (黄冈市中考题),was told,5. Another man-made satellite was sent up into space by them last week (济南市中考题), another man-made satellite into space last week.变主动语态,7.People there planted many trees last year.,Trees _ _ by people there last year.,(青岛市中考题),8. They grow vegetables on the farm.,The vegetables _ _on the farm(上海市中考题),T,They sent up,were planted,are grown,完成学案单选练习题P3,一、,选择题,( )1._ a new library _ in our school last year?,A.Is; built B.Was; bulit C.Does; build D.Did; build,( )2.An accident _ on this road last week.,A.has been happened B.was happened,C.is happened D.happened,( )3.Cotton _ in the southeast of China.,A.is grown B.are grown C.grows D.grow,( )4.So far,the moon _ by man already.,A.is visitedB.will be visited C.has been visited D.was visited,( )5.A talk on Chinese history _ in th school hall next week.,A.is givenB.has been givenC.will be given D.gives,( )6.How many trees _ this year?,A.are planted B.will plant C.have been planted D.planted,B,D,A,C,C,C,( )7.A lot of things _ by people to save the little girl now.,A.are doing B.are being done,C.has been done D.will be done,( )8.Neither of them _ in China.,A.is made B.are made C.were made D.made,( )9.Look! A nice picture _ for our teacher.,A.is drawingB.is being drawn C.has been drawnD.draws,( )10.Your shoes _. You need a new pair.,A.wear out B.worn out C.are worn out D.is worn,( )11.The doctor _ for yet.,A.isnt sent B.hasnt been sent C.wont be sent D.wasnt sent,( )12.-When _ this kind of computers_?,-Last year.,A.did; use B.was; usedC.is; usedD.are; used,Practice:,1 Must I pay for it at once?,_ it _ _ _ at once?,2 We will build a new lab.,A new lab _ _ _.,3 They arent stopping the traffic now.,The traffic _ _ _ now.,4 How long have you kept the book?,How long _ the book _ _?,Must,been,paid,for,will,be,built,isnt,been,stopping,has,been,kept,5. If your homework _(do) well, you may go to play.,6. Mr. Green was seen _(grow) trees.,7. The blackboard was _ (look) carefully by the students.,8. The ship model _ be _ (make) in two days.,is done,to grow,looked at,will,made,9. Im sorry,sirYour recorder isnt ready yetIt _ in the factory,is being repaired,is repaired,has been repaired,hasnt been repaired,10In warm weather, fruit and meat _ long,cannot be kept,dont keep,mustnt keep,is not kept,11. -Did you hand him the letter yesterday?,-No, I _ to him,A. brought it B. took it,C. had it sent D. carried it,12Alice had a dress _ last week,Amade B. make,C. to be made D. to make,Oral practice-主动句改被动句,.A car,knocked him down yesterday.,.Two doctors and ten nurses make up the medical team,.When I got there, they were cutting up a fallen tree,He,was knocked,down by a car yesterday,The medical team,is made,up of by two,A fallen tree,was being,cut up, when I got,there.,4). Well put on the play next Sunday,5). Workers are building a new teaching building,in our school,6). They had completed the railway by the end of,last year,The play will be put on next Sunday,A new teaching building is being built by workers in our school,The railway had been completed by the end of last year,7). We should protect the earth,8). You need to paint the wall,The earth should be protected,The wall needs to be painted,Quiz 1,1. The steel _ cold,A. is felt B. was feeling,C. feels D. is being felt,2. His plan _ good,A. has sounded B. is sounding,C. is sounded D. sounds,3.Work _ at 7 pm. today,A. ends B. ended,C. was ended D. had ended,4.The pen _ smoothly,A. was wrote B. writes,C. has writing D. is written,5.This coat _ easily,A. has washed B. was washed,C. washes D. is washed,Correcting mistake,2.Correct the mistake(s) in each sentence if any:,1)Two boys hurt while playing a ball,2)The singer lived in London until he,was sending to university,3)How long do you think the meeting,will be lasted?,was sent,will last,were hurt,4)Class is begun at 7:30 every day,5),His plan is sounded good,6),Your coat needs being washed,begins,sounds,to be washed / washing,1.教室每天都会被打扫。(一般现在时态),The classroom,everyday.,2. 你的作业明天一定要带来.,Your homework,here tomorrow.,3.这个风筝是我哥哥昨天做的。,The kite,by my brother yesterday,.,must be brought,was made,is cleaned,4.新的教学楼将在明年6月修建。,The new teaching building _ next June.,5.我的电脑现在正在被修理。,My computer _ at the moment.,6. 工作已经被完成了一半了。,Half of the work,(finish) already .,will be built,is been repairing,has been finished,(2)有些双宾动词(如,bring, do, make, pass, sell, send, sing, write,等)通常用直接宾语(指事物)作被动语态的主语,而将间接宾语用作保留宾语(其前根据情况用介词,to,或,for,):,Father made me a doll.,A doll,was made,for,me.,He wrote her a letter.,A letter,was written,to,her.,(3)有些双宾动词(如,answer, deny, envy, refuse, save, spare,等)通常用间接宾语(指人)作被动语态的主语,而将直接宾语用作保留宾语:,He answered me that question.,I,was answered,that question by him.,She was,badly,paid.,她挣的钱很少。,The trip was,well,organized.,旅行组织得很好。,The basket,can be,easily,carried,by him,.,在通常情况下,修饰被动语态的副词一定要放在助动词be与过去分词之间。如:,将副词放在过去分词之后也是可以的。,Fill in the blanks:,Paper ( invent)_ in A.D.105 by Cai Lun in China. It is an important part of our everyday lives, but few people ever think about how it (make) _.Today most paper comes from trees. However, with the concern for the environment (,考虑到环境,) , more and more paper (produce) _from recycled paper products. Since paper products are of different qualities, they first(sort,分类,)_before they (recycle)_.The sorted material (put),_,into a huge machine.,was invented,is made,is produced,are sorted,are recycled,is put,Complete the passage:,A great deal of water is needed in large cities. Some cities pump(抽水),water from wells. Some cities g_ water from lakes or rivers n_.,But some cities have to bring water from lakes or rivers many miles away.,Water is usually b_ to a city from a place higher than the,city itself. When water is f_ only in the lower place, it must be,pumped up to the city. Then it is s_ to each home.,Dams(水坝) are often b_ in a river to keep the water from,flowing away. Then a new lake is formed. The city knows how much,water will be n_ and allows the extra(额外的) water to flow,below the dam. I _ this way, the city stores water for its use.,There is usually a b_ near the dam. Much important,work is d_ there. For example, the water is tasted before it is,piped to the city.,et,earby,rought,ound,ent,uilt,eeded,n,uilding,one,


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